Droar is a modular, single-line installation debugging window

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Droar is a modular, single-line installation debugging window.


The idea behind Droar is simple: during app deployment stages, adding quick app configurations (switching between mock vs live, QA credential quick-login, changing http environments, etc) tend to get written and shipped straight inline with production code. Droar solves this issue by adding quick configurations that are grouped into one place, and under a single tool.


Droar is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Droar"


To start Droar, add the following in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of your app delegate:

import Droar

if nonProductionEnvironment {

To open, simply swipe starting from the far right side of the screen.


Adding your own Knobs (table sections)

There are two ways to add knobs in Droar:

Static Knobs

Static knobs will always appear in Droar. Simply conform a new or existing class to DroarKnob, and use Droar.register(DroarKnob) to register an instance of it.

Dynamic Knobs

Dynamic knobs are instances of UIViewController that conform to DroarKnob. When Droar is appearing, it will search through the main window's view controller hierarchy and and find currently active/visible UIViewController's, to see if they conform to DroarKnob.

There is no need to register your view controllers as static knobs. Simply conform to DroarKnob, and Droar will pull information from them if Droar is opened on that screen.

If you conform a UINavigationController, UITabBarViewController, etc to DroarKnob (and it's currently visible/active), Droar will pull information both from it, as well as its active/visible view controller.

The DroarKnob Interface:

@objc public protocol DroarKnob {
    // Perform any setup before this knob loads (Register table cells, clear cached data, etc)
    @objc optional func droarKnobWillBeginLoading(tableView: UITableView?)
    // Title for this knob.  If title matches existing knob, they will be combined
    @objc func droarKnobTitle() -> String
    // The positioning and priorty for this knob
    @objc func droarKnobPosition() -> PositionInfo
    // The number of cells for this knob
    @objc func droarKnobNumberOfCells() -> Int
    // The cell at the specified index.  There are many pre-defined cells, just use Droar<#type#>Cell.create(), or create your own.
    @objc func droarKnobCellForIndex(index: Int, tableView: UITableView) -> DroarCell
    // Indicates the cell was selected.  This will not be called if `UITableViewCell.selectionStyle == .none`
    @objc optional func droarKnobIndexSelected(tableView: UITableView, selectedIndex: Int)

Activation Gesture

To configure the gesture that opens Droar, use the setGestureType method of Droar.

Default Knobs

You can control which of the default sections are shown using the registerDefaultKnobs method of Droar. If this isn't called, all default knobs will be displayed.



netfox is a lightweight, one line setup, iOS / OSX network debugging library.


OHHTTPStubs is a library designed to stub your network requests very easily. Since this plugin requires custom customization of OHHTTPStubs, it is dependent on a fork of the OHHTPStubs.


FBMemoryProfiler is an iOS library providing developer tools for browsing objects in memory over time, using FBAllocationTracker and FBRetainCycleDetector.

Writing a Plugin

Check out the guide for creating a new Droar plugin.


Nathan Jangula, Myriad Mobile, developer@myriadmobile.com


Droar is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Is my issue gone?

    Is my issue gone?

    This is all so new to me. I’m just starting to figure it out. Trying to investigate what was happening with my phone. Do you think I need to do more? I’m so unsure about coding. I just want my phone back. Thank you for all your help. sarah

    opened by Davidkazin 1
  • Swift version

    Swift version

    Removed 4.0 support. This was to suppress errors regarding some of the syntax I used. Alternatively I could update all of the syntax to change based on version, but removing 4.0 support let me clean up some other code.

    opened by Alarson93 0
  • Refactor


    This isn't a full refactor; there are definitely things that I think could still be improved.

    That said - I heavily modified our view logic such that we present a UIWindow instead of a VC to the existing window.

    opened by Alarson93 0
  • IT-148 - Droar - don’t auto-complete textfields

    IT-148 - Droar - don’t auto-complete textfields

    Added Internal Task - IT-148 Droar - don’t auto-complete textfields This is part of the DroarTextFieldCell.  Should be able to just edit that cell in the interface builder to not auto-complete textfields.

    opened by SgtJorny 0
  • 34


    Addressed issue #34. Also added refresh logic. I removed autocorrect for the textfield, but decided to UNDO that change. The textfield cell works as it did before.

    opened by Alarson93 0
  • Dismissing navigation stack while Droar is open results in Droar being stuck open

    Dismissing navigation stack while Droar is open results in Droar being stuck open

    If I have the Droar open, but my nav stack is dismissed, then the Droar is stuck open. Droar.isVisible is false because the containerViewController no longer has a parent. (Thus - I assume the “parent” is a VC from the stack I dismissed)

    I was able to work around this issue by modifying the dismissalRecognizer.

        @objc private static func dismissWindow() {
    //        if Droar.isVisible {
    //        }

    It makes me uncomfortable that I'm toggling without knowing the view state though. Considering I am dismissing 100% of the time for this function, I should call something along the lines of dismiss - not toggle.

    While I would love to called dismissWindow from the Droar class, I noticed that those functions are just toggles that check isVisible state (thus they wouldn't work either.

        @objc public static func showWindow(completion: (()->Void)? = nil) {
            guard !isVisible else { return }
        @objc public static func dismissWindow(completion: (()->Void)? = nil) {
            guard isVisible else { return }

    So there are a couple issues at play.

    1. We should change how isVisible is determined. It shouldn't have anything to do with a parent. It should probably be based on whether or not the Droar VC is included within the frame of the UIWindow.
    2. Create more explicit show and dismiss functions. They should not be dependent on any UI state. Just set the VC offset to a reasonable value. Maybe even renamed them to open and close. Toggle should execute these functions based on UI state.
    opened by Alarson93 0
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