Image filtering UI library like Instagram.




Version License Platform


How to present SHViewController

let imageToBeFiltered = UIImage(named: "targetImage")
let vc = SHViewController(image: imageToBeFiltered)
vc.delegate = self
self.present(vc, animated:true, completion: nil)

SHViewControllerDelegate methods

extension ViewController: SHViewControllerDelegate {
    func shViewControllerImageDidFilter(image: UIImage) {
      // Filtered image will be returned here.

    func shViewControllerDidCancel() {
      // This will be called when you cancel filtering the image.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Demo video

Sharaku animation


  • Swift3
  • iOS 8.3+


Sharaku is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Sharaku"

Install manually

It requires a few things. Please follow the steps.


Creating new issues for bug report, feature request and pull request is always welcome! Please feel free to contribute to Sharaku!


makomori,, Twitter: @makomori26


Sharaku is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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    I add cropping, i copied code for cropping from

    This is work in progress, any suggestions are welcome.

    opened by sammy-SC 4
  • Migrate to Swift 4 and update cocoapods to 1.3.1

    Migrate to Swift 4 and update cocoapods to 1.3.1

    I've updated the codebase to swift 4. Version for Sharaku should be changed as well, what do you suggest?

    Let me know if there are anymore changes you would like me to do.

    opened by sammy-SC 2
  • CocoaPodsでインストールするとビルドに失敗する



    s.source_files = 'Sharaku/Classes/**/*'

    と指定しているためxibファイルがコンパイル対象として認識されていて、xibをコンパイルしようとしてエラーになります。 手元のプロジェクトでは以下のように回避していますが、podspecの修正をしていただけるとありがたいです。

    post_install do |installer|
      installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
        if == 'Sharaku'
          source_files = target.source_build_phase.files
          selected = do |file|
          selected.each do |file|
            source_files.delete file
            puts "Deleting source file #{file.inspect} from target #{target.inspect}."
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    • Swift4対応
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    Make a merge as we made the following corrections

    • Swift 4 compatible
    • Added @ objcMembers,@ objc and public so that they can be called from Objective-C
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