JSONNeverDie - Auto reflection tool from JSON to Model, user friendly JSON encoder / decoder, aims to never die


JSONNeverDie is an auto reflection tool from JSON to Model, a user friendly JSON encoder / decoder, aims to never die. Also JSONNeverDie is a very important part of Pitaya.



set up a Model:

class People: JSONNDModel {
    @objc var name = ""

reflex JSON to Model automatic:

let json = JSONND(string: "{\"name\": \"JohnLui\"}")
let people = People(JSONNDObject: json)


reflection features

  • JSON to Model reflection automatic
  • auto reflection with no need of init()
  • supports multi-level reflection

Read the documentation of auto reflection.

JSON encode / decode features

  • supports all types: Int, Double, Bool, String, Array
  • user friendly: Xcode can prompt all available types
  • provides both Optional-type(Int?) and Original-type(Int)

And JSONNeverDie is well tested.


  • iOS 7.0+
  • Swift 4 (Version 3) in current swift4 branch
  • Swift 3 (Version 2) in swift3 branch
  • Swift 2.x / Xcode 7 (Version 1.x) in master branch


You are welcome to fork and submit pull requests.


JSONNeverDie is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.



构建一个 Model:

class People: JSONNDModel {
    @objc var name = ""

从字符串转换成 JSON 再自动映射为 Model:

let json = JSONND(string: "{\"name\": \"JohnLui\"}")
let people = People(JSONNDObject: json)



欢迎提交 issue 和 PR,大门永远向所有人敞开。


本项目遵循 MIT 协议开源,具体请查看根目录下的 LICENSE 文件。

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    class TestModel: JSONNDModel {
        var string = ""
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        var int = 0


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