Build Slack apps, in Swift



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SlackKit: Slack Apps in Swift


SlackKit makes it easy to build Slack apps in Swift.

It's intended to expose all of the functionality of Slack's Real Time Messaging API as well as the web APIs that are accessible to bot users. SlackKit also supports Slack’s OAuth 2.0 flow including the Add to Slack and Sign in with Slack buttons, incoming webhooks, slash commands, and message buttons.


Swift Package Manager

Add SlackKit to your Package.swift

let package = Package(
	dependencies: [
		.package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "4.6.0"))

When built using Swift Package Manager, SlackKit includes the vapor websocket framework by default which requires libressl.

You can install it with homebrew: brew install libressl

For additional details, see the SKRTMAPI readme.


Add SlackKit to your Cartfile:

github "pvzig/SlackKit"

SlackKit is now using .xcframeworks. When building your dependencies with carthage, please specify a platform: carthage bootstrap --use-xcframeworks --platform macos


Add SlackKit to your Podfile:

pod 'SlackKit'


To use the library in your project import it:

import SlackKit

The Basics

Create a bot user with an API token:

import SlackKit

let bot = SlackKit()
// Register for event notifications
bot.notificationForEvent(.message) { (event, _) in
	// Your bot logic here

or create a ready-to-launch Slack app with your application’s Client ID and Client Secret:

import SlackKit

let bot = SlackKit()
let oauthConfig = OAuthConfig(clientID: "CLIENT_ID", clientSecret: "CLIENT_SECRET")
bot.addServer(oauth: oauthConfig)

or just make calls to the Slack Web API:

import SlackKit

let bot = SlackKit()
bot.webAPI?.authenticationTest(success: { (success) in
}, failure: nil)

Slash Commands

After configuring your slash command in Slack (you can also provide slash commands as part of a Slack App), create a route, response middleware for that route, and add it to a responder:

let slackkit = SlackKit()
let middleware = ResponseMiddleware(token: "SLASH_COMMAND_TOKEN", response: SKResponse(text: "👋"))
let route = RequestRoute(path: "/hello", middleware: middleware)
let responder = SlackKitResponder(routes: [route])
slackkit.addServer(responder: responder)

When a user enters that slash command, it will hit your configured route and return the response you specified.

Message Buttons

Add message buttons to your responses for additional interactivity.

To send messages with actions, add them to an attachment and send them using the Web API:

let helloAction = Action(name: "hello", text: "🌎")
let attachment = Attachment(fallback: "Hello World", title: "Welcome to SlackKit", callbackID: "hello_world", actions: [helloAction])
slackkit.webAPI?.sendMessage(channel: "CXXXXXX", text: "", attachments: [attachment], success: nil, failure: nil)

To respond to message actions, add a RequestRoute with MessageActionMiddleware using your app’s verification token to your SlackKitResponder:

let response = ResponseMiddleware(token: "SLACK_APP_VERIFICATION_TOKEN", response: SKResponse(text: "Hello, world!"))
let actionRoute = MessageActionRoute(action: helloAction, middleware: response)
let actionMiddleware = MessageActionMiddleware(token: "SLACK_APP_VERIFICATION_TOKEN", routes:[actionRoute])
let actions = RequestRoute(path: "/actions", middleware: actionMiddleware)
let responder = SlackKitResponder(routes: [actions])
slackkit.addServer(responder: responder)


Slack has many different oauth scopes that can be combined in different ways. If your application does not request the proper OAuth scopes, your API calls will fail.

If you authenticate using OAuth and the Add to Slack or Sign in with Slack buttons this is handled for you.

For local development of things like OAuth, slash commands, and message buttons, you may want to use a tool like ngrok.

Advanced Usage

Don’t need the whole banana? Want more control over the low-level implementation details? Use the extensible frameworks SlackKit is built on:

Framework Description
SKClient Write your own client implementation
SKRTMAPI Connect to the Slack RTM API
SKServer Spin up a server for a Slack app
SKWebAPI Access the Slack Web API


You can find the source code for several example applications here.


Get In Touch

Twitter: @pvzig


  • Unknown error (404) when sending message with question mark at the end

    Unknown error (404) when sending message with question mark at the end

    When trying to send message (bot.webApi?.sendMessage()) with text that has question mark (?) I get failure with unknownError type. When I removed this question mark my message got through. I think there is something wrong with escaping this sign from request url and it's messing with url query.

    opened by ghost 9
  • How to observer changes in client?

    How to observer changes in client?

    I'm a bit confused how one would observe changes on the Client. A callback api would be appreciated. Essentially when messages are handled my client, state changes and etc. how would one go about observing these changes in a controller?

    opened by hamin 7
  • channels.history is deprecated, should we migrate to conversations.history instead?

    channels.history is deprecated, should we migrate to conversations.history instead?

    I've just started playing around with SKWebAPI, and it seems like channelsHistory() fails since the whole family if channels* API methods is now deprecated and doesn't work for new apps already.

