Screen transition with safe and clean code.



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Screen transition with safe and clean code.

With Presenter, you can…

  • Assure that the ViewController's requirements are met, such as a ViewModel to be injected.
  • Constrain transition types (push or present modal or both)

This library is recommended to be used together with Instantiatable.


Clean Screen Transition

MyViewController.Presenter(userID: "muukii").push(self.navigationController)
MyViewController.Presenter(userID: "muukii").present(self)


MyViewController.Presenter(userID: "muukii").push(self.navigationController) { (transaction: PushTransaction<MyViewController> in

    // Pop    

    // Get

MyViewController.Presenter(userID: "muukii").present(self) { (transaction: ModalTransaction<MyViewController>) in

    // Pop    

    // Get

Create Presenter


extension MyViewController {

    final class Presenter: PushPresenter {

        let userID: String

        init(userID: String) {
            self.userID = userID

        func createViewController() -> MyViewController {
            let controller = MessagesViewController() // Init from Stroyboard or XIB
            controller.userID = userID
            return controller
        // Optional:
        public func willPush(viewController: MyViewController) {
        public func didPush(viewController: MyViewController) {


extension MyViewController {

    final class Presenter: ModalPresenter {

        let userID: String

        init(userID: String) {
            self.userID = userID

        func parentController(viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController? {
            return UINavigationController(rootViewController: viewController)

        func createViewController() -> MyViewController {
            let controller = MessagesViewController() // Init from Stroyboard or XIB
            controller.userID = userID
            return controller
        // Optional
        public func willPresent(viewController: MyViewController) {
        public func didPresent(viewController: MyViewController) {

Present or Push

extension MyViewController {

    final class Presenter: PushPresenter, ModalPresenter {

        let userID: String

        init(userID: String) {
            self.userID = userID

        func parentController(viewController: UIViewController) -> UIViewController? {
            // Call Present() only
            return UINavigationController(rootViewController: viewController)

        func createViewController() -> MyViewController {
            let controller = MessagesViewController() // Init from Stroyboard or XIB
            controller.userID = userID
            return controller
        // Optional
        public func willPresent(viewController: MyViewController) {
        public func didPresent(viewController: MyViewController) {
        public func willPush(viewController: MyViewController) {
        public func didPush(viewController: MyViewController) {



Presenter is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Presenter"




Presenter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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