POC Shared Worker issues with IOS 16.1 webview
Apple Developers post with workaround
- Start a simple http server with shared workers
cd simple-sw-example; python -m http.server 8000
- Open the current directory in Xcode 14.0 (current stable), build and run against IOS 16.0, everything should work as expected
- Download xcode 14.1 rc2 (current unstable), build and run against IOS 16.1, the webview will crash.
React Native example
- Update one of the webview examples with http://localhost:8000 and try to open in the ios simulator, same thing, 16.0 works but 16.1 crashes.
- The webview will crash with "Webview Process terminated" in ios 16.1
The window.SharedWorker is defined so you expect it to be available but once you call new SharedWorker
it crashes the native webview process on IOS 16.1, but works without any issue in 16.0.