Swipe to "like" or "dislike" any view, just like Tinder.app. Build a flashcard app, a photo viewer, and more, in minutes, not hours!



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Swipe to "like" or "dislike" any view, just like Tinder.app. Build a flashcard app, a photo viewer, and more, in minutes, not hours!

  • Use UIView+MDCSwipeToChoose to add a swipe gesture and callbacks to any UIView.
  • Use MDCSwipeToChooseView to get a UI nearly identical to Tinder.app in just a few lines of code.

You may view slides on some the architecture decisions that went into this library here.

How to Install via CocoaPods

Place the following in your Podfile and run pod install:

pod "MDCSwipeToChoose"

How to Use

Check out the sample app for an example of how to use MDCSwipeToChooseView to build the UI in the GIF above.

NOTE: You must run pod install in the Examples/LikedOrNope directory before building the example app.

Every public class contains documentation in its header file.

Swiping Yes/No

The following is an example of how you can use MDCSwipeToChooseView to display a photo. The user can choose to delete it by swiping left, or save it by swiping right.


#import <MDCSwipeToChoose/MDCSwipeToChoose.h>

// ... in a view controller

#pragma mark - Creating and Customizing a MDCSwipeToChooseView

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    // You can customize MDCSwipeToChooseView using MDCSwipeToChooseViewOptions.
    MDCSwipeToChooseViewOptions *options = [MDCSwipeToChooseViewOptions new];
    options.likedText = @"Keep";
    options.likedColor = [UIColor blueColor];
    options.nopeText = @"Delete";
    options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state){
        if (state.thresholdRatio == 1.f && state.direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
            NSLog(@"Let go now to delete the photo!");

    MDCSwipeToChooseView *view = [[MDCSwipeToChooseView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds
    view.imageView.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"photo"];
    [self.view addSubview:view];

#pragma mark - MDCSwipeToChooseDelegate Callbacks

// This is called when a user didn't fully swipe left or right.
- (void)viewDidCancelSwipe:(UIView *)view {
    NSLog(@"Couldn't decide, huh?");

// Sent before a choice is made. Cancel the choice by returning `NO`. Otherwise return `YES`.
- (BOOL)view:(UIView *)view shouldBeChosenWithDirection:(MDCSwipeDirection)direction {
    if (direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
        return YES;
    } else {
        // Snap the view back and cancel the choice.
        [UIView animateWithDuration:0.16 animations:^{
            view.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
            view.center = [view superview].center;
        return NO;

// This is called then a user swipes the view fully left or right.
- (void)view:(UIView *)view wasChosenWithDirection:(MDCSwipeDirection)direction {
    if (direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
        NSLog(@"Photo deleted!");
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Photo saved!");


To use objective-c code from swift, you need to use bridging-header.

#ifndef BridgingHeader_h
#define BridgingHeader_h

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <MDCSwipeToChoose/MDCSwipeToChoose.h>


import UIKit

class ViewController: UIViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {

		let options = MDCSwipeToChooseViewOptions()
		options.delegate = self
		options.likedText = "Keep"
		options.likedColor = UIColor.blue
		options.nopeText = "Delete"
		options.nopeColor = UIColor.red
		options.onPan = { state -> Void in
			if state?.thresholdRatio == 1 && state?.direction == .left {
				print("Photo deleted!")

		let view = MDCSwipeToChooseView(frame: self.view.bounds, options: options)
		view?.imageView.image = UIImage(named: "photo.png")


extension ViewController: MDCSwipeToChooseDelegate {

	// This is called when a user didn't fully swipe left or right.
	func viewDidCancelSwipe(_ view: UIView) -> Void{
		print("Couldn't decide, huh?")

	// Sent before a choice is made. Cancel the choice by returning `false`. Otherwise return `true`.
	func view(_ view: UIView, shouldBeChosenWith: MDCSwipeDirection) -> Bool {
		if shouldBeChosenWith == .left {
			return true
		} else {
			// Snap the view back and cancel the choice.
			UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.16, animations: { () -> Void in
				view.transform = CGAffineTransform.identity
				view.center = view.superview!.center
			return false

	// This is called when a user swipes the view fully left or right.
	func view(_ view: UIView, wasChosenWith: MDCSwipeDirection) -> Void {
		if wasChosenWith == .left {
			print("Photo deleted!")
		} else {
			print("Photo saved!")

If you're using CocoaPods 0.36+ (perhaps because you want to include pods that contain Swift code) and you've included the use_frameworks! directive in your Podfile, then you've converted all your pods (including MDCSwipeToChoose) into frameworks. Therefore, you'll need to include the line

import MDCSwipeToChoose

...in your Swift files (even if you're using a bridging header).

