Genything is a framework for random testing of a program properties.

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Testing Genything

Swift Platforms CocoaPods Compatible Swift Package Manager

Genything - Generate Anything

Genything is a framework for random testing of a program properties. It provides way to random data based on simple and complex types.

Combined with Trickery it allows the generation of data according to real world scenarios, which can be used for code testing, demo applications, ui testing, usability tests, be creative!


An opinionated distillation of the successful patterns from QuickCheck, SwiftCheck, and Kotest. Directed towards testing of a product rather than library.

Why use Genything?

  • We do not depend on XCTest
  • Predictable randomness is expected
  • We are agnostic to how the generators are used
    • Testing scenarios that require pseudo-random data
    • Realistic models for previewing content and detecting UI issues

Arbitrary Types

Arbitrary types provide a pseudo-random generator suitable for checking the hypothetical correctness of code without strict definition of all cases. It's used for property testing.


Genything comes together with Trickery, a collection of generators suitable for producing pseudo-realistic data according to real-world-conditions rather than those enforced only by the type.

Consider a phone number. A phone number of type String has rules about length, formatting, allowable characters. Whereas the arbitrary type String contains contains at most a definition of it's length



  • Linear Congruential Generator
  • Arbitrary of: Bool, Double, Int, UInt, Int32, UInt32, UnicodeScalar, Character, String, Array, Optional, AnySequence, AnyBidirectionalCollection, ArraySlice, Dictionary, CGFloat, UUID, Core Location


  • Fake of: Characters, ID, Locattion, Lorem, Numerics, Web, Person, Address, Telephone
  • Can create fake from json using Codable



Will print one of the cities from the generator

import Genything

let genCities = Gen.of(["Winnipeg","Calgary","Vancouver","Halifax"])


Will print an arbitrary string with any number of random characters

import Genything
let arbitraryString = String.arbitrary.sample()


Will print a random alphanumeric character

import Trickery

let fakeAlphanumericCharacters = Fake.Characters.alphanumeric.sample()



pod 'Genything'
pod 'Trickery'

Swift Package Manager

Create a Package.swift file in your root directory and add:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .exact("0.0.1"))


The Genything and Trickery projects are owned and maintained by SkipTheDishes, a Just Eat Takeaway subsidiary.


Please read the Contribution Guide



Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004

  • Replace test functionality such that the library does not import XCTest

    Replace test functionality such that the library does not import XCTest

    In order to solve some annoying issues when importing the library from SPM

    Removed XCTest as a dependency in favour of dynamically invoking XCTFail, hidden with a #if DEBUG flag. In non-debug situations the function will perform a no-op.

    This also removes the additional test library from the package.

    bug breaking 
    opened by nicorichard 0
  • Random Source parameterization for arbitrary collection sizes

    Random Source parameterization for arbitrary collection sizes

    Wouldn't mind some commentary on naming or if this should be nested into a configuration. But this change was a long time coming and I think better than forcing arbitrary defaults in a way that is not configurable whatsoever.

    Allows parameterization for the max "size" of arbitrary collections. In order to be truly arbitrary they would need to be infinite, but this is of course not feasible.

    opened by nicorichard 0
  • Arbitrary Dictionary Optimization

    Arbitrary Dictionary Optimization

    We were generating a random amount of values for a random amount of keys.

    Then the Swift standard zip was taking the shorter length of the two

    If the two sequences passed to zip(::) are different lengths, the resulting sequence is the same length as the shorter sequence.

    With this change no wasted generations will occur as the length of the keys will be used for the values.

    opened by nicorichard 0
  • Composing generators playground

    Composing generators playground

    Develop Composing with Operators Playground. There are a lot of operators already done and some being developed, so I added a base with some important ones. Created with rendered markup.

    opened by rafaeloliveira13 0
  • Make all the Generator structs internal. Expose the previously internal operators

    Make all the Generator structs internal. Expose the previously internal operators

    • Added variadics for some operators/generators
    • Made Generator structs internal, they can be useful
    • Namespaced the generator structs on the Generators enum extension
    • Exposed the previously internal operators (filter, distinct)
    • renamed startWith to prepend to match Combine
    opened by nicorichard 0
  • Add a drop function (like Sequence, Combine)

    Add a drop function (like Sequence, Combine)

    Drops n values from the generator or random source.

