SAHistoryNavigationViewController realizes iOS task manager like UI in UINavigationContoller. Support 3D Touch!



Platform Language Version License

Support 3D Touch for iOS9!!

SAHistoryNavigationViewController realizes iOS task manager like UI in UINavigationContoller. referred.


  • iOS task manager like UI
  • Launch Navigation History with Long tap action of Back Bar Button
  • Support Swift2.0
  • Support 3D Touch (If device is not supported 3D Touch, automatically replacing to long tap gesture.)
  • Support Swift2.3
  • Sipport Swift3



SAHistoryNavigationViewController is available through CocoaPods. If you have cocoapods 0.38.0 or greater, you can install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "SAHistoryNavigationViewController"


Add the SAHistoryNavigationViewController directory to your project.


If you install from cocoapods, You have to write import SAHistoryNavigationViewController.

Storyboard or Xib

Set custom class of UINavigationController to SAHistoryNavigationViewController. In addition, set module to SAHistoryNavigationViewController.


You can use SAHistoryNavigationViewController as self.sah.navigationController in any ViewController, bacause implemented extension SAHistoryExtension as below codes.

public protocol SAHistoryCompatible {
    associatedtype CompatibleType
    var sah: CompatibleType { get }

public extension SAHistoryCompatible {
    public var sah: SAHistoryExtension<Self> {
        return SAHistoryExtension(self)

public final class SAHistoryExtension<Base> {
    public let base: Base
    public init(_ base: Base) {
        self.base = base

extension UIViewController: SAHistoryCompatible {}

extension SAHistoryExtension where Base: UIViewController {
    public var navigationController: SAHistoryNavigationViewController? {
        return base.navigationController as? SAHistoryNavigationViewController

And you have to initialize like this.

let ViewController = UIViewController()
let navigationController = SAHistoryNavigationViewController()
navigationController.setViewControllers([ViewController], animated: true)
presentViewController(navigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)

If you want to launch Navigation History without long tap action, use this code.

//In any UIViewController


If you want to customize background of Navigation History, you can use those methods.

//In any UIViewController

This is delegate methods.

@objc public protocol SAHistoryNavigationViewControllerDelegate: NSObjectProtocol {
    optional func historyControllerDidShowHistory(controller: SAHistoryNavigationViewController, viewController: UIViewController)



Taiki Suzuki,


SAHistoryNavigationViewController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Crash when inheriting SAHistoryNavigationViewController

    Crash when inheriting SAHistoryNavigationViewController

    I gave this lib a try but discovered a nasty crash when using it on iOS 9.2 Here's the end of the stack trace.

    * thread #1: tid = 0x9b91cc, 0x0000000103fd1dbb libobjc.A.dylib`objc_exception_throw, queue = '', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
        frame #0: 0x0000000103fd1dbb libobjc.A.dylib`objc_exception_throw
        frame #1: 0x000000010304ad9d CoreFoundation`+[NSException raise:format:] + 205
        frame #2: 0x0000000101466f0a UIKit`-[UINavigationBar setDelegate:] + 81
      * frame #3: 0x00000001012c228a SAHistoryNavigationViewController`SAHistoryNavigationViewController.SAHistoryNavigationViewController.viewDidLoad (self=<unavailable>)() -> () + 1418 at SAHistoryNavigationViewController.swift:101
        frame #4: 0x0000000100337059 CaptainJet`CaptainJet.CaptainJetNavigationController.viewDidLoad (self=0x00007fc03304e200)() -> () + 41 at CaptainJetNavigationController.swift:16
        frame #5: 0x0000000100337932 CaptainJet`@objc CaptainJet.CaptainJetNavigationController.viewDidLoad (CaptainJet.CaptainJetNavigationController)() -> () + 34 at CaptainJetNavigationController.swift:0
        frame #6: 0x0000000101508f98 UIKit`-[UIViewController loadViewIfRequired] + 1198
        frame #7: 0x00000001015092e7 UIKit`-[UIViewController view] + 27
        frame #8: 0x000000010155184b UIKit`-[UINavigationController pushViewController:transition:forceImmediate:] + 663
        frame #9: 0x0000000101551299 UIKit`-[UINavigationController pushViewController:animated:] + 848
        frame #10: 0x00000001012c28d8 

    The debugger gives this output: Cannot manually set the delegate on a UINavigationBar managed by a controller.

