A repository for showcasing my knowledge of the Swift programming language, and continuing to learn the language.



Learning Swift (programming language)

I know very little about programming in the Swift programming language. This document will go over all my knowledge of the Swift programming language.

Hello World in Swift

Writing a Hello World program in Swift is a lot more difficult than it should be.

NSString *str = @"hello,";
str = [str stringByAppendingString:@" world"];

It can also be written like this:

var str = "hello,"
str += " world"

or possibly like this:

NSString "Hello World";

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Comments in Swift

Comments in Swift are identical to comments in Java, JavaScript, C, CSS, Google Go, C++, etc..

// This is a single line comment
/* This
is a multiline
comment */
/* Multi-line comments
* can also
* be written
* like this */

Break keyword in Swift


To this day, I am still not entirely sure what the break keyword does, but most languages support it.

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Integers in Swift

Swift uses the let keyword to set a variable/integer/string in the language. This is an example of getting integers to work.

let x = int(2);
let y = int(16);
return x ** y;

/!\ This example has not been tested yet, and may not work

Other knowledge of the Swift programming language

  1. Swift is a language developed by Apple Inc.

  2. Swift is a default language on modern MacOS, iOS, iPadOS, WatchOS, and tvOS, but is also supported on Linux and Windows

  3. Swift is a curly bracket and semicolon language

  4. Swift uses the *.swift file extension

  5. Swift is an open source language

  6. No other knowledge of the Swift programming language

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