Proper YAML support for Objective-C. Based on recommended libyaml.


YAML.framework for Objective-C

Based on C LibYAML library ( by Kirill Simonov.

YAML.framework provides support for YAML (de/)serialisation similarly to standard NSPropertyListSerialization.

It's fast and compatible with iOS.

Example usage

NSInputStream *stream = [[NSInputStream alloc] initWithFileAtPath: @"yaml/items.yaml"];
// or [[NSInputStream alloc] initWithURL: ...]

// You can use objectsWithYAMLStream:options:error instead to get all YAML documents.
// Alternativelly object(s)WithYAMLData:options:error or object(s)WithYAMLString:options:error.
id yaml = [YAMLSerialization objectWithYAMLStream: stream
                                          options: kYAMLReadOptionStringScalars
                                            error: nil];

// Dump Objective-C object description.
printf("%s", [[yaml description] UTF8String]);

For input YAML file:

  - name: Foo
  - name: Bar

Should print dump string similar to:

    items = (
        name = Foo;
        name = Bar;


The following class methods are defined on YAMLSerialization class.

Reading YAML

// Returns all document objects from parsed YAML stream.
+ (NSMutableArray *) objectsWithYAMLStream: (NSInputStream *) stream
                                   options: (YAMLReadOptions) opt
                                     error: (NSError **) error;

// Returns all document objects from parsed YAML data.
+ (NSMutableArray *) objectsWithYAMLData: (NSData *) data
                                 options: (YAMLReadOptions) opt
                                   error: (NSError **) error;

// Returns all document objects from parsed YAML string.
+ (NSMutableArray *) objectsWithYAMLString: (NSString *) string
                                   options: (YAMLReadOptions) opt
                                     error: (NSError **) error;

// Returns first object from parsed YAML stream.
+ (id) objectWithYAMLStream: (NSInputStream *) stream
                    options: (YAMLReadOptions) opt
                      error: (NSError **) error;

// Returns first object from parsed YAML data.
+ (id) objectWithYAMLData: (NSData *) data
                  options: (YAMLReadOptions) opt
                    error: (NSError **) error;

// Returns first object from parsed YAML string.
+ (id) objectWithYAMLString: (NSString *) string
                    options: (YAMLReadOptions) opt
                      error: (NSError **) error;

Writing YAML

// Returns YES on success, NO otherwise.
+ (BOOL) writeObject: (id) object
        toYAMLStream: (NSOutputStream *) stream
             options: (YAMLWriteOptions) opt
               error: (NSError **) error;

// Caller is responsible for releasing returned object.
+ (NSData *) createYAMLDataWithObject: (id) object
                              options: (YAMLWriteOptions) opt
                                error: (NSError **) error NS_RETURNS_RETAINED;

// Returns autoreleased object.
+ (NSData *) YAMLDataWithObject: (id) object
                        options: (YAMLWriteOptions) opt
                          error: (NSError **) error;

// Caller is responsible for releasing returned object.
+ (NSString *) createYAMLStringWithObject: (id) object
                                  options: (YAMLWriteOptions) opt
                                    error: (NSError **) error NS_RETURNS_RETAINED;

// Returns autoreleased object.
+ (NSString *) YAMLStringWithObject: (id) object
                            options: (YAMLWriteOptions) opt
                              error: (NSError **) error;


YAML.framework is released under the MIT license.

Copyright (c) 2010 Mirek Rusin (YAML.framework)
              2006 Kirill Simonov (LibYAML)

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do
so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.

  • Add tags for cocoapods

    Add tags for cocoapods

    The current podspec is pointing to a super old commit that doesn't reflect the status of this repository. I added a 0.0.2 version for cocoapods which just uses the master branch, but there should really be tagged versions in this repository for that.

    opened by bringel 3
  • Bug fix and unit tests

    Bug fix and unit tests

    The last bug-fix that got merged in fixed a bug where error pointer was nil, but introduced a problem where if an error pointer was passed in, the read-in array would always be empty. I fixed that, changed the test.m file to illustrate it and catch it, and added a Cocoa Unit Test target that can be run (At least in Xcode4) with Cmd-U and will give you a failure if the reads don't work (As opposed to the test.m method, which print what is read in, but don't tell you whether that was the correct thing or not).


    opened by carlbrown 3
  • Incompatible with GC?

    Incompatible with GC?