More Generic Swiping

You don't have to use a subclass of MDCChooseView. You can use the mdc_swipeToChooseSetup: method on any UIView to enable swipe-to-choose.

In the following example, we adjust the opacity of a UIWebView when it's panned left and right.

#import <MDCSwipeToChoose/MDCSwipeToChoose.h>

// ... in a view controller

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    MDCSwipeOptions *options = [MDCSwipeOptions new];
    options.delegate = self;
    options.onPan = ^(MDCPanState *state){
        switch (state.direction) {
            case MDCSwipeDirectionLeft:
                self.webView.alpha = 0.5f - state.thresholdRatio;
            case MDCSwipeDirectionRight:
                self.webView.alpha = 0.5f + state.thresholdRatio;
            case MDCSwipeDirectionNone:
                self.webView.alpha = 0.5f;
    [self.webView mdc_swipeToChooseSetup:options];

##Swiping in Swift

The following is an example of how you can use MDCSwipeToChooseView to display a photo in swift. The user can choose to delete it by swiping left, or save it by swiping right.

First you must create a BridgingHeader.h file

#ifndef ProjectName_BridgingHeader_h
#define ProjectName_BridgingHeader_h

#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <MDCSwipeToChoose/MDCSwipeToChoose.h>


You must then add the bridging header file to the project by navigating to Build Settings then searching for 'Bridging Header'. Double click the field and type: ProjectName/BridgingHeader.h as the value

// Creating and Customizing a MDCSwipeToChooseView

override func viewDidLoad(){

    // You can customize MDCSwipeToChooseView using MDCSwipeToChooseViewOptions.
    let options:MDCSwipeToChooseViewOptions = MDCSwipeToChooseViewOptions()
    options.delegate = self
    options.likedText = "Keep"
    options.likedColor = UIColor.blue
    options.nopeText = "Delete"
    options.nopeColor = UIColor.red
    options.onPan = { state -> Void in
    if (state?.thresholdRatio == 1.0 && state?.direction == .left) {
        print("Let go now to delete the photo!")

let view:MDCSwipeToChooseView = MDCSwipeToChooseView(frame:self.view.bounds, options:options)
    view.imageView.image = UIImage(named:"photo")

// MDCSwipeToChooseDelegate Callbacks

// This is called when a user didn't fully swipe left or right.
func viewDidCancelSwipe(_ view: UIView) -> Void {
    print("Couldn't decide, huh?")

// Sent before a choice is made. Cancel the choice by returning `false`. Otherwise return `true`.
func view(_ view:UIView, shouldBeChosenWith: MDCSwipeDirection) -> Bool {
    if (shouldBeChosenWith == .left) {
        return true
    } else {
        // Snap the view back and cancel the choice.
        UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.16, animations: { () -> Void in
            view.transform = CGAffineTransform.identity
            view.center = self.view.center
    return false

// This is called when a user swipes the view fully left or right.
func view(_ view: UIView, wasChosenWith: MDCSwipeDirection) -> Void{
    if (wasChosenWith == .left) {
        print("Photo deleted!")
    } else {
        print("Photo saved!")

Swiping programmatically

As of version 0.2.0, you may also swipe a view programmatically:


[self.swipeToChooseView mdc_swipe:MDCSwipeDirectionLeft];



Disable swiping gesture

You may also disable the swiping gesture and only allowed to swipe programmatically


MDCSwipeToChooseViewOptions *options = [MDCSwipeToChooseViewOptions new];
options.swipeEnabled = NO;


let options = MDCSwipeToChooseViewOptions()
options.swipeEnabled = false


All the source code is distributed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details. The license does not apply to the images used in the sample apps.

  • LikeOrNope in swift

    LikeOrNope in swift

    I have implemented MDCSwipeToChoose into a swift project and have the view controller currently swiping, however I am having alot of trouble getting the graphics down and loading the stack as it is done in likeornope.. Is there any chance there is a swift version of likeornope available or will one be coming soon. I think I speak for many new IOS developers by saying this would be extremely useful.

    Thanks, Rich

    opened by rjburdish 7
  • pod install isn't working on LikedOrNope project

    pod install isn't working on LikedOrNope project

    After entering pod install in the LikedOrNope directory, I am getting this error.

    MacBook-Pro:LikedOrNope varungoel$ pod install Analyzing dependencies /Users/varungoel/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353@global/gems/cocoapods-0.33.1/lib/cocoapods/executable.rb:55: warning: Insecure world writable dir /usr/local/bin in PATH, mode 040777 [!] An error occurred while performing git pull on repo master. [!] /usr/bin/git pull --ff-only

    error: RPC failed; result=56, HTTP code = 200

    fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

    fatal: early EOF

    fatal: index-pack failed

    Has anyone been able to install this pod successfully?

    opened by goelv 6
  • Animation for Liked and Nope button does not work

    Animation for Liked and Nope button does not work

    When user tap Liked or Nope button . The action works correctly except that the frontView is completely disappear without any animation . How can I solve this ? The example app works just fine .But when I use it on my project ,it does not work.

    opened by kong707 5
  • mdc_swipe Issue

    mdc_swipe Issue

    I'm running across an issue where programmatic swiping without panning first causes the view to always swipe left, regardless of the direction I choose. From there on, it swipes in the correct direction (no pan needed)

    Also if I initially pan before swiping, the first programmatic selection is correct the first time around.

