Swift-json - High-performance json parsing in swift



swift-json is a pure-Swift JSON parsing library designed for high-performance, high-throughput server-side applications. When compared using the test data captured.json, swift-json is nearly 7 times faster than Foundation.JSONDecoder (see benchmark source code).

Importing this module will expose the following top-level symbol(s):

  • enum JSON

In addition, this module re-exports the following top-level symbol(s) from the Grammar module of swift-grammar:

  • enum Grammar
  • protocol TraceableError
  • protocol TraceableErrorRoot
  • struct ParsingError<Index>
  • struct ParsingInput<Diagnostics>
  • protocol ParsingRule
  • protocol ParsingDiagnostics

example usage

The JSON module in swift-json enables you to express JSON parsing tasks as constructive parsers. This makes the JSON module very flexible without requiring much configuration from users who simply want to parse a JSON message from a remote peer.

To parse a complete JSON message, use the JSON.Rule<Location>.Root parsing rule:

import JSON 

enum Main 
    struct Decimal:Codable  
        let units:Int 
        let places:Int 
    struct Response:Codable 
        let success:Bool 
        let value:Decimal
    func main() throws
        let string:String = 
        let decoder:JSON        = try Grammar.parse(string.utf8, 
            as: JSON.Rule<String.Index>.Root.self)
        let response:Response   = try .init(from: decoder)
        let invalid:String = 
            let _:JSON = try Grammar.parse(diagnosing: invalid.utf8, 
                as: JSON.Rule<String.Index>.Root.self)
        catch let error as ParsingError<String.Index> 
            let debug:String = error.annotate(source: invalid, 
                line: String.init(_:), newline: \.isNewline)
$ .build/release/examples
Response(success: true, value: 
    JSONExamples.Main.Decimal(units: 1, places: 1))

    expected construction by rule 'Quote'
note: expected pattern 'Grammar.Encoding.ASCII.Quote'
note: while parsing value of type 'String' by rule 
note: while parsing value of type '((), (key: String, value: JSON))' 
    by rule '(Grammar.Pad<Grammar.Encoding.ASCII.Comma, 
    JSON.Rule.Whitespace>, JSON.Rule.Object.Item)'
note: while parsing value of type '[String: JSON]' by rule 
note: while parsing value of type 'JSON' by rule 'JSON.Rule.Root'

The JSON module supports parsing JSON fragments using the JSON.Rule<Location>.Value rule.

The nature of constructive parsing also means it is straightforward to parse multiple concatenated JSON messages, as is commonly encountered when interfacing with streaming JSON APIs.

adding swift-json as a dependency

To use swift-json in a project, add the following to your Package.swift file:

let package = Package(
        // other dependencies
        .package(url: "https://github.com/kelvin13/swift-json", from: "0.1.4"),
        .target(name: "example", 
                .product(name: "JSON", package: "swift-json"),
                // other dependencies
        // other targets
  • Is there a way to use this to decode JSON lines?

    Is there a way to use this to decode JSON lines?

    I have a JSON line file and I'm trying to parse it, I'm wondering if this can be used?

    Currently swift-json is ~4 times slower than the Foundation implementation, but I suspect this is because I am recreating the decoder each time:

    swift-json (~97 seconds)

    let (bytes, urlResponse) = try! await URLSession.shared.bytes(from: file)
    var logs: [Log] = []
    do {
        let startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
        for try await line in bytes.lines {
            let trimmed = line.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
            if !trimmed.isEmpty {
                let decoder: JSON = try Grammar.parse(trimmed.utf8, as: JSON.Rule<String.Index>.Root.self)
                let log: Log = try .init(from: decoder)
        let timeElapsed = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - startTime
        print("Time elapsed: \(timeElapsed) s.")
    } catch {
        print("Reading file failed with error \(error)")