    If I compile framework with garbage collection enabled, it crashes on simple files:

    Test(61209,0x100781000) malloc: resurrection error for block 0x20027d9a0 while assigning 0x20027d800[24] = 0x20027d9a0
    garbage pointer stored into reachable memory, break on auto_zone_resurrection_error to debug
    #0  0x00007fff85c9f96c in __CFBasicHashAddValue ()
    #1  0x00007fff85ca7238 in CFBasicHashSetValue ()
    #2  0x00007fff85ca7057 in CFDictionarySetValue ()
    #3  0x00007fff8588fabd in -[NSCFDictionary setObject:forKey:] ()
    #4  0x000000010005ec2e in YAMLSerializationWithDocument (document=0x1007806c0, opt=4097, error=0x1007808c0) at /Users/porneL/Postfacto/YAML/YAMLSerialization.m:231
    #5  0x000000010005ef4d in +[YAMLSerialization YAMLWithStream:options:error:] (self=0x1000b2c08, _cmd=0x100095b65, stream=0x200279380, opt=4097, error=0x1007808c0) at /Users/porneL/Postfacto/YAML/YAMLSerialization.m:288

    (line numbers might be a bit off, because I've added assert()s)

    opened by kornelski 3
  • Add podspec. Update cocoapod version to an actual changeset

    Add podspec. Update cocoapod version to an actual changeset

    I've added podspec to an actual changeset, which can be used in "use_frameworks!" environment. If it sounds good for you, it is needed, also, to add a tag v0.0.3 (i've tested with commit: c099c4b9756d116f5fb08bc588d49a43a6c6176c)

    To commit podspec it is needed to follow instructions, but in general, it's a simple execution of the following command:

    pod trunk push YAML-Framework.podspec

    opened by falconser 1
  • Compiler error

    Compiler error

    In yaml-0.1.4/src/yaml_private.h the config.h is imported via

    import <config.h>

    This dows not compile in Xcode 5 and has to be changed to

    import "config.h".

    opened by ricobeck 1
  • Data encoding UTF8

    Data encoding UTF8

    The method dataFromYAML in YAMLSerialization.m uses UTF8 until the last statement, when it suddenly uses NSUnicodeStringEncoding. This seems odd. I wanted UTF8 and changed to:

    return [data dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]

    Maybe the YAMLWriteOptions should include encodings?

    opened by apikas 1
  • nserror** shouldn't be required

    nserror** shouldn't be required

    There's Cocoa convetion that methods taking error: (NSError **) error should allow error to be NULL and use return value to determine success of the operation.

    Currently the framework will use *error as error indicator and dereference NULL pointer if error argument is NULL.

    opened by kornelski 1
  • Output & memory fixes

    Output & memory fixes

    • Now 'documents' in read method are autoreleased
    • gotos eliminated, since nothing to dealloc on error
    • Output encoding fixed and now UTF8

    Hopefully now it should work ok

    opened by stan1y 1
  • Write support

    Write support

    I've added de-serialization methods: + (void) writeYAML: (id) yaml toStream: (NSOutputStream ) stream options: (YAMLWriteOptions) opt error: (NSError *) error;

    + (NSData *) dataFromYAML: (id) yaml
                      options: (YAMLWriteOptions) opt
                        error: (NSError **) error;
    opened by stan1y 1
  • if (x) [x method]

    if (x) [x method]

    You never need to check if object != nil when calling methods on it. Objective-C always checks for nil on every call and guarantees that such calls are safe.

    You can replace every:

    if (documentObject)
      [documentObject release];


    [documentObject release];
    opened by kornelski 1
  • Incorrect string length passed to yaml_document_add_scalar() in __YAMLSerializationAddObject()

    Incorrect string length passed to yaml_document_add_scalar() in __YAMLSerializationAddObject()

    In __YAMLSerializationAddObject(), there is a call to yaml_document_add_scalar() with a pointer to the UTF8 form of the NSString, but the number of Unicode characters is used as the byte length of that UTF8 string. This will definitely be incorrect if the string has any characters that require more than 1 byte to represent in UTF8. In any case, since -[NSString UTF8String] returns a C string, it's sufficient to use a value of -1... code in yaml_document_add_scalar() will detect this and call strlen() on the C string to get the correct string length.

    opened by TheGS 1
  • Any Example usage of Aliases and Anchors ?

    Any Example usage of Aliases and Anchors ?

    I checked the repo for sample yaml files you have, I tried using it the same way but I keep getting parse errors.

    Do you have an example of how to use anchors and aliases ?

    Thank you

    opened by shyamvala 1
  • How to install the framework

    How to install the framework

    Hello, I need the YAML Framework in my iOS project. Can you help me? I have tried to drag the .framework folder but headers are missing. Which are the steps to follow?

    opened by breiko83 4
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