TripGo Card View Controller
This is a repo for providing the card-based design for TripGo as well as the TripKitUI SDK by SkedGo.
1. Basic functionality of cards
- Card positions (!3):
: Only shows header of cardpeaking
: Shows half of card's content and the map contentextended
: Shows card fully, map shows a little bit on top but is greyed out
- Pushing a card from another card
- Adds (x) button unless it’s the root card
- Card has a preferred position which is used when pushing (!3)
- Animation: Slide up from the bottom; fading black view on card below with alpha from 0% to 25%
- Pass on appearance callbacks appropriately to involved cards
- Popping a card
- Tap (x) to pop card
- When popping top card, restore card position of card below when something got pushed on it (!3)
- Animation: Slide back down; fading out black view on card below with alpha from 25% to 0%
- Pass on appearance callbacks appropriately to involved cards
- Cards are draggable
- Snap to collapsed (only title), peaking (near half-way showing both map and card content), extended (still shows a bit of the map on top, but darkened) (!3)
- Cards can be dragged up and down anywhere on the card
- Tap title when collapsed: go to peaking (!3)
- Tap title when peaking: go to extended (!3)
- Tap title when extended: do nothing
- Tap map when extended: go to peaking (!3)
- Cards are scrollable
- Cards typically have scrolling content: when scrolling down the card's header stays at the top and a bit of the map still keeps peaking through at the top.
- When scrolling down show a thin separator line between the card's scrolling content and the card's header (!18)
- When scrolling to the top and keeping to scroll, start dragging card (!12)
- Animation curve for push and pop (!1)
- Blurry view under status bar (like Maps app) (!1)
- When rotating device and card is collapsed, make sure card ends up in correct position (!1)
2. Card content and gestures
Card types:
- Plain card
- On top: Title, (x), optional subtitle and optional accessory view
- Add accessory view (!11)
- Content can be scrollable and size adjusts to content. If it fits, it shouldn’t be scrollable
- Add optional floaty button (!14)
- Table card
- Same as plain card, but with a table view as its content
- Allow specifying plain (e.g., for departures) or grouped style (e.g., for profile) (!13)
- Collection card
- Same as plain card, but with a collection view as its content
- Allow specifying collection view layout
- Paging card (!5)
- Handles list of child cards on the same hierarchical level which can be paged programatically and through gestures
- Has header view: Used for titles (child cards shouldn't show them then) and navigation; Header view is separate from sticky bar, i.e., you can have both.
- Re-uses the top card's map manager
- Pass on appearance callbacks appropriately to child cards
Card styles:
- Rounded corners to cards (!2)
- Grab handle for cards (!2)
- Nice close buttons (and next button for paging cards) (!5)
- Title and subtitle styling
- Add mini drop shadow to card views (!2)
- Bottom view (!4)
3. Map content
Map content:
- Cards can optionally have map content
- When showing the content, the insets should be respected to account for the card overlapping the map
- If there’s no map content: Show card always extended and don't allow dragging it down (or just snap back up when using tries) (!3)
Map buttons:
- Optional list of buttons that float on the right above the card or in the top right corner (when collapsed or peaking) (!27)
- When dragging up the card to
, the buttons fade away (!27)
4. Large width (iPad + iPhone in landscape)
- Move card to the side with min (iPhone Plus) and max (iPad) width (!9)
- Make sure transitions work when changing size and traits (!9)
5. UIKit features
- State restoration
- VoiceOver Accessibility (!38)
- Keyboard shortcuts (#30)
Installation and usage
Via CocoaPods:
Check out the repo and make it accessible to your project, e.g., as a git submodule
Add it to your
, e.g.:pod 'TGCardViewController', path: 'Libraries/TGCardViewController'
pod update
Via Carthage
Add it to your
, e.g.:git "" "master"
carthage update
and follow the usual instructions to add it to your project.
Add it to your app
Create a
subclass and use it in your storyboard -
so that the instance from the storyboard isn't used, but insteadTGCardViewController.xib
:import TGCardViewController class CardViewController: TGCardViewController { required init(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { // When loading from the storyboard we don't want to use the controller // as defined in the storyboard but instead use the TGCardViewController.xib super.init(nibName: "TGCardViewController", bundle: TGCardViewController.bundle) } ... }
Create a
subclass, that represents the card at the top level, and add then push that in your view controller'sviewDidLoad
:override func viewDidLoad() { rootCard = MyRootCard() super.viewDidLoad() }
End-user documentation
Keyboard shortcuts
- Card controller
- ⌃+↑: Expand card
- ⌃+↓: Expand/collapse card
- ⌘+w: Pop card or dismiss modal
- Table view cards
- ↑: Highlight previous item
- ↓: Highlight next item
- ⌘+↑: Highlight item at start of list
- ⌘+↓: Highlight item at end of list
- Space or enter: select item
- Esc: deselect
- Paging cards
- ⌃+←: Previous card
- ⌃+→: Next card