The source code of the EU Digital COVID Certificate App Core for iOS


EU Digital COVID Certificate App Core - iOS



This repository contains the source code of the EU Digital COVID Certificate App Core for iOS.

The app core provides shared functionality for the verifier and wallet apps.

Translators 💬

You can help the localization of this project by making contributions to the /Localization folder.



  • You need a Mac to run Xcode.
  • Xcode 12.5+ is used for our builds. The OS requirement is macOS 11.0+.
  • To install development apps on physical iPhones, you need an Apple Developer account.


Since this is just a requirement module, it is used as a dependency in both the verifier and wallet apps on iOS. For that, Xcode builds the module from source in the target app. Because of that, building this module on its own is not supported.

Testing 🧑‍🔬

This project uses the testdata repo for automatic tests. You can run tests in two ways:

  1. Either via ./,
  2. Or via the Xcode project project-for-testing/project-for-testing.xcodeproj.

The second option is good for debugging single test case failures. Run the test script (1.) once, so that the data repo is checked out. Then, open Xcode and run the tests. You can add automatic test failure breakpoints for easy debugging.


  • TODO: Link to documentation

Support and feedback

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Type Channel
Other requests

How to contribute

Contribution and feedback is encouraged and always welcome. For more information about how to contribute, the project structure, as well as additional contribution information, see our Contribution Guidelines. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by its Code of Conduct at all times.


Our commitment to open source means that we are enabling -in fact encouraging- all interested parties to contribute and become part of its developer community.


Copyright (C) 2021 T-Systems International GmbH and all other contributors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.

You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the LICENSE for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

  • HC1 missing in QR Code stored in the ios Wallet

    HC1 missing in QR Code stored in the ios Wallet

    Upon Scanning the QR Code in the iOS Wallet, the HC1 prefix is removed. The resultant QR Code that is saved in the Wallet is invalid, as it's missing the HC1 prefix.

    in HCert.swift:

      static func parsePrefix(_ payloadString: String, errors: ParseErrors?) -> String {
        var payloadString = payloadString
        var foundPrefix = false
        for prefix in Self.supportedPrefixes {
          if payloadString.starts(with: prefix) {
            payloadString = String(payloadString.dropFirst(prefix.count))
            foundPrefix = true
        if !foundPrefix {
        return payloadString

    The above line removes the HC1 prefix (which is correct at this point) payloadString = String(payloadString.dropFirst(prefix.count))

    However, later in HCERT+UIKit.swift, this HC1 is never returned to the payLoad when saving the new QR Code that is saved in the wallet.

      func makeQrCode() -> UIImage? {
        let data = String.Encoding.ascii)
        if let filter = CIFilter(name: "CIQRCodeGenerator") {
          filter.setValue(data, forKey: "inputMessage")
          let transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 3, y: 3)
          if let output = filter.outputImage?.transformed(by: transform) {
            return UIImage(ciImage: output)
        return nil

    Either we need to either prepend the HC1 back when making the QRCode (which for me is not a correct solution, or maintain the Original QR Code string (version without trimming), and utalize this to save the QRCode in the makeQrCode function.

    opened by psavva 11
  • iOS 11 support

    iOS 11 support

    Current Implementation

    No support of iOS 11+

    Suggested Enhancement

    To support iOS 11, we updated the function “pubKey(from b64EncodedCert: String)” X509.swift like this:

    public static func pubKey(from b64EncodedCert: String) -> SecKey? {
          guard let encodedCertData = Data(base64Encoded: b64EncodedCert) else { return nil }
          guard let cert = SecCertificateCreateWithData(nil, encodedCertData as CFData) else { return nil }
          let publicKey: SecKey?
          if #available(iOS 12.0, *) {
            publicKey = SecCertificateCopyKey(cert)
          } else {
            publicKey = SecCertificateCopyPublicKey(cert)
          return publicKey

    Expected Benefits

    Support of iOS 11+

    opened by tjaussoin-luna 7
  • IOS APP crashes on scann of QR

    IOS APP crashes on scann of QR

    Once QRs from some countries are scanned then the IOS APP crashes and does not produce any result. EE doesn't use IOS version but other countries that tried had this issue.

