Lightweight Cocoa library for detecting the running device's model and screen size.

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Hardware SDVersion


Gitter Platform Cocoapods Version

Lightweight Cocoa library for detecting the running device's model and screen size.

With the newer  devices, developers have more work to do. This library simplifies their job by allowing them to get information about the running device and easily target the ones they want.

SDVersion supports iOS, watchOS, tvOS, and macOS. Browse through the implementation of each platform using the links below.

iOS Mac

How it works

      // Check for device model
      if ([SDVersion deviceVersion] == iPhone7)
           NSLog(@"You got the iPhone 7. Sweet 🍭!");
      else if ([SDVersion deviceVersion] == iPhone6SPlus)
           NSLog(@"iPhone 6S Plus? Bigger is better!");
      else if ([SDVersion deviceVersion] == iPadAir2)
      	   NSLog(@"You own an iPad Air 2 🌀!");

      // Check for device screen size
      if ([SDVersion deviceSize] == Screen4Dot7inch)
           NSLog(@"Your screen is 4.7 inches");

      // Check if screen is in zoom mode
      if ([SDVersion isZoomed])
      	   NSLog(@"Your device is in Zoom Mode 🔎");

      // Get device name
      NSLog(@"%@", [SDVersion deviceNameString]);
      /* e.g: Outputs 'iPhone 7 Plus' */

      // Check for iOS Version
      if ([SDVersion versionGreaterThanOrEqualTo:@"10"])
           NSLog(@"You are running iOS 10 or above!");

SDVersion Swift
Swift Version:

      // Check for device model
      if SDiOSVersion.deviceVersion() == .iPhone7 {
            print("You got the iPhone 7. Sweet 🍭!")

      // Check for device screen size
      if SDiOSVersion.deviceSize() == .Screen3Dot5inch {
            print("Still on 3.5 inches!? 😮")

      // Get device name
      /* e.g: Outputs 'iPhone 7 Plus' */

      // Check for iOS Version
      if SDiOSVersion.versionGreaterThan("10") {
            print("You are running iOS 10 or above!")

Add to your project

There are 2 ways you can add SDVersion to your project:

Manual installation

Simply import the 'SDVersion' into your project then import the following in the class you want to use it:

      #import "SDVersion.h"

In Swift, you need to import in the bridging header the specific library version, not the library wrapper:

     #import "SDiOSVersion.h" // Or SDMacVersion.h

Installation with CocoaPods

CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like SDVersion in your projects. See the "Getting Started" guide for more information.


        pod 'SDVersion'


Available methods

	+ (DeviceVersion)deviceVersion;
	+ (NSString *)deviceNameForVersion:(DeviceVersion)deviceVersion;
	+ (DeviceSize)resolutionSize;
	+ (DeviceSize)deviceSize;
	+ (NSString *)deviceSizeName:(DeviceSize)deviceSize;
	+ (NSString *)deviceNameString;
	+ (BOOL)isZoomed;

Targetable models





Targetable screen sizes


Available iOS Version Finder methods

    + (BOOL)versionEqualTo:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionGreaterThan:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionGreaterThanOrEqualTo:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionLessThan:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionLessThanOrEqualTo:(NSString *)version;


	  NSLog(@"%@", [SDVersion deviceVersionName:[SDVersion deviceVersion]]);
      /* e.g: Outputs 'iPad Air 2' */

      NSLog(@"%@", [SDVersion deviceSizeName:[SDVersion deviceSize]]);
      /* e.g: Outputs '4.7 inch' */

Or in Swift:

      let deviceVersionName = SDiOSVersion.deviceVersionName(SDiOSVersion.deviceVersion())
      let deviceSizeName = SDiOSVersion.deviceSizeName(SDiOSVersion.deviceSize())    


Available methods

    + (DeviceVersion)deviceVersion;
	+ (DeviceSize)deviceSize;
	+ (NSString *)deviceName;

Targetable models

Apple Watch 38mm
Apple Watch 42mm
Apple Watch 38mm Series 1
Apple Watch 42mm Series 1
Apple Watch 38mm Series 2
Apple Watch 42mm Series 2


Targetable screen sizes


Available watchOS Version Finder methods

    + (BOOL)versionEqualTo:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionGreaterThan:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionGreaterThanOrEqualTo:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionLessThan:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionLessThanOrEqualTo:(NSString *)version;


	  NSLog(@"%@", [SDVersion deviceVersionName:[SDVersion deviceVersion]]);
      /* e.g: Outputs 'Apple Watch 42mm' */

      NSLog(@"%@", [SDVersion deviceSizeName:[SDVersion deviceSize]]);
      /* e.g: Outputs '42mm' */


Available methods

    + (DeviceVersion)deviceVersion;
	+ (NSString *)deviceName;

Targetable models

Apple TV (4th Generation)


Available tvOS Version Finder methods

    + (BOOL)versionEqualTo:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionGreaterThan:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionGreaterThanOrEqualTo:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionLessThan:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionLessThanOrEqualTo:(NSString *)version;


