Send email to any SMTP server like a boss, in Swift and cross-platform


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Hedwig is a Swift package which supplies a set of high level APIs to allow you sending email to an SMTP server easily. If you are planning to send emails from your next amazing Swift server app, Hedwig might be a good choice.


  • Connect to all SMTP servers, through whether plain, SSL or TLS (STARTTLS) port.
  • Authentication with PLAIN, CRAM-MD5, LOGIN or XOAUTH2.
  • Send email with HTML body and attachments.
  • Customize validation method and mail header, to track your mail campaign.
  • Queued mail sending, without blocking your app. You can even send mails concurrently.
  • Works with Swift Package Manager, in the latest Swift syntax and cross-platform.
  • Fully tested and documented.


Add the url of this repo to your Package.swift:

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "YourAwesomeSoftware",
    dependencies: [
        .Package(url: "", 
                 majorVersion: 1)

Then run swift build whenever you get prepared. (Also remember to grab a cup of coffee ๐Ÿ˜„ )

You can find more information on how to use Swift Package Manager in Apple's official page.


Sending text only email

let hedwig = Hedwig(hostName: "", user: "[email protected]", password: "password")
let mail = Mail(
        text: "Across the great wall we can reach every corner in the world.", 
        from: "[email protected]", 
        to: "[email protected]", 
        subject: "Hello World"
hedwig.send(mail) { error in
    if error != nil { /* Error happened */ }

Sending HTML email

let hedwig = Hedwig(hostName: "", user: "[email protected]", password: "password")
let attachment = Attachment(htmlContent: "<html><body><h1>Title</h1><p>Content</p></body></html>")
let mail = Mail(
        text: "Fallback text", 
        from: "[email protected]", 
        to: "[email protected]", 
        subject: "Title", 
        attachments: [attachment]
hedwig.send(mail) { error in
    if error != nil { /* Error happened */ }

CC and BCC

let hedwig = Hedwig(hostName: "", user: "[email protected]", password: "password")
let mail = Mail(
        text: "Across the great wall we can reach every corner in the world.", 
        from: "[email protected]", 
        to: "[email protected]",
        cc: "Wei Wang <[email protected]>, [email protected]", // Addresses will be parsed for you
        bcc: "My Group: [email protected], [email protected];",    // Even with group syntax
        subject: "Hello World"
hedwig.send(mail) { error in
    if error != nil { /* Error happened */ }

Using different SMTP settings (security layer, auth method and etc.)

let hedwig = Hedwig(
        hostName: "", 
        user: "[email protected]", 
        password: "password",
        port: 1234,     // Determined from secure layer by default
        secure: .plain, // .plain (Port 25) | .ssl (Port 465) | .tls (Port 587) (default)
        validation: .default, // You can set your own certificate/cipher/protocols
        domainName: "", // Used when saying hello to STMP Server
        authMethods: [.plain, .login] // Default: [.plain, .cramMD5, .login, .xOauth2]        

Send mails with inline image and other attachment

let imagePath = "/tmp/image.png"
// You can create an attachment from a local file path.
let imageAttachment = Attachment(
        filePath: imagePath, 
        inline: true, 
        // Add "Content-ID" if you need to embed this image to another attachment.
        additionalHeaders: ["Content-ID": "hedwig-image"] 
let html = Attachment(
        htmlContent: "<html><body>A photo <img src=\"cid:hedwig-image\"/></body></html>", 
        // If imageAttachment only used embeded in HTML, I recommend to set it as related.
        related: [imageAttachment]

// You can also create attachment from raw data.
let data = "{\"key\": \"hello world\"}".data(using: .utf8)!
let json = Attachment(
        data: data, 
        mime: "application/json", 
        name: "file.json", 
        inline: false // Send as standalone attachment.

let mail = Mail(
        text: "Fallback text", 
        from: "[email protected]", 
        to: "[email protected]", 
        subject: "Check the photo and json file!",
        attachments: [html, json]
hedwig.send(mail) { error in
    if error != nil { /* Error happened */ }

Send multiple mails

let mail1: Mail = //...
let mail2: Mail = //...

hedwig.send([mail1, mail2], 
        progress: { (mail, error) in
            if error != nil { 
                print("\(mail) failed. Error: \(error)") 
        completion: { (sent, failed) in
            for mail in sent {
                print("Sent mail: \(mail.messageId)")
            for (mail, error) in failed {
                print("Mail \(mail.messageId) errored: \(error)")

Help and Questions

Visit the documentation page for full API reference.

You could also run the tests (swift test) to see more examples to know how to use Hedwig.

If you have found the framework to be useful, please consider a donation. Your kind contribution will help me afford more time on the project.

Click here to lend your support to: Hedwig and make a donation at !

Or you are a Bitcoin fan and want to treat me a cup of coffe, here is my wallet address:



I cannot send mails with Gmail SMTP.