    Could be used to catch up to a previous execution time, if for instance you knew that your test failed with seed X on iteration N.

    You could run with RandomSource.replay(seed: X) and advance "time" with dropFirst(N)

    opened by nicorichard 0
  • GeneratorProfiler - Measure a generators performance

    GeneratorProfiler - Measure a generators performance

    Adds GeneratorProfiler which can be used to measure a generator's performance.

    The profiler is independent from all other functionalities (it could exist in another package, or target).

    Performance is measured by two key factors. Time and randomizations.


    Counting randomizations gives us a sense of how often the generator must "throw out" a value.

    Most of the generators and operators we provide never do this, but some do:

    e.g. filter throws out values to find one which satisfies the filter, this adds 0...Infinity randomizations to the count e.g. either performs a coin-flip to choose between two generators, this adds a randomization to the count for each value


    Time is simply a measure of how long it took to generate each value, we measure total, average, best, and worst.

    printReport() sample output for Integers filtered to be even (n mod 2 == 0):

    == Profile: GenythingTests/GeneratorProfiler.swiftL20 ==
    == Generation ==
        total : 1000
    == Randomization ==
        total : 2033
        best  : 1
        worst : 10
        avg   : 2.033
    == Timing ==
        total : 0.0004163980484008789
        best  : 0.0
        worst : 1.1920928955078125e-05
        avg   : 4.163980484008789e-07
    opened by nicorichard 0
  • Rewrite entered around Generator as Protocol

    Rewrite entered around Generator as Protocol

    • Simplified Context down to just a barebones RandomSource
    • Removed the error handling completely in favour of more simplistic functions and protection against dangerous actions
    • Removed safe extensions
    • Internalized the most dangerous functions (filter, unique -> distinct) while a decision is made about the best way to handle these
    • Added new ways to manipulate data which are safer (recompose, regenerate)
    • Generator is now a Protocol and all extensions have been moved to the Protocol
    • operators and generators mostly moved to classes or structs which inherit the protocol rather than anonymous closure compositions
    • added some educational playgrounds
    • added a Sourcery template to auto conform to Arbitrary
    • Moved static generator creators to a Generators enum namespace, mimicking the Combine pattern
    • Organized and improved the codebase
    • Added swift format definitions and formatted the complete codebase
    • Added a wrapper for Generator to simplify value production (RandomizedGenerator)
    • Added a wrapper for Generator to simplify sharing a stateful generator without incurring side-effects (LazyGenerator)
    • Made both test functions have the same APIs and extend XCTestCase (testAll, testAllSatisfy)
    • Included stateful generators (Loop, Iterate, ShuffleLoop) to more easily consume the entire problem space
    opened by nicorichard 0
  • Generate sequences from generators

    Generate sequences from generators

    Rather than closure-based methods for drawing values such as the previously used forEach and take by utilizing sequences we can use more built-in Swift features such as for-in


    for number in Int.arbitrary.sequence(size: 10) {
    // prints 10 random integers
    opened by nicorichard 0
  • Stateful generator improvements and preparation

    Stateful generator improvements and preparation

    • Added internal generator switching method to facilitate stateful generators
    • Fixed inContext to be properly stateful as intended
    • Added shuffleDistribution
    • Simplified iterate & looping & startWith using switch
    • Removed leaky Context-held state and put it on the Generator
    • Preparing for the separation of stateful and stateless generatable creators and generators
    opened by nicorichard 0
  • Additions:

    Additions: "Also" for side-effects and "debug" for printing debug messages

    Creates a debug function which can be used to log print statements to aid in debugging


        .map { $0 * 2 }

    will produce:

