MusicScore - A music score library with MusicPart, Measure, Note, Pitch and Tempo representations in swift structs

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Audio MusicScore



A music score library with MusicPart, Measure, Note, Pitch and Tempo representations in swift structs.

Support read music score from MIDI file.


  • Swift 5.0+
  • iOS 14.0+
  • macOS 13.0+


Swift Package Manager

let package = Package(
  name: ...
  dependencies: [
    .package(url: "")
  targets: ...


MusicScore supports load a score from mid file.

Create a MusicScore from a sample midf file in embedded resouce bundle

let score = MusicScore(url: ScoreSamples.sample)!  // 4tracks.mid

Sample MIDI file (4tracks.mid)


Sample Output print(score) (4tracks.mid)

Score: 4tracks.mid
meta: 4tracks.mid_0, instrument: unknown
measure: 0, [0.0, 3.75), tempo: [0.000, inf) 🎼4/4 bpm:120
[0.000-0.250) 🎵A3 1/16 beats:0.250 duration:0.125 ⬇️98 ⬆️64
[0.500-0.750) 🎵C4 1/16 beats:0.250 duration:0.125 ⬇️98 ⬆️64
[1.000-1.250) 🎵D4 1/16 beats:0.250 duration:0.125 ⬇️98 ⬆️64
[1.500-1.750) 🎵E4 1/16 beats:0.250 duration:0.125 ⬇️98 ⬆️64
[2.000-2.250) 🎵A3 1/16 beats:0.250 duration:0.125 ⬇️98 ⬆️64
[2.500-2.750) 🎵C4 1/16 beats:0.250 duration:0.125 ⬇️98 ⬆️64
[3.000-3.250) 🎵D4 1/16 beats:0.250 duration:0.125 ⬇️98 ⬆️64
[3.500-3.750) 🎵E4 1/16 beats:0.250 duration:0.125 ⬇️98 ⬆️64

Access Measures and Notes

func testAccessMeasureAndNotes() {
    let score = MusicScore(url: ScoreSamples.sample)!

    XCTAssertEqual(score.musicParts[0].notes.count, 8)
    XCTAssertEqual(score.musicParts[0].notes[0].noteName, "A3")
    XCTAssertEqual(score.musicParts[0].notes[1].noteName, "C4")
    XCTAssertEqual(score.musicParts[0].measures.count, 1)
    XCTAssertEqual(score.musicParts[0].measures[0].notes[0].noteName, "A3")
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