    Foundation (~24 seconds)

    let decoder: JSONDecoder = JSONDecoder()
    let (bytes, urlResponse) = try! await URLSession.shared.bytes(from: file)
    var logs: [Log] = []
    do {
        let startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
        for try await line in bytes.lines {
            let data = line.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).data(using: .utf8) ?? Data()
            if !data.isEmpty {
                let log: Log = try! decoder.decode(Log.self, from: data)
        let timeElapsed = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - startTime
        print("Time elapsed: \(timeElapsed) s.")
    } catch {
        print("Reading file failed with error \(error)")

    Tested on a ~100MB file with 140000 lines

    opened by rj93 10
  • rename JSON.lint(_:) to JSON.lint(whitelisting:)

    rename JSON.lint(_:) to JSON.lint(whitelisting:)

    the existing API isn’t very clear about whether the passed keys are explicitly allowed to appear, or explicitly prohibited from appearing. we should give it an argument label, like whitelisting:

    opened by kelvin13 2
  • add a “one-step” decode API

    add a “one-step” decode API

    feedback on current API is that is is too complex and expects users to interact with swift-grammar types. this API exists to support high-performance use-cases, but many other use cases just want to parse a String and dispatch to Decodable.

    in particular, we should have

    let _:SomeDecodable = try .init(from: try JSON.init(parsing: #"{ "x": 1 }"#))
    opened by kelvin13 1
  • GeneralDecoding.swift performance regression

    GeneralDecoding.swift performance regression

    benchmarks CI caught a major performance regression with commit 59d34c5f8c337b068d07ad5b0e4caa2fd0b8176e


     [15/16] Linking benchmark
    Build complete! (50.69s)
    swift-json: decoded 38295 messages
    foundation: decoded 38295 messages
    swift-json decoding time: 0.497709959 seconds
    foundation decoding time: 4.90599839 seconds


    [15/16] Linking benchmark
    Build complete! (45.21s)
    swift-json: decoded 38295 messages
    foundation: decoded 38295 messages
    swift-json decoding time: 3.21054002 seconds
    foundation decoding time: 4.539217732 seconds
    opened by kelvin13 1
  • Unfail device cross compilation

    Unfail device cross compilation

    xcodebuild crashes if there exists a directory named _Snippets, and for some reason the SPM has not implemented snippetsDirectory, so we must disable snippets for now.

    this means the snippets have lost CI coverage, so this is only a short-term solution.

    opened by kelvin13 0
  • stop reexporting Grammar

    stop reexporting Grammar

    the v0.3.0 API should greatly reduce the likelihood of users needing to interact with the Grammar module, so we should stop importing it with @_exported.

    opened by kelvin13 0
  • 8/15/22 toolchain breakage

    8/15/22 toolchain breakage

    _move has broken again, due to compiler drift:

    error: Can not use feature when experimental move only is disabled! Pass the frontend flag -enable-experimental-move-only to swift to enable the usage of this language feature
                    return try body(_move value)

    we should reevaluate usage of _move in this API, since it likely serves no purpose.

    opened by kelvin13 0
  • Debugging trace improvements

    Debugging trace improvements

    adds API taking closure arguments to LintingDictionary and [JSON] that records debugging information if decoding fails, and removes unnecessary closure arguments elsewhere

    opened by kelvin13 0
  • Why a custom `Decimal` instead of using the built-in type?

    Why a custom `Decimal` instead of using the built-in type?

    struct Decimal:Codable  
        let units:Int 
        let places:Int 

    I'm trying to wrap my head around the need for having a user-defined Decimal type for decoding, as opposed to leveraging Swift's own Decimal type. It's rather odd to me, a user of the library, having introduce an arbitrary abstraction to be able to decode something into a basic numeric type.

    opened by davdroman 2
  • JSON5


    It would be great, if this library could eventually support JSON5, which comes with a bundle of amazing features.

    Foundation on macOS supports it by now (through .json5Allowed), but it looks like swift-corelibs-foundation doesn't (yet?).

    opened by mickeyl 1
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