	  NSLog(@"%@", [SDVersion deviceVersionName:[SDVersion deviceVersion]]);
      /* e.g: Outputs 'Apple TV (4th Generation)' */

Mac OS

      // Check for device model
      if ([SDVersion deviceVersion] == DeviceVersionIMac)
          NSLog(@"So you have a iMac? 💻");
      else if ([SDVersion deviceVersion] == DeviceVersionMacBookPro)
          NSLog(@"You're using a MacBook Pro.");

      // Check for screen size
      if ([SDVersion deviceSize] == Mac27Inch)
          NSLog(@"Whoah! You got a big ass 27 inch screen.");
      else if ([SDVersion deviceSize] == Mac21Dot5Inch)
          NSLog(@"You have a 21.5 inch screen.");

      // Check for screen resolution
      if ([SDVersion deviceScreenResolution] == DeviceScreenRetina)
          NSLog(@"Nice retina screen!");

      // Get screen resolution in pixels
      NSLog(@"%@", [SDVersion deviceScreenResolutionName:[SDVersion deviceScreenResolution]]);
      /* e.g: Outputs '{2880, 1800}' */

      // Check OSX Version (pass the minor version)
      if([SDVersion versionGreaterThanOrEqualTo:@"11"])
           NSLog(@"Looks like you are running OSX 10.11 El Capitan or 🆙.");

Available methods

    + (DeviceVersion)deviceVersion;
    + (NSString *)deviceVersionString;
    + (DeviceSize)deviceSize;
    + (NSSize)deviceScreenResolutionPixelSize;
    + (DeviceScreenResolution)deviceScreenResolution;

Targetable models


Targetable screen sizes


Targetable screen resolutions


Available OSX Version Finder methods

    + (BOOL)versionEqualTo:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionGreaterThan:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionGreaterThanOrEqualTo:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionLessThan:(NSString *)version;
    + (BOOL)versionLessThanOrEqualTo:(NSString *)version;
    /* 'v' must be the minor OS Version. e.g: OSX 10.9 - 'v' is 9 */


      NSLog(@"%@", [SDVersion deviceSizeName:[SDVersion deviceSize]]);
      /* e.g: Outputs '15 inch' */

      NSLog(@"%@",[SDVersion deviceScreenResolutionName:[SDVersion deviceScreenResolution]])
      /* e.g: Outputs '{2880, 1800}' */

Used by

Who uses SDVersion


Usage is provided under the MIT License. See LICENSE for the full details.

  • 3.3 causes warning because of availability

    3.3 causes warning because of availability

    Availability is meant to annotate a method is available since certain version or deprecate since certain version. If anyone want to annotate a device's availability, they should define their own method or macro, otherwise compile the project will cause warnings.

    opened by sbhhbs 4
  • Typo in the readme

    Typo in the readme

    Instead of:

          // Get device name
          NSLog(@"%@", stringFromDeviceVersion([SDVersion deviceName]));
          /* e.g: Outputs 'iPhone 6 Plus' */

    I believe you meant to write:

          // Get device name
          NSLog(@"%@", stringFromDeviceVersion([SDVersion deviceVersion]));
          /* e.g: Outputs 'iPhone 6 Plus' */
    opened by Janglinator 4
  • [WIP] OSX compatibility

    [WIP] OSX compatibility

    That really not finish, but just a first implementation about it. Before going further, I prefer discuss the implementation with you. This PR contains just the basic to have the mac information by just copying your structure and adapt it to OSX. I didn't fill each device model information, but let links to apple documentation about it.

    That can work, but it's not pretty useful in order to handle and maintain both platforms. A better way would be to have an abstract the implementation, adapt it for each platforms, but the usage will be transparent whatever is the device. We can keep the same enums name, the same methods name (maybe add one or two following the case).

    Also, do we really want all the information about the mac: model, inch, retina, release year...? Once we have one, it's easy to have the others, so I don't think that will add a lot of work once we did it for the existing ones.

    Beside the architecture / implementation to do, an update of the README and the pod spec will be mandatory.

    Issue #20

    opened by tbaranes 4
  • Can't import SDVersion

    Can't import SDVersion


    I use cocoapods to import this library and use use_frameworks! in my Podfile

    I'm not able to do

    import "SDVersion.h" in my bridging header nor am I able to import it directly in my class.

    In my other project, I don't use use_frameworks! and I can import SDVersion in my bridging header.

    opened by acegreen 3
  • Added Carthage support

    Added Carthage support


    I've created a new project that compiles frameworks in order to be used for Carthage. I've also updated the README explaining how to integrate the library using Carthage.

