Easier way to represent the structure of UITableView.



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Shoyu is a library written in Swift to represent UITableView data structures.

Shoyu means Soy Sauce in Japanese.


Create single section and single row

Use createSection and createRow.

tableView.source = Source() { source in

    // Create section
    source.createSection { section in

        // Create row
        section.createRow { row in

            // Setting reuse identifier
            row.reuseIdentifier = "Cell"

            // Setting fixed height.
            row.height = 52

            // Configuring handler for cell.
            row.configureCell = { cell, _ in
                cell.textLabel?.text = "row 1"

if ClassName and ReuseIdentifier specified in Storyboard are the same, you don't need to specify the reuseIdentifier.

Create rows for corresponds to the array

Use createRows.

let members = [
    Member(firstName: "Hamada", lastName: "Hiro"),
    Member(firstName: "Hamada", lastName: "Tadashi"),
    Member(firstName: "Tamago", lastName: "GoGo"),
    Member(firstName: "", lastName: "Wasabi"),
    Member(firstName: "Lemon", lastName: "Honey"),
    Member(firstName: "", lastName: "Fred"),

tableView.source = Source() { source in
    source.createSection { section in
        section.createRows(members) { member, row in
            row.height = 52
            row.configureCell = { cell, _ in
                cell.textLabel?.text = member.fullName

Create section header and section footer

Use createHeader and createFooter.

tableView.source = Source() { source in
   source.createSection { section in

        // Create header.
        section.createHeader { header in
            // Setting title.
            header.title = "Big Hero 6"

            header.height = 22
            header.configureView = { view, _ in
                view.backgroundColor = UIColor.lightGrayColor()

        // Create footer.
        section.createFooter { footer in


Section and Row is compatible with generics.


public class Section<HeaderType: UIView, FooterType: UIView>: SectionType {


public class Row<CellType: UITableViewCell>: RowType {

cell in the arguments of configureCell is the type specified in the generics. Section header and section footer are also similar.

// Create generic row.
section.createRows(members) { (member, row: Row<MemberTableViewCell>) in
    row.configureCell = { cell, _ in
        // cell type is MemberTableViewCell.
        cell.nameLabel.text = member.fullName

Row's delegate

Row has some delegate methods.

section.createRow { row in

    // Configuring handler for height.
    row.heightFor = { _ -> CGFloat? in
        return 52

    // Configuring handler for cell.
    row.configureCell = { cell, _ in
        cell.textLabel?.text = "row"

    // Event handler for when cell is selected.
    row.didSelect = { _ in
        print("row is selected.")

Supported delegate methods

  • configureCell
  • heightFor
  • canRemove
  • canMove
  • canMoveTo
  • didSelect
  • didDeselect
  • willDisplayCell
  • didEndDisplayCell
  • willRemove
  • didRemove


Shoyu is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

  • Invalid Swift Support

    Invalid Swift Support

    When i upload itunes connect. itunes connect say invalid binary. this is email from itunes connect

    Invalid Swift Support - The file 당근마켓.app/Frameworks/Shoyu.framework doesn’t have the correct file type for this location. Ensure you’re using the correct file, rebuild your app using the current public (GM) version of Xcode, and resubmit it.

    i use recent xcode(7.2) and cocoapods(1.0.0 beta2, also has an issue in 0.39.0).

    opened by seapy 3
  • Swift 3

    Swift 3

    Ran it through the migrator. There was much to change. Mostly just publicopen and adding _ to the first argument label in method signatures. I updated the podspec to 0.2.0, as well.

    opened by evandcoleman 1
  • Add: check permit index path

    Add: check permit index path


    I get out of bounds from Shoyu.Section func rowFor(row: Int) via UITableViewDelegate.didEndDisplayCell. I faced this problem when I write that swift logic.

        class AnyTableViewController: UITableViewController {
            var elements: Element = // Elements ...
            func setupShoyu() {
            tableView.source = Source().createSection { section in
                section.createRows(elements) { row in
            func deleteElement(element: Element) { 
                setupShoyu() // Reset source.
                tableView.reloadData()  // Get out of bounds from this statement.