    Looking at the documentation you can see that:

    If the navigation bar was created by a navigation controller and is being managed by that object, you must not change the value of this property. Navigation controllers act as the delegate for any navigation bars they create.

    This is what is happening here. The controller automatically becomes the navigationBar delegate. I think this line should be removed. Let me know if you need a PR I would happily do so.

    opened by apouche 5
  • Some desired changes

    Some desired changes

    The code here:

    1. Solves the bug where the SAHistoryNavigationViewController extends behind status bar if a modal UIViewController is presented.
    2. Removes any custom animation and works purely by following the delegate methods. (IMHO, the animation should be a different pod altogether)
    3. Uses some functional constructs where it makes understanding code easier.
    4. Extends Sample to present a UIViewController modally.

    Some of these changes might be in conflict with what you had planned for this pod. In that case, I would like to create a different pod from this. Also, if you have any suggestions for the code which could make this merge, would love to know them. :innocent:

    opened by ayushgoel 5
  • Crash when navigation between screens is half complete and reverted

    Crash when navigation between screens is half complete and reverted

    Hi, First off, great control utility for ios, thanks a bunch, I came across this peculiar bug, i've uploaded the procedure here, and its reproducible. Please have a look. I'm trying to fix this up myself, i'll submit a pull request if i'm successful :)

    opened by giridharvc7 5
  • Warning when going back and a tabbar controller has been pushed

    Warning when going back and a tabbar controller has been pushed

    The warning is: Unbalanced calls to begin/end appearance transitions for UITabBarController: 0x7fb91bd2a850.

    Consider the following scenario in storyboards:

    • Have a navigation controller as the initial view controller wit a UIViewController
    • Add a button to the UIViewController that leads to a UITabbarController

    Tap on the button to see the tabbar controller, then long press the back button to see the error above.

    I can provide you a zip file if you want with this test case, no code involved, just storyboards.

    opened by pepejeria 4
  • Added support for landscape orientation

    Added support for landscape orientation

    Added support for mixing landscape and portrait orientations when navigating through a UINaivigationController. This feature is especially useful for tablets, where supporting just one orientation is not practical.

    In regards to supporting both portrait and landscape, there is one aspect worth discussing: when restoring a landscape screenshot into a portrait screen or viceversa, how should the animation look? Stretching the photo to fill the new size did not look right to me, so I left the old behavior, which zooms the image until it hits one of the screen's edges, then, it is replaced by destination VC with the proper bounds.

    opened by ratzinho87 1
  • Cannot set if historyContentView.backgroundColor

    Cannot set if historyContentView.backgroundColor

    Hi! First of all, I would like to say that this is one of the greatest new functionality I have seen in a long time, It perfectly fits in my app!

    There is just one little tiny detail on iOS 9.2 setting up background color gets overriten in SAHistoryNavigationViewController.swift on line 49. I haven't tested this on any other version of iOS, but I am pretty sure that it won't work also.

    So I have made a really tiny change, basically just check if backgroundColor is already set, if so It won't get ser on grayColor.

    Tested and It works now.

    opened by syky27 1
  • Very simple fix for animation flickering issue when returning to selected view controller from history.

    Very simple fix for animation flickering issue when returning to selected view controller from history.

    Before when selecting a view controller from the history, the navigation bar would be animating in at the same time, doing it without animation solves this problem and the transition is much nicer looking.

    Cheers! This is a great idea!

    opened by jakemarsh 1
  • [#38] fixed crash when changing navbar delegate

    [#38] fixed crash when changing navbar delegate

    According to Apple documentation:

    If the navigation bar was created by a navigation controller and is being managed by that object, you must not change the value of this property. Navigation controllers act as the delegate for any navigation bars they create.

    Since this is exactly what's happening here, the OS triggers a trap and any controller subclassing SAHistoryNavigationViewController will crash as well.

    Simply removing the delegate assignment solves this issue.

    opened by apouche 0
Taiki Suzuki
AbemaTV / University of Aizu 18th
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