    Steps to reproduce the issue

    1. Go to
    2. Open the IOS APP
    3. Scan one of the QRs

    Expected result: Sertificate is valid against Test or Acceptance Test. Actual result: Crash

    Technical details

    Can't provide any specific technical details or logs. But the suggestion on the call at 5 yesterday was that IOS has problems with some signature calculations/verifications.

    Possible Fix

    If it is indeed the calculations/verifications then fix the algorithm implementation.

    Additional context

    Switzerlands QRs were also producing a crash as I was told.

    bug confirmed in progress 
    opened by Mark-Selezenev 6
  • Zero Tags in Dates are not supported

    Zero Tags in Dates are not supported

    The current SwiftCBOR ignores the tagging of date times (just a support for tag=1 inserted). The swift cbor library should be fixed to accept this QR codes. (

    See this code here:

    opened by SchulzeStTSI 6
  • Architecture proposal - removing UI in SDK Core

    Architecture proposal - removing UI in SDK Core

    Feature description

    We're implementing the DGC in TousAntiCovid 🇫🇷

    There is UI logic related to the client apps (Verifier et Wallet) that has been centralized in SwiftDGC: there are some pieces of UI, network calls and localization management. Ideally, it would be perfect to only have the pure business logic (parsing + signature check), 100% separated from the client application that will use it.

    With that in mind, the changes could help as well to ease the integration of this SDK in apps already on Stores, and make it as light as possible:

    • We removed these files from SwiftDGC :

      • Scan.swift
      • UIViewController.swift
      • UITableViewCell.swift
      • UIImage.swift
      • SquareViewFinder.swift
      • AppVersionCell.swift
      • Assets.xcassets
      • ContextConnection.Swift
    • We could therefore remove the dependency to Alamofire.

    • The HCert model is proposed not to embed anything related to the UI, meaning the info variable that contains localized labels to display.

    • It's very useful to have in the SDK the labels to localize everything with a code (for vaccins, tests...). However, the strings used by the UI e.g. "Certificate Type" or "Date of Birth" is already managed on the client app side. That would be useful to have an architecture in which the localization is managed outside the SDK (i.e. managed on the client side). However, that would be helpful to have the SDK managing all codes in all languages (product codes, manufacturers, ...): we would have in one place for all UE countries all the multilingual labels corresponding to the codes.

    • In the HCert object, there is a validityFailures array which is containing a list of strings describing the errors. It would be better to have a list of error codes or enum values to be able to map this to description strings on the client app side.

    Problem and motivation

    The idea is to split this "core", without UI at all.

    Is this something you're interested in working on


    opened by tjaussoin-luna 4
  • Unexpected coalescence of statements when multiple are available

    Unexpected coalescence of statements when multiple are available

    Describe the bug

    HCert class only exposes a single property .type: HCertType and a single property statement; this is a problem when a certificate contains multiple statements.

    For example the pass of a citizen with a test reporting their state as positive could be marked as "valid" because they also have a recovery statement (even if the recovery happened 1 year ago).

    Expected behavior

    I think all statements should be evaluated, not only the last one, see:

    Since the evaluation order is testStatements + vaccineStatements + recoveryStatements and only the last is used to evaluate the type, a pass holding a recovery and a positive test result (like the example from below) will be marked as valid.

    This is a critical behavior of the current version of the iOS app, as the user is currently positive to the test but marked valid.

    Steps to reproduce the issue

    The following payload describes a person being currently positive (by a test in the last 24 hours) after having recovered from COVID-19 some months ago in April. Since the only statement exposed by the HCert class is the recovery one, the pass will qualify as valid even if the owner is infected.