Gmail uses an application specific password. You need to create one and use the specified password when auth. See this.

I need to add/set some additonal header in the mail.

Both Mail and Attachment accept customizing header fields. Pass your headers as additionalHeaders when creating the mail or attachment and Hedwig will handle it.

Can I use it in iOS?

At this time Swift Package Manager has no support for iOS, watchOS, or tvOS platforms. So the answer is no. But this framework is not using anything only in iOS (like UIKit), so as soon as Swift Package Manager supports iOS, you can use it there too.

Tell me about the name and logo of Hedwig

Yes, Hedwig (bird) was Harry Potter's pet Snowy Owl. The logo of Hedwig (this framework) is created by myself and it pays reverence to the novels and movies.

Other questions

Submit an issue if you find something wrong. Pull requests are warmly welcome, but I suggest to discuss first.

You can also follow and contact me on Twitter or Sina Weibo.

Enjoy sending your emails


Hedwig is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

  • ๅ‘้€HTML้™„ไปถๆ—ถๅ€™ไนฑ็ 

    ๅ‘้€HTML้™„ไปถๆ—ถๅ€™ไนฑ็ 

    HTML ๆ–‡ไปถๅœจๆ”ถๅˆฐ็š„ๆ—ถๅ€™ไนŸๅชๆœ‰่ฟ™ไธชไนฑ็  AA M a;] ฿ญ QE

    let attachement = Attachment(htmlContent: "<html><body><h1>Title</h1><p>Content</p></body></html>")
      let bot = "cibot@**.net"
      let to = "**@**.net"
      let cc = ""
      let hedwig = Hedwig(hostName: "", user: bot, password: "*****")
      let mail = Mail(
              text: "",
              from: bot,
              to: to,
              cc: cc, // Addresses will be parsed for you
              subject: "title",
              attachments: [attachement]
    opened by CodeEagle 3
  • Not working on all SMTP servers

    Not working on all SMTP servers

    My server return receivedBytes = 0

    public func recv(maxBytes: Int = BufferCapacity) throws -> [UInt8] {
            let data = Bytes(capacity: maxBytes)
            let flags: Int32 = 0 //FIXME: allow setting flags with a Swift enum
            let receivedBytes = socket_recv(self.descriptor, data.rawBytes, data.capacity, flags)
            guard receivedBytes > -1 else { throw SocksError(.readFailed) }
            my receivedBytes is 0 so it will execute the else block 
            guard receivedBytes > 0 else {
                // receiving 0 indicates a proper close     .. no error.
                // attempt a close, no failure possible because throw indicates already closed
                // if already closed, no issue. 
                // do NOT propogate as error
                _ = try? self.close()
                return []

    After that

    In SMTPSocket.swift

     try sock.connect(servername: servername)
            let result = try sock.receive()
            // the result.count  is 0 so else block will be executed with error 'bad Request'
            guard result.count == 1 else {
                throw SMTP.SMTPError.badResponse

    I have checked all the configuration and the server is running properly

    opened by wassimseif 2
  • Character encodings?

    Character encodings?

    Your usage examples have a text body that is plain ASCII. If one wants to send non-ASCII text, does Hedwig provide any assistance with MIME encoding and such?

    opened by jwwalker 0
  • Can't install pod using terminal

    Can't install pod using terminal

    How to install this framework through terminal? I get an error when use 'pod install'

    [!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "Hedwig": In Podfile: Hedwig

    Specs satisfying the Hedwig dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.

    opened by denikaev 0
  • mail send failed mail send failed

    error: Optional(bad response)

    i use server to send mail, but it does't work!. anyone else use Hedwig send maill to 163 server success? or any other maill server work?

    opened by ArmsZhou 0
  • Installation


    How can i install this in my Project(Like cocoapods)..? I have installed but the error showing like this 'Cannot invoke initializer for type 'Hedwig' with an argument list of type '(hostName: String, user: String, password: String)'

    screen shot 2017-10-05 at 8 45 51 am
    opened by abdulmalikaman 4
  • Packaging trouble with Vapor 2

    Packaging trouble with Vapor 2

    You have an awesome mail tool. I used it successfully with Vapor 1 with no difficulties.

    I am upgrading to Vapor 2 and Hedwig has Vapor 1 dependencies and my vapor update get stuck.

    I suspect some dependency loop but there may be a catch to fixing it as it might cause similar problems to Vapor 1 users.

    I can fork and continue I suppose but you suggested opening an issue first.

    opened by steve-h 4
  • [Feature] Hedwing should skip invalidate email address rather than dispose all action

    [Feature] Hedwing should skip invalidate email address rather than dispose all action

    when you have one invalidate email address in you cc list, you fail all.

    [Hedwig] SMTP Error: bad response. bad response on command: RCPT TO: ****, response: Mailbox not found or access denied
    opened by CodeEagle 0
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