    I thought removeElement and reset source then disappear corresponded cell. But Shoyu.Section.rows.count is less than the past. When get Shoyu.Section.row[indexPath.row], it would fall down.


    I add Shoyu.Source.isPermitIndexPath function. This function is check indexPath when didEndDisplayCell. If not permit indexPath when early stage return.

    opened by bannzai 1
  • A form suggestion

    A form suggestion

    [fix] Add create view demo. 6421d42 サンプルにview.backgroundColor = UIColor.orangeColorと書かれていたのにかわっていなかったので付け足してみました。

    [fix] Ordered create view flow. ef65d6b dequeを確認してからviewをつくるという流れがなんとなく自然かなと思いました。 また、viewFor が実装されていると、reuseIdentifierを設定しても通らなくなってしまうので、 処理の順番を入れ替えてみました。

    opened by bannzai 1
  • Configure header or footer height.

    Configure header or footer height.


    It seems that behavior has changed when UITableView#heightForHeaderInSection behavior return 0 and return tableView.sectionHeaderHeight(-1) when it becomes iOS 11. Also delegate for footer has same problem.


    When Using grouped style UITableView

    • Until then(iOS 10.*)
      • When return 0 in heightForHeaderInSection, setting UIKIt/UITableView configured implicity default height(about 20px).
      • When return -1, setting UIKIt/UITableView configured implicity default height(about 20px).
    • iOS 11
      • When return 0 in heightForHeaderInSection, setting truth zero height. (This is different from then)
      • When return -1, setting UIKIt/UITableView configured implicity default height(about 20px).

    When Using plain style UITableView

    • Until then(iOS 10.*)
      • When return 0 in heightForHeaderInSection, setting truth zero height.
      • When return -1, setting ` setting zero height.
    • iOS 11
      • When return 0 in heightForHeaderInSection, setting truth zero height.
      • When return -1, setting UIKIt/UITableView configured implicity default height(about 20px). (This is different from then)

    I faced when using grouped UITableView and not instanciate SectionHeaderFooterType.height(or heightFor(_:section:)). So, using Shoyu return 0 height via UITableView#heightForHeaderInSection delegate method in this case.

    But I confirmed iOS 10.3 simulator and iOS 11 simulator get difference height for header at this time.

    How to resolve

    I guess necessary switch for UITableView.style about returning height for delegate method. Grouped UITableView returning always tableView.sectionHeaderHeight when not configure SectionHeaderFooterType.height(or heightFor(_:section:)).Plain UITableViewreturning always0when not configureSectionHeaderFooterType.height(or heightFor(_:section:)).

    I guess it is necessary switch of UITableView.style about returning height for delegate method Grouped style UITableView return tableView.sectionHeaderHeight when not configure SectionHeaderFooterType.height(or heightFor(_:section:)). Plain style UITableView return always 0 when not configure SectionHeaderFooterType.height(or heightFor(_:section:)).

    Plaase check this issue problem. Thank you.

    opened by bannzai 1
  • Podspec problem

    Podspec problem


    When i just put the library name in the Podfile, it fetchs only 1.0.0 So i need to add the version by tag or by commit even by using ' ~> 1.0' or ' ~> 1.1'

    Don't forget to fix that 👍

    opened by gorbat-o 0
  • Fix crash on update in background

    Fix crash on update in background

    Without this, Row would crash during didEndDisplayCell handling if table view is not on active controller (for example if there's modal controller on top of table view controller).

    The solution here is to simply ignore the call if didEndDisplayCell block is not assigned on Row. This preserves existing functionality for cases where block is used but prevents the crash otherwise.

    Besided crash fix, I also added ability to delete section from source.

    opened by tomaz 0
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