Swift-friendly API for a set of powerful Objective C runtime functions.


ObjectiveKit - Swift friendly ObjC-Runtime functions

Build Status Version Carthage compatible


ObjectiveKit provides a Swift friendly API for a set of powerful Objective C runtime functions.


To use ObjectiveKit:

Import ObjectiveKit at the top of your Swift file:

import ObjectiveKit

The next step is to create an ObjectiveClass object typed for the class you want to modify or introspect:

let viewClass = ObjectiveClass<UIView>()

If using ObjectiveKit on a custom Swift class, make sure that it inherits at some point from NSObject and that it is exposed to the Objective C runtime using the @objc flag.


You can learn more about classes at runtime with these handy introspection methods:

let mapViewClass = ObjectiveClass<MKMapView>()
let ivars = mapViewClass.ivars // An array of ivars.
let selectors = mapViewClass.selectors // An array of selectors.
let properties = mapViewClass.properties // An array of properties.
let protocols = mapViewClass.protocols // An array of protocols.

Modifying classes at runtime

Add a pre-existing selector from another class to your ObjectiveClass:

let viewClass = ObjectiveClass<UIView>()
viewClass.addSelector(#selector(testSelector), from: self.classForCoder)
let view = UIView()

Add a custom method by providing the implementation with a closure:

let viewClass = ObjectiveClass<UIView>()
viewClass.addMethod(closureName, implementation: {
    print("hello world")
let view = UIView()

ObjectiveKit also supports exchanging selectors in the same class:

let viewClass = ObjectiveClass<UIView>()
viewClass.exchangeSelector(#selector(UIView.layoutSubviews), with: #selector(UIView.xxx_layoutSubviews))

Creating classes at runtime

Lastly, you can also create a custom ObjC class at runtime:

let runtimeClass = RuntimeClass(superclass: UIView.self)
runtimeClass.addIvar(ivarName, type: .Float)
let runtimeObject = runtimeClass.allocate()
runtimeObject.setValue(4.0, forKey: ivarName)

Setting up

Setting up with CocoaPods

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
pod 'ObjectiveKit', '~> 0.2'

Setting up with Carthage

Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that automates the process of adding frameworks to your Cocoa application.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

$ brew update
$ brew install carthage

To integrate ObjectiveKit into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "marmelroy/ObjectiveKit"


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    I think in current trends dynamic properties are favorited over methods without parameters, e.g. you have let ivars = mapViewClass.ivars() this could be simply mapViewClass.ivars Just throwing the idea on the table

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  • More swifty naming ?

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    This is not an exhaustive list of course but I think this project should benefit from more concise and compact naming à la Swift 3.0.

    Before | After ------------ | ------------- let ivars = mapViewClass.allIvars() | let ivars = mapViewClass.vars() let selectors = mapViewClass.allSelectors() | let selectors = mapViewClass.selectors() let properties = mapViewClass.allProperties() | let properties = mapViewClass.properties() let protocols = mapViewClass.allProtocols() | let protocols = mapViewClass.protocols() viewClass.addSelectorToClass(...) | viewClass.addSelector(...) viewClass.addMethodToClass(...) | viewClass.addMethod(...)

    I've spotted a few other places where this can be applied. What do you think ?

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  • Swift5


    Nice to meet you. I am Koutarou Ishikawa, Japanese application engineer. I am trying to do a "programming-shakyo" on the framework PXSourceList: porting it from Objective-C to Swift.

    When I compiled "ObjectiveKit" with Xcode 11, there were some errors in it. So I fixed it.

    • Changes list:
      • Swift version: from 3 to 5.

      • The location of definition performMethod(_:): Moved from RuntimeModification.swift to NSObject.swift. NSObject.swift into added group 'Extensions', without Folder. RuntimeModification.swift into added group 'Protocols', without Folder.

      • Changed the implementation location of the following methods to ObjectiveClass and RuntimeClass: addSelector(_:from:), addMethod(_:implementation:), and exchangeSelector(_:implementation:).

      • The parameter implementation of addMethod(_:implementation:): correctted from ImplementationBlock to @escaping @convention(block) () -> Void.

      • The sources of variable unwrapped in ivars, selectors, protocols, and properties on ObjectiveClass: correctted from ivarList?[i].unsafelyUnwrapped to propertyList![i].self.

      • Moved build.sh, LICENSE, ObjectiveKit.podspec, README.md into added group 'Supporting Files', without Folder.

      • Since only calling MapKit in the Test class, added the MapKit.framework to the target "ObjectiveKit". However, I personally think not correct that adding MapKit.framework to ObjectiveKit.xcodeproj in order to pass 'testIntrospection()'.

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    The code was created for the sole purpose of showing my students, that they should think on their own instead of following thought leaders and popular bloggers, as they, while being popular, still are human and sometimes don't write that great or just plain bad and dirty code. The code prior to the pull request is a perfect example of such code because of the excess amount of duplication.

    The secondary aim of refactoring was to show my students, how to use some unobvious ways of handling functions in swift, when using unsafe force-cast related code.

    I've created this pull request just to check, how hacktoberfest (I really want that t-shirt, yay) reacts to rejected or ignored pull requests, as original maintainer, from what it looks, ignores pull requests from other users.

    P.S. I doubt the maintainer would merge the pull request, so I didn't update to Swift 4. If accept happens for some weird reason, I would refactor it to swift 4 with pleasure.

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