    14:22:42.205: [GenythingTests/GenDebugTests.swift:8] -> 5
    14:22:42.205: [*2] -> 10
    14:22:42.205: [GenythingTests/GenDebugTests.swift:8] -> 4
    14:22:42.205: [*2] -> 8
    14:22:42.205: [GenythingTests/GenDebugTests.swift:8] -> 3
    14:22:42.205: [*2] -> 6

    In addition I've added also to the toolkit which was used to make debug possible.

    also can be used to introduce side-effects during value generation, something that I wouldn't really recommend unless perhaps to implement a different logging/debugging solution.

    opened by nicorichard 0
  • 1.0.0(May 25, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Adds a method to allow for array shuffling by @nicorichard in
    • Adds a weighted probability gen builder by @nicorichard in
    • Additions: "Also" for side-effects and "debug" for printing debug messages by @nicorichard in
    • Stateful generator improvements and preparation by @nicorichard in
    • Composer simplification by @nicorichard in
    • Generate sequences from generators by @nicorichard in
    • Adds scan and replaceNil operators by @nicorichard in
    • Rewrite entered around Generator as Protocol by @nicorichard in
    • Remove the default constructor from random source by @nicorichard in
    • Add canImport compile directive protection to all xctest imports by @nicorichard in
    • GeneratorProfiler - Measure a generators performance by @nicorichard in
    • Add a merge generator by @nicorichard in
    • Switch documentation to Docc by @nicorichard in
    • Intro playground by @magaliet in
    • Add a drop function (like Sequence, Combine) by @nicorichard in
    • Make all the Generator structs internal. Expose the previously internal operators by @nicorichard in
    • Provide a flatten operator by @nicorichard in
    • Composing generators playground by @rafaeloliveira13 in
    • Flatten for meta-generators by @nicorichard in
    • Intro playground cleanup by @magaliet in
    • Improve our playground for modelling production data by @nicorichard in
    • Arbitrary Dictionary Optimization by @nicorichard in
    • Intro playground by @magaliet in
    • Improve the playground following presentation by @nicorichard in
    • Random Source parameterization for arbitrary collection sizes by @nicorichard in

    New Contributors

    • @rafaeloliveira13 made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.0.4(Feb 11, 2022)

    • Basic edgecase handling by @nicorichard in
    • 3 new sequence-based operators by @nicorichard in
    • Safe gen improvements by @nicorichard in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.0.3(Dec 7, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Procedural images by @nortonpmjr in
    • Fixed broken pbxproj by @nortonpmjr in
    • Add documentation by @CityTransit in
    • Generate the polygons again! by @CityTransit in
    • Improve the readme by @CityTransit in
    • Test! by @CityTransit in
    • Fake.Icons.sfSymbols by @magaliet in
    • Show off using 3rd party libs like SFSafeSymbols in the Example app and README by @CityTransit in
    • Generate unique values. 100% documented! by @CityTransit in
    • XCTesting Module by @CityTransit in
    • Add a reduce method. Provide example. by @CityTransit in
    • Context super powers by @CityTransit in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 0.0.2(Nov 17, 2021)

    What's Changed

    • Increase test coverage by @kedio in
    • Renamed package from Generator to Genything in GenythingExample project by @magaliet in
    • Added a small CONTRIBUTING guide to the project by @nortonpmjr in
    • Make the context more powerful, Improve and organize Producers, add documentation and cleaned up tests by @CityTransit in
    • Fake.Addresses.postalCode by @kedio in
    • Raise the acceptable delta for oneOf tests by @CityTransit in
    • Fakes for BusinessNames by @magaliet in
    • Code commenting and Zip improvements by @CityTransit in
    • Add Jazzy documentation by @CityTransit in
    • Fake addresses parts by @kedio in
    • Test for Fake.PersonNames, Fake.PhoneNumber + zip accessibility fix by @magaliet in
    • BusinessListView Example by @magaliet and @kedio in
    • Another demo idea, consolidate replacing occurrences logic by @CityTransit in
    • Add logo to readme and the demo's app icon by @CityTransit in
    • Fake.emails by @kedio in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
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