    Anyone else experience this?

    opened by acegreen 4
  • Swift adoption.

    Swift adoption.

    Hey. I tried installing this component via pods to use it with Swift, but got an error which I cant figure out how to fix (as I know zero Objective-C). Maybe some1 could take a quick look ? Cheers in advance !

    I created a new new project. did pod init inside. added pod "MDCSwipeToChoose" to Podfile. ran pod install Opened the newly created workspace. created BridgingHeader.h file. Added #import <MDCSwipeToChoose/MDCSwipeToChoose.h> Added BridgingHeader.h path to apps target Swift Compiler - Code Generator section.

    And got an error inside MDCSwipeToChooseDelegate.h file: screen shot 2014-10-24 at 21 48 41 screen shot 2014-10-24 at 21 46 41 screen shot 2014-10-24 at 21 46 30

    opened by Katafalkas 4
  • Swiping A View Programmatically

    Swiping A View Programmatically

    Im trying to swipe a View Programmatically but [self.swipeToChooseView mdc_swipe:MDCSwipeDirectionLeft]; has not been working.Am i doing something wrong?

    opened by bk207004 4
  • Property 'superview' not found on object of type 'ViewController *'

    Property 'superview' not found on object of type 'ViewController *'

    I got this error message in this code

    - (BOOL)view:(UIView *)view shouldBeChosenWithDirection:(MDCSwipeDirection)direction {
        if (direction == MDCSwipeDirectionLeft) {
            return YES;
        } else {
            // Snap the view back and cancel the choice.
            [UIView animateWithDuration:0.16 animations:^{
                view.transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
                view.center = self.superview.center;
            return NO;
    opened by datomnurdin 3
  • Build failing?

    Build failing?

    Looks like the Travis CI build is failing: https://travis-ci.org/modocache/MDCSwipeToChoose/builds/54823755

    The error message is strange: Reason: The run destination iPad 2 is not valid for Testing the scheme 'MDCSwipeToChoose'.

    opened by modocache 3
  • Add social_media_url to the Podspec

    Add social_media_url to the Podspec

    You should add the social_media_url attribute to your podspec for extra internet win!

    It's relatively useful right now, but should be much more useful soon with feeds.cocoapods.org and the upcoming search changes :)

    opened by orta 3
  • Swiping fully in any direction destroys the view. Need an option to not destroy.

    Swiping fully in any direction destroys the view. Need an option to not destroy.

    When using someUIView.mdc_swipeToChooseSetup(...), a full swipe to the left or right will destroy the view.

    If this view was created with storybuilder, then an @IBAction or @IBoutlet links are gone, along with the entire view. For a lot of cases, that renders this library unusable :-(

    opened by benmathes 2
  • fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

    fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

    Running the Swift example: SwiftLikedOrNope I get the following error while:

    fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value

    The error is reported in class ChoosePersonView: MDCSwipeToChooseView Line 43

    self.imageView.image = self.person.Image!
    opened by confile 2
  • View stucked in position on when app goes to background

    View stucked in position on when app goes to background

    Hi everybody, first I want to thank you for great plugin. Will try to describe my problem. I have implemented your plugin and everything works as it should. But there's one bug occurring while you are already swiping View. If during swiping your app goes to background (for example: somebody calls you, or just for testing, hit home button during swipe), after returning to app View will stuck somewhere in process off swiping and now it's position is calculated as starting for next swiping. What is wrong. View should return to it's starting position before app went to background.

    I attached picture with "censored" content, but just look at cards. This is position they have after resuming app. mdc-bug


    opened by matuskopo 2
  • Prevent the MDCSwipeToChooseView from being removed

    Prevent the MDCSwipeToChooseView from being removed

    Is there a way to prevent the MDCSwipeToChooseViews from being removed from their superview after a swipe? I would like to keep the views since the user can navigate backwards through the cards in my app.

    Thanks in advance!

    opened by adeeb1 1
  • Xcode : Error on building Example

    Xcode : Error on building Example


    First, let me thank you for this projet. Second, I've to admit that I'm a beginner in iOS dev, so please forgive me if I've forget something obvious.

    After set up my BridgingHeader.h file in my project, and declare it in the build settings, I got a compilation error :


    Any idea ?

    opened by Think-It 4
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