        "ver": "1.2.1",
        "nam": {
            "fn": "Musterfrau-G\u00f6\u00dfinger",
            "gn": "Gabriele",
            "fnt": "MUSTERFRAU<GOESSINGER",
            "gnt": "GABRIELE"
        "dob": "1998-02-26",
       "t": [
                "tg": "840539006",
                "tt": "LP217198-3",
                "ma": "1232",
                "sc": "2021-02-20T12:34:56+00:00", // set to 24h ago
                "tr": "260373001",  // tested positive
                "tc": "Testing center Vienna 1",
                "co": "AT",
                "is": "Ministry of Health, Austria",
                "ci": "URN:UVCI:01:AT:71EE2559DE38C6BF7304FB65A1A451EC#3"
        "r": [
                "tg": "840539006",
                "fr": "2021-02-20",
                "co": "AT",
                "is": "Ministry of Health, Austria",
                "df": "2021-04-04",
                "du": "2021-10-04",
                "ci": "URN:UVCI:01:AT:858CC18CFCF5965EF82F60E493349AA5#K"

    Technical details

    • Host Machine OS (Windows/Linux/Mac): iOS

    Possible Fix

    1. Exposing all statements by marking the existing property as public
    2. Removing the statement and type properties as they may be misleading

    I think validation of all statements should be left to the app implementing validation (i.e. wallet and verifier).

    Additional context

    opened by tom139 3
  • Crash in iOS 15 with Xcode 13

    Crash in iOS 15 with Xcode 13

    In Scan.swift file, processClassification method, this line of code [.Aztec, .QR, .DataMatrix] is crashing.

    as per iOS Document,

    @available(macOS, introduced: 10.13, deprecated: 12.0, renamed: "aztec")
    @available(iOS, introduced: 11.0, deprecated: 15.0, renamed: "aztec")
    @available(tvOS, introduced: 11.0, deprecated: 15.0, renamed: "aztec")
    public static let Aztec: VNBarcodeSymbology

    It needs to be modified to as renamed names to avoid

    [.aztec, .qr, .dataMatrix]

    opened by sehaswaran 2
  • No Revocation check on Certificates

    No Revocation check on Certificates

    Page 5 of verifiable vaccination certificates - basic interoperability elements states:

    A trust framework, including digital infrastructure, that is needed for establishing the authenticity and validity of certificates presented by certificate holders.

    Page 11 of Interoperability of health certificates Trust framework states : Health certificate revocation list (HCRL) A system used by Country A for publishing information about revoked health certificates.
    Each Country A shall publish one and only one aggregate list of all revoked health certificates. Country A is responsible for putting its revoked certificates on the list and signing it using one of its signing keys controlled by the PHA.

    I do not see any implementation of a revocation check.

    opened by iamsilvio 2
  • Insert OID checkup in the IOS App. (Checkup if the extended KeyUsage is matching the Certificate Type)

    Insert OID checkup in the IOS App. (Checkup if the extended KeyUsage is matching the Certificate Type)

    Use OIDs with "0" and and without.

    opened by SchulzeStTSI 2
  • Support CWT Tags

    Support CWT Tags


    The CWT RFC allows to tag the COSE Objects with a CWT Tag (61) which leads in the current implementation to a n rejection of the QR Code.

    Proposed solution

    The object should be checked for tag 61, if available the cose message should processed, otherwise the normal cose message is processed directly.

    This can be solved maybe by a decoder decorator:

    The COSE-JAVA can handle this, maybe the fix has to be done in the SWIFT-CBOR library.

    opened by SchulzeStTSI 2
  • Feat/tag types

    Feat/tag types

    This pull request should solve the tag type problem and provides validation unit tests/QR codes for testing. Some functions were removed, please evaluate if this was too enthusiastic.

    @yspreen comments welcome

    opened by SchulzeStTSI 1
  • Alamofire.Session random crashes on iOS 15.0

    Alamofire.Session random crashes on iOS 15.0

    Describe the bug

    When trying to run a fresh clone of the verifier, I sometimes get random crashes on the at the alamofireSession creation and sometimes it passes that point and gets stuck on the splash screen. On the iOS 14.x it works as expected.

    #       alamofireSessions[url] = Alamofire.Session(serverTrustManager: trust)
    Thread 6: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x10)
    #     let session = alamofireSessions[url] ?? AF
    Thread 8: "-[__NSCFNumber count]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x8000000000000000"

    Expected behaviour

    For the Verifier to work

    Steps to reproduce the issue

    1. Clone dgca-app-core-ios, dgc-certlogic-ios, dgca-verifier-app-ios
    2. Run dgca-verifier-app-ios
    3. Re-run dgca-verifier-app-ios

    Technical details

    • MacOS: 11.6
    • XCode: 13.1
    • Device: iPhone 8 - iOS 15.0

    Possible Fix

    This could be helpful

    opened by stefanoschrs 0
  • DCC is suitable

    DCC is suitable


    • Source File: X509.swift
    • Line(s): 125 - 152
    • Question: Is it normal that when we scan a DCC vaccine or other function isType returns false when normally (if I understood the code) we should with the isType to true to then pass in the switch to verify that we had the right OID for the right type of certificate ?

