An API wrapper for bitFlyer.



An API wrapper for bitFlyer that supports all providing API.

Swift Platform Cocoapods Carthage License

API Document


Public API

Fetch a market list.

import SwiftFlyer

let request = GetMarketListRequest()

ApiSession.shared.send(request) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let markets):
    case .failed(let e):
      // Error handling


  SwiftFlyer.Market(productCode: SwiftFlyer.ProductCode.btc_jpy, alias: nil),
  SwiftFlyer.Market(productCode: SwiftFlyer.ProductCode.fx_btc_jpy, alias: nil),
  SwiftFlyer.Market(productCode: SwiftFlyer.ProductCode.eth_btc, alias: nil),
  SwiftFlyer.Market(productCode: SwiftFlyer.ProductCode.bch_btc, alias: nil)

Private API

Generate API keys:

Check your balance.

import SwiftFlyer

// For access private API.
BitFlyer.apiKey = // Your API Key
BitFlyer.apiSecretKey = // Your API Secret Key

let request = GetBalanceRequest()

ApiSession.shared.send(request) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let markets):
    case .failed(let e):
      // Error handling


  SwiftFlyer.Balance(amount: 0.0, available: 0.0, currencyCode: SwiftFlyer.CurrencyCode.jpy),
  SwiftFlyer.Balance(amount: 0.0, available: 0.0, currencyCode: SwiftFlyer.CurrencyCode.btc),
  SwiftFlyer.Balance(amount: 0.0, available: 0.0, currencyCode: SwiftFlyer.CurrencyCode.bch),
  SwiftFlyer.Balance(amount: 0.0, available: 0., currencyCode: SwiftFlyer.CurrencyCode.eth),
  SwiftFlyer.Balance(amount: 0.0, available: 0.0, currencyCode: SwiftFlyer.CurrencyCode.etc),
  SwiftFlyer.Balance(amount: 0.0, available: 0.0, currencyCode: SwiftFlyer.CurrencyCode.ltc),
  SwiftFlyer.Balance(amount: 0.0, available: 0.0, currencyCode: SwiftFlyer.CurrencyCode.mona)

RealTime API (JSON RPC over WebSocket)

Use RealTImeAPI in your project.

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {

    // If you want retrive realtime information, set channels and call `subscribe` of RealTimeAPI.
    typealias Channel = RealTimeAPI.SubscribeChannel

    // Set channels for subscribing realtime api from bitFlyer RealTimeAPI by using JSON RPC over WebSocket.
    let subscribeChannels: [String] = [

    // Start observing realtime API.
    RealTimeAPI.shared.subscribe(with: subscribeChannels)


After subscribe realtime API, you should implement RealTimeAPIDelegate into your class.

class ViewController: UIViewController {    

    private let realtime: RealTimeAPI = .shared

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        // Set realtime API delegate for get your setted object.
        realtime.delegate = self

extension UIViewController: RealTimeAPIDelegate {
    public func didReceiveSnapShot(_ snapshot: Board) {
    public func didReceiveBoardDiff(_ board: Board) {
    public func didReceiveTicker(_ ticker: Ticker) {
    public func didReceiveExecution(_ executions: [Execution]) {


XCode 9+

Swift 4+


$ pod repo update

And add this to your Podfile:

pod 'SwiftFlyer'


$ pod install


Add this to your Cartfile:

github "rinov/SwiftFlyer"


$ carthage update


  • Add timeout to each requests and common settings.
  • Provide HMAC 256 algorithm instead of CryptoSwift.
  • Detect exceeding of API call.





Ryo Ishikawa,


SwiftFlyer is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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    We have been supporting multiple methods of real-time data transmission API to our customers at bitFlyer. However, we will be dropping support for real-time data transmission via PubNub.

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