Mockit is a Tasty mocking framework for unit tests in Swift 5.0



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Mockit is a Tasty mocking framework for unit tests in Swift 5.0. It's at an early stage of development, but its current features are almost completely usable.

Mockit is a mocking framework that tastes brilliant. It lets you write beautiful tests with a clean & simple API. Tests written using Mockit are very readable and they produce clean verification errors. It's inspired by the famous mocking framework for Java - Mockito.


Mockit is yet to be documented fully but it comes with a sample project that lets you try all its features and become familiar with the API. You can find it in Mockit.xcworkspace.

There's an example test file called ExampleTests.swift. Look there for some tests that can be run. This tests a class Example against a mocked collaborator ExampleCollaborator.

File an issue if you have any question.

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


  • There's some boiler-plate code needed to create mocks. See MockExampleCollaborator for an example in the Basic Usage section below. However, a plugin development is on its way for both Xcode and AppCode to minimize writing this boiler-plate code every time a mock needs to be created.


  • Stubbing. Mockit lets you stub a method and then perform any of 3 actions (thenReturn, thenDo, thenAnswer) individually or in any order via chaining;

  • Mocking. You can create a subclass extending the Mock protocol to mock required methods;

  • Call Verification. You can verify method calls using one of 8 supported modes (Once, AtLeastOnce, AtMostOnce, Times, AtLeastTimes, AtMostTimes, Never and Only);

  • Arguments of specific call. Mockit allows you to obtain the arguments of a specific method call to use custom assertions on them;

  • Helpful messages. If method verification fails or something goes wrong, Mockit provides readable messages that describes the issue;

  • Default Type matchers. Out of the box, Mockit can match the following types:

    • String / String?
    • Bool / Bool?
    • Int / Int?
    • Double / Double?
    • Float / Float?
    • Array / Array? of the above primitive types
    • Dictionary / Dictionary? of the above primitive types

Given that Swift does not have reflection, Mockit cannot magically match your custom types, so you need to subclass TypeMatcher protocol to write your one custom type matcher. For an example, see the Basic Usage section below.

Basic Usage

The examples below assume we are mocking this class:

String { return "" } } ">
class ExampleCollaborator {

    func voidFunction() {

    func function(int: Int, _ string: String) -> String {
      return ""

    func stringDictFunction(dict: [String: String]) -> String {
      return ""


In your test code, you'll need to create a MockExampleCollaborator, which extends ExampleCollaborator and adopts Mock. The mock creates a CallHandler, and forwards all calls to it:

) -> String { return callHandler.accept("", ofFunction: #function, atFile: #file, inLine: #line, withArgs: dict) as! String } } ">
class MockExampleCollaborator: ExampleCollaborator, Mock {

    let callHandler: CallHandler

    init(testCase: XCTestCase) {
      callHandler = CallHandlerImpl(withTestCase: testCase)

    func instanceType() -> MockExampleCollaborator {
      return self

    override func voidFunction() {
      callHandler.accept(nil, ofFunction: #function, atFile: #file, inLine: #line, withArgs: nil)

    override func function(int: Int, _ string: String) -> String {
      return callHandler.accept("", ofFunction: #function, atFile: #file, inLine: #line, withArgs: int, string) as! String

    override func stringDictFunction(dict: Dictionary<String, String>) -> String {
      return callHandler.accept("", ofFunction: #function, atFile: #file, inLine: #line, withArgs: dict) as! String


To write a custom type matcher:

public class CustomMatcher: TypeMatcher {

    public func match(argument arg: Any, withArgument withArg: Any) -> Bool {
      switch (arg, withArg) {
        case ( _ as CustomType, _ as CustomType):
          // custom matching code here
          return true
          return false


It is good practice to put the mock objects and custom type matchers in a separate group in the test part of your project.

Currently-supported syntax

// stub a call on a method with parameters, then return value
mockCollaborator.when().call(withReturnValue: mockCollaborator.function(42, "frood")).thenReturn("hoopy")
String in // custom code here } ">
// stub a call on a method with dictionary parameter, then answer value
mockCollaborator.when().call(withReturnValue: mockCollaborator.stringDictFunction(["Hello": "Pong"])).thenAnswer {
      (args: [Any?]) -> String in

      // custom code here
// stub a call on a void method , then do action
mockCollaborator.when().call(withReturnValue: mockCollaborator.voidFunction()).thenDo {
      (args: [Any?]) -> Void in

      // if the call is received, this closure will be executed
      print("===== thenDo closure called =====")
// stub a call on a method , then return values on multiple calls
mockCollaborator.when().call(withReturnValue: mockCollaborator.stringDictFunction(["Hello": "Pong"])).thenReturn("ping", "hoopy")
String in // custom code here } ">
// stub a call on a method , then chain multiple actions for corresponding calls
mockCollaborator.when().call(withReturnValue: mockCollaborator.stringDictFunction(["Hello": "Pong"])).thenReturn("ping", "hoopy").thenAnswer {
      (args: [Any?]) -> String in

      // custom code here
// call a method and then get arguments of a specific call which can be asserted later
systemUnderTest.doSomethingWithParamters(42, "frood")
systemUnderTest.doSomethingWithParamters(18, "hoopy")

let argumentsOfFirstCall = mockCollaborator.getArgs(callOrder: 1).of(mockCollaborator.function(, AnyValue.string))
let argumentsOfSecondCall = mockCollaborator.getArgs(callOrder: 2).of(mockCollaborator.function(, AnyValue.string))

