An iOS drop-in UITableView, UICollectionView and UIScrollView superclass category for showing a customizable floating button on top of it.



An iOS drop-in UITableView, UICollectionView, UIScrollView superclass category for showing a customizable floating button on top of it.

BuddyBuild Version License Platform Language



  • Multiple animation types.
  • Different display modes.
  • Different screen positions.
  • Customizable button icon.
  • Multiple delegate methods.


Demo App


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Requires iOS SDK version > 8.0



MEVFloatingButton is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'MEVFloatingButton'

Simply include UIScrollView+FloatingButton.h and UIScrollView+FloatingButton.m from /Pod/Classes/ folder in your App’s Xcode project.

How to use

Step 1
#import "UIScrollView+FloatingButton.h"
Step 2

Add datasource and delegate methods.

@interface ViewController () <MEVFloatingButtonDelegate>
#pragma mark - MEScrollToTopDelegate Methods

- (void)floatingButton:(UIScrollView *)scrollView didTapButton:(UIButton *)button;
- (void)floatingButtonWillAppear:(UIScrollView *)scrollView;
- (void)floatingButtonDidAppear:(UIScrollView *)scrollView;
- (void)floatingButtonWillDisappear:(UIScrollView *)scrollView;
- (void)floatingButtonDidDisappear:(UIScrollView *)scrollView;
Step 3

Create a MEVFloatingButtonobject.

MEVFloatingButton *button = [[MEVFloatingButton alloc] init];
button.animationType = MEVFloatingButtonAnimationFromBottom;
button.displayMode = MEVFloatingButtonDisplayModeWhenScrolling;
button.position = MEVFloatingButtonPositionBottomCenter;
button.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"Icon0"];
button.imageColor = [UIColor groupTableViewBackgroundColor];
button.backgroundColor = [UIColor darkGrayColor];
button.outlineColor = [UIColor darkGrayColor];
button.outlineWidth = 0.0f;
button.imagePadding = 20.0f;
button.horizontalOffset = 20.0f;
button.verticalOffset = -30.0f;
button.rounded = YES;
button.hideWhenScrollToTop = YES;

Set the object to your UIScrollView/UITableView/UICollectionView.

[self.tableView setFloatingButtonView:button];

Set the delegate.

[self.tableView setFloatingButtonDelegate:self]

Sample Project

For more info check the Examples project. Everything is there.

Change Log



Manuel Escrig Ventura, @manuelescrig


Icons made by Elegant Themes from


MEVFloatingButton is available under the MIT license. See

  • Not working in child view controller

    Not working in child view controller

    I'm having problems getting MEVFloatingButton to work, probably due to my view setup. I have a parent view controller that adds a childviewcontroller like so:

    UIStoryboard *storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"Main" bundle:nil]; OverviewGridController *mainView = [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"OverviewGridController"];
    [self addChildViewController:mainView]; [self.view addSubview:mainView.view]; [mainView didMoveToParentViewController:self];

    The child view controller has a collectionview on which I want to place the floating button.

    I have tried to add it from the parent like this:

    UIStoryboard *storyboard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"Main" bundle:nil]; OverviewGridController *mainView = [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"OverviewGridController"];
    MEVFloatingButton *button = [[MEVFloatingButton alloc] init]; button.animationType = MEVFloatingButtonAnimationNone; button.displayMode = MEVFloatingButtonDisplayModeWhenScrolling; button.position = MEVFloatingButtonPositionBottomRight; button.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"icon_aplus"]; button.imageColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:44/255.0f green:62/255.0f blue:80/255.0f alpha:1]; button.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:65/255.0f green:131/255.0f blue:215/255.0f alpha:1]; button.outlineColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:44/255.0f green:62/255.0f blue:80/255.0f alpha:1]; button.outlineWidth = 3.0f; button.imagePadding = 20.0f; button.horizontalOffset = -30.0f; button.verticalOffset = -30.0f; button.rounded = YES; button.shadowColor = [UIColor lightGrayColor]; button.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(3, 3); button.shadowOpacity = 0.6f; button.shadowRadius = 3.0f;

    [mainView setFloatingButtonView:button]; [mainView setFloatingButtonDelegate:self];

    [self addChildViewController:mainView]; [self.view addSubview:mainView.view]; [mainView didMoveToParentViewController:self];

    Button is not added and delegate methods are not responding.

    I have also tried to add it in the child in it's viewdidload. Button is not added BUT when setting button.displayMode = MEVFloatingButtonDisplayModeWhenScrolling (and only then) the floatingButtonDidDisappear delegate method is triggered when the view is loaded.

    Would really appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction.

    opened by obia75 8
  • Rotate MEVFloatingButton

    Rotate MEVFloatingButton


    I want to give rotation animation into MEVFloatingButton. So I tried with this,

    - (void)floatingButton:(UIScrollView *)scrollView didTapButton:(UIButton *)button {
        [UIView animateWithDuration:0.2 delay:0 options:UIViewAnimationOptionCurveLinear animations:^{
            [self.button setTransform:CGAffineTransformRotate(self.button.transform, M_PI)];
        }completion:^(BOOL finished){
            NSLog(@"completed animating");

    On a standard UIButton, it will rotate its button with button's center. But with MEVFloatingButton, it rotated like a mars with sun as it center. I mean, MEVFloatingButton is the mars.

    Is there any solution? Thank you!

    opened by riyanpratamap 1
  • Button disappears when after dismissing a modal view

    Button disappears when after dismissing a modal view

    I am using the button to trigger a UIImagePickerController to appear. After selecting or capturing an image, the modal is removed from the view, but the button has been as well. Simply setting button.hidden = false brings the button back, but it's annoying behavior to have to call that every time you return to the view controller containing the button.

    Steps to replicate:

    • Add button to tableView
    • Present a UIImagePickerController
    • Dismiss UIImagePickerController
    opened by pushchris 1
  • app crashing in mev_dealloc

    app crashing in mev_dealloc

    I added the project according to provided steps but it is continuously crashing when it reaches to try section of mev_dealloc method. Can you check the same please cause even your sample app crashes over there. I tried even commenting the method call location, but still the app runs but the button doesn't appears at all.

    I want to implement the example2 project in my app. Please suggest me the solution.

    Is there any step that I am missing out of it? IS it necessary to install the pod in order to run add this in my project?

    help wanted 
    opened by chatterjeesubhojit 8
  • TableView Keyboard Appear Issue

    TableView Keyboard Appear Issue

    Hi, Once keyboard appeared and the keyboard will overlay the MEVFloatingButton. Normally, i think it could be following the keyboard moving up. Thanks

    enhancement help wanted 
    opened by Ferrick90 1
Manuel Escrig
A Renaissance Man. Software Engineer
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