    I can give you a DCC vaccin or other type to check that we are going through the 'return true' of line 139 and not through the switch which seems strange to me.


    opened by vincentvalembois 0
  • Is SwiftJSON dependency really necessary?

    Is SwiftJSON dependency really necessary?

    Your Question

    Hi, I've noticed that this project uses the SwiftyJSON library. While it's really valid and I've used it myself in the past, it's still a dependency and adds a level of overhead for json decoding. Is there a reason why this was chosen over the Codable decoding offered natively by Apple?

    If there's no particular reason to use SwiftyJSON, I could make a PR and try to implement the json decoding with codable.

    opened by rcasula 0
  • Covid test entry date format

    Covid test entry date format

    Describe the bug

    We can't parse the "sc" date field of the Test entity which has the value "2021-07-14T15:10:00+02" and the phone date display is in 12-hour format.

        "ver": "1.2.1",
        "nam": {
            "fn": "DUPONT",
            "gn": "Jonathan",
            "fnt": "DUPONT",
            "gnt": "JONATHAN"
        "dob": "1982-06-12",
        "t": [
                "tg": "840539006",
                "tt": "970970",
                "ma": "autotest",
                "sc": "2021-07-14T15:10:00+02",
                "tr": "260415000",
                "tc": "test",
                "co": "FR",
                "is": "CNAM",
                "ci": "URN:UVCI:01:AT:10807843F94AEE0EE5093FBC254BD813#B"

    Expected behaviour

    The "sc" format is correctly parse else the TestEntry return will be nil.

    Technical details

    • All platforms
    opened by ghost 2
  • Trimming JSON-fields for whitespaces

    Trimming JSON-fields for whitespaces

    Current Implementation

    Decoded JSON fields might contain whitespaces. E.g. GR/EL QR Vaccination Codes in Field "mp"

    Suggested Enhancement

    During the CBOR Deserialization, all fields must be trimmed for whitespaces.

    opened by Hendrik-Schmidt-Schierhorn-TSI 1
  • 1.3.0(Feb 28, 2022)

    What's Changed

    • Feature/certlogic engine intergration by @alexchornyi in
    • added issuer Country code by @alexchornyi in
    • JSON/CBOR Sanitizing by @SchulzeStTSI in
    • OID Checkup in Validation by @SchulzeStTSI in
    • fixes a merge issue by @PaulBallmann in
    • added section items by @alexchornyi in
    • Info section fix by @alexchornyi in
    • fixed message about issuance date by @alexchornyi in
    • fixed sections for verifier app by @alexchornyi in
    • Fixed HC1 prefix by @alexchornyi in
    • Fixed old certificate without hc1 by @alexchornyi in
    • new type of information for wallet app and verifier by @alexchornyi in
    • fixed invalid section by @alexchornyi in
    • fixed certificate expiration date by @alexchornyi in
    • error sections by @alexchornyi in
    • revert changes for error section for wallet app by @alexchornyi in
    • Update name for North Macedonia by @grischard in
    • fixed wallet scaner by @alexchornyi in
    • fixed sections by @alexchornyi in
    • Feature/payload method cbor by @ivlasov in
    • Feature/1.2.0 by @alexchornyi in
    • Bugfix/ios15 crash fix by @alexchornyi in
    • new version of app in Settings by @alexchornyi in
    • build version by @alexchornyi in
    • Feature/development wallet by @ihorkhomyak in
    • Feature/fix localisations by @ihorkhomyak in
    • Revocation development by @PaulBallmann in
    • Feat/hcert extension by @PaulBallmann in

    New Contributors

    • @grischard made their first contribution in
    • @ivlasov made their first contribution in
    • @ihorkhomyak made their first contribution in

    Full Changelog:

    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
  • 1.0.4(Jun 11, 2021)

  • 1.0.1(May 20, 2021)

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