With nice mocks, Mockit supports the "verify expectations after mocking" style using 8 supported verification modes

// call method on the system under test

// Then
mockCollaborator.verify(verificationMode: Once()).methodOne()
mockCollaborator.verify(verificationMode: Never()).methodTwo()
mockCollaborator.verify(verificationMode: Once()).methodThree()

// call method on the system under test

// Then
mockCollaborator.verify(verificationMode: Times(times: 2)).methodOne()

// call method on the system under test

// Then
mockCollaborator.verify(verificationMode: Only()).methodThree()

// call method on system under test

// Then
mockCollaborator.verify(verificationMode: Once()).methodOne()
mockCollaborator.verify(verificationMode: AtLeastOnce()).methodTwo()
mockCollaborator.verify(verificationMode: AtMostOnce()).methodThree()

// call method on the system under test

// Then
mockCollaborator.verify(verificationMode: AtLeastTimes(times: Times(times: 1))).methodTwo()
mockCollaborator.verify(verificationMode: Never()).methodOne()
mockCollaborator.verify(verificationMode: AtMostTimes(times: Times(times: 3))).methodThree()


  • Xcode 9+
  • XCTest


Mockit is built with Swift 5.0.


Mockit is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Mockit', '1.5.0'


  1. Download and drop /Mockit folder in your project.
  2. Congratulations!


Issues and pull-requests are most welcome - especially about improving the API further.


Syed Sabir Salman-Al-Musawi,

I'd also like to thank Sharafat Ibn Mollah Mosharraf for his big support during the API design and development phase.


Mockit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

The PNG at the top of this is from

  • Swift 5 migration and corresponding pod and READ me update

    Swift 5 migration and corresponding pod and READ me update

    • Updated Swift version to 5.0
    • Applied Swift 5.0 syntax
    • Pods installed to reflect Swift 5.0 update.
    • Incremented version to 1.5.0
    • Updated README to point to 1.5.0
    opened by VinutaPrabhu 3
  • Issue with testing func with a closure parameter

    Issue with testing func with a closure parameter

    Greetings! Have a some problems with testing func, which have call function with a closure parameter inside MVP architecture, testing non-mock Presenter with mocked ViewController Presenter - func chooseTypeOfPurpose() { view.showCategory(purposes: purposes, currentPurpose: currentPurpose) { (otherCategory) in if let category = otherCategory { self.setCategory(category) self.updateButtons() } } } MockViewController - func showCategory(purposes: [PurposeObject], currentPurpose: PurposeObject?, completion: @escaping (PurposeObject?) -> Void) { let viewController = PurposeViewController() viewController.purposeHandler = completion viewController.allPurposes = purposes viewController.currentPurpose = currentPurpose; self.navigationController?.pushViewController(viewController, animated: true) } So, what i can do in this situation? Can i handle completion with Mockit like in Mockito with argumentcaptor?

    opened by SheveleR 1
  • Add details to argument mismatch error

    Add details to argument mismatch error

    We experienced a strange error that caused some of our tests to crash, but only in our CI system, never locally. It was really hard to identify the issue, since the error message was not informative enough. This commit is supposed to give more detail about the actual stub when this argument mismatch error occurs.

    opened by andraskadar 0
  • Add Manual Installation

    Add Manual Installation

    CocoaPods is an awesome tool and it makes our life really easier, but there are some devs who still don't know how to use them.

    It would be cool to add the Manual installation guide in your You can take a look at my iOS Readme Template to see how you can do it.

    opened by lfarah 0
  • OSX Compatibility

    OSX Compatibility

    Presumably nothing in this framework actually depends on iOS - could you possibly mark the podspec as being compatible with OSX too? pod refuses to install it simply because I'm targeting OSX :)

    opened by arrtchiu 0
  • 1.5.0 version unavailable on CocoaPods

    1.5.0 version unavailable on CocoaPods

    Hello :)

    I recently tried to install Mockit via CocoaPods with the following line :

    pod 'Mockit', '1.5.0'

    Unfortunately, I get the : None of your spec sources contain a spec satisfying the dependency: Mockit (= 1.5.0) error.

    When I go to cocoa pods, the latest version is the 1.4.0 with a compilation error on MockMatcher line 33 (use public instead of open).

    I will go with manual installation for now but it would be great if the latest version of the library could be available on Cocoapods for CI :)

    Thanks in advance !

    opened by GhaisB 1
  • How to stub the same method twice with different arguments

    How to stub the same method twice with different arguments

    Hi, I need to stub the same method of my mockObject twice, but I can't use the variadic thenReturn because it's a generic method returning different types Single<T.Data> according to the T provided as an argument. (In the code above a Query is a protocol, and the method getSingle<T>(query: T) -> Single<T.Data> where T : Query accepts any class that implements query and returns a Single of type T.Data)

    let _ = self.mockDataSource.when().call(withReturnValue: self.mockDataSource.getSingle(query: QueryA())) .thenReturn(Single.just(payloadA))

    let _ = self.mockDataSource .when().call(withReturnValue: self.mockDataSource.getSingle(query: QueryB())) .thenReturn(Single.just(payloadB))

    However, the second stub is never called, always the first one, and my tests fail. I'd like to have the ability to create a stub returning a specific type according to the type provided as an argument, either by matching the provided type (I failed to do it with ArgumentMatcher) either by specifying the order...

    Thank you for your help,

    opened by matvdg 2
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