CoreData based Swift ORM


Swift ORM



  1. Pure swift objects - no more subclasses of NSManagedObject
  2. Extensible attribute system - store any type in CoreData storage by implementing a simple protocol in type extension
  3. Strongly typed data queries
  4. Progressive migrations


CoreData is hard. It was originally designed as a data layer for applications with a focus on I/O performance, but hardware has become more powerful over time and the complexity of CoreData still persists (lol). In modern applications, building CoreData-based data layer is expensive and often unreasonable decision.

Even the NSPersistentContainer doesn't relieve us of the need to keep track of the lifecycle of the managed objects associated with the context and remember to read / write on the context queue. In addition, an application often has a second set of data models, similar to managed objects and code for converting between the two sets of models.

Apple is aware of all of this and in modern guides prefers data persistence based on Codable models.

At the same time, CoreData has many advantages - a powerful visual editor for data models, automatic migrations, a simplified (compared to SQL) query system, secure multi-threaded access to data out of the box, and so on.

Sworm is a tool that hides the complexity of CoreData from the developer, but keeps the advantages.

How to use

Basic usage



Read and write your data graph

Proper setup of PersistentContainer

Progressive migrations


See tests


Use SPM:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.0.0"))

Code style

swiftformat --self insert --swiftversion 5.3 .

  • delete operation throws build error

    delete operation throws build error

    I created a generic repository that gets a PersistentContainer injected (I followed you instructions up to there):

    public class BaseRepository<T>: Repository where T: ManagedObjectConvertible {
    	public var persistentContainer: PersistentContainer
    	init(persistentContainer: PersistentContainer) {
    		self.persistentContainer = persistentContainer
    	public func allItems() throws -> [T] {
    		try self.persistentContainer.perform { context in
    			try context.fetch(T.all).map { try $0.decode() }
    	public func create(_ item: T) throws {
    		try self.persistentContainer.perform { context in
    			try context.insert(item)
    	public func remove(_ item: T) throws {
    		try self.persistentContainer.perform { context in
    			try context.delete(item)

    However, the "remove" function where the delete operation on the context is used, throws a build error:

    Cannot convert value of type 'T' to expected argument type 'ManagedObject<PlainObject>'

    I tried around, but I cannot figure out how to fix this. Do you have any ideas?

    The calling part looks like this (a repository factory):

    	public func makeRepository<R>(for storyType: StoreType) -> R where R: Repository {
    		switch storyType {
    			case .country:
    				return BaseRepository<Country>(persistentContainer: persistentContainer) as! R
    			case .location:
    				return BaseRepository<Location>(persistentContainer: persistentContainer) as! R


    public protocol Repository {
    	associatedtype T: ManagedObjectConvertible
    	var persistentContainer: PersistentContainer { get }
    	func allItems() throws -> [T]

    Thanks for your support!

    opened by innoreq 9
  • Relations cannot be set

    Relations cannot be set

    Hello again,

    I'm struggling with relations and their handling. The use case is:

    • There are companies, that have a many-to-many-relationship with persons
    • I create a company, and I create some persons.
    • I want to assign the persons to the company.

    Actually, pretty simple.

    The test case is:

    		let domainStore: DomainStore = .init(kind: .temporary)
    		let companyStore = GenericAPI<Company>(domainStore: domainStore)
    		let personStore = GenericAPI<Person>(domainStore: domainStore)
    		XCTAssertEqual(companyStore.list, [])
    		XCTAssertEqual(personStore.list, [])
    		// Add some persons.
    		var new1: Person = personStore.add() = "Paul"
    		var new2: Person = personStore.add() = "Peter"
    		XCTAssertEqual(personStore.list.count, 2)
    		// Add a company.
    		var new3: Company = companyStore.add() = "The AG"
    		XCTAssertEqual(companyStore.list.count, 1)
    		XCTAssertEqual(companyStore.list[0].name, "The AG")
    		new3.persons = [new1, new2]

    The error occurts in the last line, where the compiler says: "Value of type Company has no member persons."

    Now, Company is defined such:

    public struct Company: DomainType {
    	public init(uuid: UUID, name: String) {
    		self.uuid = uuid = name
    	public var uuid: UUID
    	public var name: String
    extension Company {
    	public static var idKeyPath: KeyPath<Company, UUID> {
    	public init() {
    		self.uuid = .init() = .init()
    	public static let entityName = "CompanyMO"
    	public static let attributes: Set<Attribute<Company>> = [
    		.init(\.uuid, "uuid"),
    		.init(\.name, "name"),
    	public struct Relations {
    		public init() {}
    		public let persons = ToManyRelation<Person>("persons")
    	public static let relations = Relations()

    So, actually everything as stated in your directions and test cases, where a Book has authors.

    The public init() was kind of desperation task, cause I thought it may be a visiblity problem (the domain types are defined in a package), but it did not change anything.

    So it seems I'm doing something wrong - but what?

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    opened by innoreq 4
  • Is it possible to use Swarm as change tracker in CoreData?

    Is it possible to use Swarm as change tracker in CoreData?


    Is it possible to use Swarm as change tracker in CoreData? If not Could you give advise how implement this functionality in cooperation with Sworm?

    Thank you

    opened by shalom-aviv 3
  • Q: How to update an existing item?

    Q: How to update an existing item?

    Just for better understanding: There is no "update" method in Sworm, just insert and delete. How is an existing object updated?

    My use case is an editor sheet, that provides "cancel" and "save" operations. This includes (a) the need for a rollback, and (b) the need for an update.

    The missing "update" operation may be interpreted in a way that Sworm updates "on-the-fly" whenever an attribute changes.

    So, how does Sworm work in this context? How should an update intentionally be handled?

    opened by innoreq 3
  • Cold you please add sample for

    Cold you please add sample for "read / write data models or attributes separately."

    In addition to accessing graphics, ManagedObject has a set of paired `encode` / `decode` methods 
    that allow you to read / write data models or attributes separately.

    from here

    opened by shalom-aviv 2
  • Key path value type cannot be converted to contextual type

    Key path value type cannot be converted to contextual type

    I'm following the guidance in basic usage docs and I have hit a snag with the package.

    The following throws a compile time error of Key path value type 'WritableKeyPath<Forecast, Date>' cannot be converted to contextual type 'KeyPath<Forecast, Date>'.

    Any tips?

    XCode 14.1 targeting iOS 16

    import Foundation
    import Sworm
    struct Forecast {
        let date: Date    
        let area: Area
        init(date: Date, area: Area) {
   = date
            self.area = area
    extension Forecast : ManagedObjectConvertible {
        init() {
        static let entityName = "Forecast"
        static let attributes: Set<Attribute<Forecast>> = [
            .init(\.date, "date") // Key path value type 'WritableKeyPath<Forecast, Date>' cannot be converted to contextual type 'KeyPath<Forecast, Date>'
        struct Relations {
            let area = ToOneRelation<Area>("area")
        static let relations = Relations()
    opened by darbio 1
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