    Nice job @sebyddd :clap:

    opened by pepicrft 3
  • DeviceSize returns UnknownSize with landscape left screen

    DeviceSize returns UnknownSize with landscape left screen

    I am coding with Swift language and I have notice when I rotate the iOS simulator for any iPhone model SDiPhoneVersion.deviceSize() returns UnknownSize. That only happen when I rotate to landscape left. I have tried my code with one physical iPhone and I have obtained the same mistake

    opened by jcsobrino 3
  • [SDiPhoneVersion deviceSize] method's compatibility error above IOS8.0

    [SDiPhoneVersion deviceSize] method's compatibility error above IOS8.0

    According to the reference of the property [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds in ios8.0:


    This rectangle is specified in the current coordinate space, which takes into account any interface rotations in effect for the device. Therefore, the value of this property may change when the device rotates between portrait and landscape orientations.

    so the method call [SDiPhoneVersion deviceSize] is error above IOS8.0.In this method , to get the correct value of the screenHeight, code snippet should be added :

    // After IOS8.0 [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds takes into account any interface rotations in effect for the device,
    // so the value of this property will change when the device rotate bewteen portrait and landscape.
    if(iOSVersionGreaterThanOrEqualTo(@"8.0") && isLandscape){
        screenHeight = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width;
    opened by monjer 3
  • iOS: unknown device returns 0

    iOS: unknown device returns 0

    SDiOSVersion.deviceVersion:101 objectForKey returns nil, then integerValue converts that into a 0 Unfortunately that's the same code as "Simulator". Could we have a code for Unknown?

    opened by johnk73 2
  • How do I get the DeviceVersionName in swift

    How do I get the DeviceVersionName in swift

    Hello @sebyddd

    This issue is closed once in Although, I have same problem for now and that closed issue looks not resolved yet.

    The following is the interface looks from Swift generated by Xcode. DeviceVersionNames is a tuple in Swift, so I can't get user friendly name from DeviceVersion.

    Did you support usage from Swift? Let me know if you so, and write down usage to README.


    import UIKit
    //  SDiOSVersion.h
    //  SDVersion
    //  Copyright (c) 2016 Sebastian Dobrincu. All rights reserved.
    public enum DeviceVersion : Int {
        case iPhone4
        case iPhone4S
        case iPhone5
        case iPhone5C
        case iPhone5S
        case iPhone6
        case iPhone6Plus
        case iPhone6S
        case iPhone6SPlus
        case iPhone7
        case iPhone7Plus
        case iPhoneSE
        case iPad1
        case iPad2
        case iPadMini
        case iPad3
        case iPad4
        case iPadAir
        case iPadMini2
        case iPadAir2
        case iPadMini3
        case iPadMini4
        case iPadPro12Dot9Inch
        case iPadPro9Dot7Inch
        case iPodTouch1Gen
        case iPodTouch2Gen
        case iPodTouch3Gen
        case iPodTouch4Gen
        case iPodTouch5Gen
        case iPodTouch6Gen
        case Simulator
    public var DeviceVersionNames: (NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?)
    public enum DeviceSize : Int {
        case UnknownSize
        case Screen3Dot5inch
        case Screen4inch
        case Screen4Dot7inch
        case Screen5Dot5inch
    public var DeviceSizeNames: (NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?, NSString?)
    public class SDiOSVersion : NSObject {
        public class func deviceVersion() -> DeviceVersion
        public class func resolutionSize() -> DeviceSize
        public class func deviceSize() -> DeviceSize
        public class func deviceName() -> String!
        public class func isZoomed() -> Bool
    opened by RyogaK 2
  • Do not contains iPhone SE

    Do not contains iPhone SE

    I use cocoapods to import SDVersion 2.6, but I found it's still not support iPhone SE, and did not contains any code about iPhone SE. I don't know why, thank you!!

    opened by yzxcool123 2
  • Versions on Cocoapods/Github mismatch

    Versions on Cocoapods/Github mismatch

    Hi @sebyddd ,

    I installed SDVersion through Cocoapods which version is v2.6. But I noticed that it actually tagged as v2.5.2 on Github. Could you check it? Maybe you can later release the master version that supports iPhone SE.


    opened by AzulesM 2
  • 更新到2022年设备


    pod 'SDVersion', git:''
    pod 'MCVersion'

    包含所有2022年的设备, 有问题请到 提交issue

    opened by poholo 0
  • Add missing devices

    Add missing devices

    • iPhone XS

    • iPhone XS Max

    • iPhoneXʀ

    • iPhone 11

    • iPhone 11 Pro

    • iPhone 11 Pro Max

    • iPad 6

    • iPad 7

    • iPad mini 5

    • iPad Pro 11"

    • iPad Pro 12.9" 3rd gen

    • iPod touch 7th gen

    • Apple watch serie 4 42 mm

    • Apple watch serie 4 44 mm

    opened by Tibimac 0
  • IphoneX fix

    IphoneX fix

                              @"iPhone10,3" : @(iPhoneX),//iPhone X
                              @"iPhone10,6" : @(iPhoneX),//iPhone X GSM
                              @"iPhone11,2" : @(iPhoneX),//iPhone XS
                              @"iPhone11,4" : @(iPhoneX),//iPhone XS Max
                              @"iPhone11,6" : @(iPhoneX),//iPhone XS Max China
                              @"iPhone11,8" : @(iPhoneX),//iPhone XR
    opened by HevnChin 0
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