    I'd love to work on this and port the deprecated methods from channel* to conversations*, but I'm fairly new to Swift and will need your help reviewing my PRs. Should I work on that?

    opened by natikgadzhi 6
  • Issue with `slackFormatEscaping`

    Issue with `slackFormatEscaping`

    Hi :)

    I have some issues with the slackFormatEscaping function When I use it I am unable to make mentions because it escape the characters but after when URLQueryItem convert params it encodes this to Percent-encoding

    For the moment I have fork all the repositories to remove this function, Am I wrong or Am i missing something ?

    opened by PoissonBallon 6
  • Add support for Attachments

    Add support for Attachments

    I actually need support for Attachments in the app I'm working on. @muratayusuke's fork has this actually already done along with a bunch of other enhancements:

    Would love to see a PR @muratayusuke to pull his fork's changes into upstream. If not I can always make a PR just for the Attachment support but really it would just be duplicating @muratayusuke's efforts. Thoughts?

    opened by hamin 6
  • Slack API expects token passed in Authorization header instead of a GET parameter?

    Slack API expects token passed in Authorization header instead of a GET parameter?

    The code I'm running to run is simple:

    let bot = SlackKit()
    bot.webAPI?.conversationsList(success: { channels, nextCursor in
    }, failure: { error in

    I traced the URLRequest being sent and it seems like the url is:

    I tried sending this same request with Postman and got this response:

        "ok": false,
        "error": "invalid_auth"

    But when I send a request to with the following header:

    Authorization: Bearer xoxb-SLACK-BOT-TOKEN

    it returns the expected response:

        "ok": true,
        "channels": [

    So I'm not sure why I'm the only one having the issue, but maybe it's because I created my app on the Slack Api portal yesterday and it uses this new header auth style?

    If that's the case, then it looks this library needs to be updated to pass the token in the Authorization header for new Slack Apps.

    Edit: Here's the changelog where they deprecated querystring authentication:

    opened by katzenbaer 5
  • Build fails on Ubuntu 18.04

    Build fails on Ubuntu 18.04

    Ubuntu 18.04.03, Swift 5.0.2, SlackKit "upToNextMinor 4.3.0"

    Build silently fails, final output from swift build --verbose is like this:

    /usr/bin/clang -target x86_64-unknown-linux --sysroot / -fPIC -g -O0 -DSWIFT_PACKAGE=1 -DDEBUG=1 -fblocks -fmodules -fmodule-name=CNIOOpenSSL -I /home/pseudo/gaijinbot/.build/checkouts/swift-nio-ssl/Sources/CNIOOpenSSL/include -fmodule-map-file=/home/pseudo/gaijinbot/.build/checkouts/swift-nio-ssl-support/module.modulemap -fmodules-cache-path=/home/pseudo/gaijinbot/.build/x86_64-unknown-linux/debug/ModuleCache -MD -MT dependencies -MF /home/pseudo/gaijinbot/.build/x86_64-unknown-linux/debug/ -c /home/pseudo/gaijinbot/.build/checkouts/swift-nio-ssl/Sources/CNIOOpenSSL/shims.c -o /home/pseudo/gaijinbot/.build/x86_64-unknown-linux/debug/ :

    . $

    bug SlackKit 
    opened by khakionion 5
  • iOS: Cocoapods framework not found SlackKit

    iOS: Cocoapods framework not found SlackKit

    I try install this framework via Cocoapods for iOS application. But can not import be cause of error:

    Showing Recent Messages :-1: framework not found SlackKit

    opened by tandinhle 5
  • `sendEphemeral` should have an equivalent `sendThreadedEphemeral`

    `sendEphemeral` should have an equivalent `sendThreadedEphemeral`

    Much like sendMessage has sendThreadedMessage. There is currently no way to respond in a thread with an ephemeral message.

    Alternatively, networkInterface could be exposed or another extension point could be added for library consumers, such as an "additionalParameters" function parameter that would allow passing in additional fields to help build the payload.

    Or perhaps there's something else I missed that might allow us to do this?

    enhancement SKWebAPI 
    opened by allenhumphreys 5
  • Type 'SlackKit' does not conform to protocol 'RTMAdapter'

    Type 'SlackKit' does not conform to protocol 'RTMAdapter'

    After dependencies update a few days ago I've got the error:

    Type 'SlackKit' does not conform to protocol 'RTMAdapter'

    Error repeats even after fresh install. Adding a stub for connectionClosed(with error: Error, instance: SKRTMAPI) method fixes the problem, but not sure that this is the proper solution (: Looks

    Is it only my problem or there some bug of SlackKit conformance to SKRTMAPI? Thanks in advance!

    opened by ihityouback 5
  • Unable to build with Swift Package Manager

    Unable to build with Swift Package Manager

    Attempts to build recent versions of SlackKit fail when using SPM.

    Using the following steps, building an application including SlackKit fails when specifying version 4.2.0 rather than 4.1.0 (which still works):

    mkdir x6
    cd x6
    swift package init --type executable

    edit Package.swift to include dependencies

    swift package generate-xcodeproj
    open x6.xcodeproj

    build project using Xcode UI

    $ swift --version
    Apple Swift version 4.2.1 (swiftlang-1000.11.42 clang-1000.11.45.1)
    Target: x86_64-apple-darwin18.2.0

    Xcode Version 10.1 (10B61)

    Build errors are in dependencies of packages required by SlackKit. e.g.

    ... x6/.build/checkouts/swift-nio-ssl.git--5028798909648298346/Sources/CNIOOpenSSL/include/c_nio_openssl.h:17:10: fatal error: 'openssl/conf.h' file not found
    #include <openssl/conf.h>
    1 error generated.

    I see this problem on both of my systems. Hopefully this isn't an embarrassing pilot error on my behalf.


    opened by ObscureBug 4
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