PassDrop is a fully-featured secure password management system, compatible with the free KeePass 1.x (Classic) and multi-platform KeePassX desktop applications.

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Security passdrop


This is a modern, updated build of Rudis Muiznieks's PassDrop application.

PassDrop is a fully-featured secure password management system, compatible with the free KeePass 1.x (Classic) and multi-platform KeePassX desktop applications. PassDrop uses the free Dropbox storage service for hassle-free synchronization of your password databases between your iPhone, Windows, macOS, and Linux computers.

The current version 2.0 is available on the iOS App Store.

PassDrop FAQ

If you are experiencing issues or need help using PassDrop, please check out the PassDrop FAQ.

Current Features (2.0)

  • Strong emphasis on clean, simple, intuitive user interface
  • Load, create, and edit multiple KeePass 1.x databases in your Dropbox account
  • Open KeePass 1.x databases with any file extension
  • Fully integrated two-way syncing to Dropbox, with collision detection
  • Lock file utilization when opening databases in edit mode
  • Offline read access to databases when no network is available
  • View, create, move, sort, and edit all groups and entries nested to any level
  • Password generator to automatically create random strong passwords for entries
  • Entry search capabilities at global and group-specific levels
  • Copy logins, passwords, URLs, or notes to your clipboard
  • Automatically open URLs in Safari while PassDrop remains open in the background
  • Optionally clear clipboard whenever PassDrop is re-activated
  • "Lock in background" option to auto-lock your database after a customizable amount of time
  • Hide "Backup" group results when searching entries
  • Encrypted HTTPS communication directly with the official Dropbox API for maximum security

Commonly Requested Missing Features

  • File attachment viewing and sharing
  • Option to visually mark or hide expired entries
  • Add files from other apps via file sharing
  • Ability to unlink Dropbox and keep local databases
  • Key file authentication
  • Better UTF16/international character support
  • KeePass 2.x database support
  • KeePass 2.x is not an improved version of KeePass 1.x, but rather an entirely new product with completely unrelated file formats. Both KeePass 1.x and 2.x are actively developed and maintained and are viable password storage solutions. I chose to support KeePass 1.x with PassDrop due to the higher portability and multi-platform support for the KeePass 1.x file format.
  • Twofish encryption
  • Groups messed up

    Groups messed up


    Love this app, but after updating to your V2 version I have issues accessing my entries in my database. My two main groups are almost empty (just a few entries), and I have a third group called "Backup" where I can find all entries (from my two main groups).

    Let me know if I can provide you with any more details.


    opened by VauxhallViva 21
  • Touch ID

    Touch ID

    Any chance we could add Touch ID or pin to auto open database?

    You would enter the master key once then it could use Touch ID or pin in future.

    Minikeepass has it I don’t know if that source code routines can be imported or not.

    opened by thedannymullen 5
  • [UI Enhancement] Linking Dropbox should immediately display existing PassDrop databases

    [UI Enhancement] Linking Dropbox should immediately display existing PassDrop databases

    My PassDrop data exists inside Dropbox/Apps/PassDrop/. I don’t recall if PassDrop chose this, or if I did it manually, because that’s the most common app-data filename scheme for Dropbox linked apps.

    I just tried linking a new phone to my PassDrop and was quite confused when I successfully linked, but nothing displayed. I even verified the KDB existed in its proper place

    Ultimately I discovered you have to pretend you’re adding a “new” KeePass database, which in my opinion suggests inherently that you’re creating a new empty database from scratch.

    My suggestion is to:

    1. Standardize upon /Dropbox/Apps/PassDrop/ if not already doing so.
    2. Upon Dropbox link, populate main PassDrop screen DB list with the .KDB’s present in the aforementioned folder.

    I believe this UX more closely aligns with what users have come to expect nowadays in terms of reusing familiar app UI paradigms.

    opened by badger200 0
  • Existing database fails to open; spinner just displays then disappears

    Existing database fails to open; spinner just displays then disappears

    I've been using PassDrop 2 without issue for several months, with the 1 and only database I always use.

    Suddenly it's failing to open this database anymore. I tap to open, the spinner appears like its processing, then it simply disappears, leaving me at the main screen listing my database. The file works normally from my Desktop, and I checked and there is no lock file or anything I can see with the same name as this database in the Dropbox folder.

    I tested adding a 2nd database - a mere copy of the primary db - and that works perfectly.

    If I try to delete the existing database, PassDrop2 warns there are unsynced changes. I am sure deleting it and readding it would be a workaround, but it would forfeit my unsynced changes.

    I even tried connecting to a PC and viewing the iOS syslog via 3uTools, comparing output of a failed open vs a successful open, but I can't see any clues. The dropbox TLS connection appears to be getting a 200 result in both cases.

    iPhone 6, iOS 11.4. As this issue did appear only in the past few weeks, it's possible it coincides with the iOS 11.4 update, but I can't recall for sure.

    opened by badger200 14
  • Copy Paste not working

    Copy Paste not working

    Using IOS app. Pasting into password and note fields in a new entry is not working. This should work to allow correct entering of long, complex passwords etc. without mistakes. Example: have pass phrase in webpage, select and copy it, paste into notes app or pages app works fine, paste into passdrop -very annoyingly- does not.

    opened by markdamen 0
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