Simple & Easy OTP View ☄️

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Layout EliteOTPField


Cocoapod MIT License
LinkedIn: @MahmoudAllam

Objectives 🎯

Easy and simple way to bring an OTP view into your iOS application with many customizations in color , animations , fonts etc..

Table of Contents

Overview & ScreenShots 👀

You can achive many layouts with many animations based on your needs

Background Changes Bordercolor Changes Flexable slot count Up to 6x Changing placeHolder
Underline View

Sample Project

To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

Integration 💻

EliteOTPField is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'EliteOTPField'

Then run this command in your terminal to fetch the latest version:

pod repo update

Usage 🧑‍💻

EliteOtpField is available to use with Code, however storyboard option will be added at the next version :-

Importing EliteOTPField

import EliteOTPField

Initializing the component

    lazy var otpField: EliteOTPField = {
        let field = EliteOTPField()
        field.slotCount = 4
        field.animationType = .flipFromLeft
        field.slotPlaceHolder = ""
        field.enableUnderLineViews = true
        field.filledSlotBackgroundColor = .clear
        field.slotCornerRaduis = 8
        field.filledSlotTextColor = .black
        field.isBorderEnabled = false
        field.emptySlotBorderWidth = 1
        field.filledSlotBorderWidth = 3
        field.filledSlotBorderColor =
        return field

Don't forget to call build() method after finishing your customizations.

add the component as a subView


layouting With NSLayoutConstraints

 self.otpField.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
            self.otpField.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.centerYAnchor),
            self.otpField.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.centerXAnchor),
            self.otpField.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.view.widthAnchor, constant: -32),
            self.otpField.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 70)

or with frame

   self.otpField.frame = CGRect(x: 16, y: self.view.frame.midY - 30, width: self.view.frame.width - 32, height: 70)

getting the digits by delegetion pattern in our case EliteOTPFieldDelegete

in your ViewDidLoad

 self.otpField.otpDelegete = self


 extension ViewController : EliteOTPFieldDelegete {
    func didEnterLastDigit(otp: String) {
        print(otp) // Here's the Digits


 //MARK:- Basic
    public var spacing:CGFloat 
    public var slotCount:UInt 
    public var slotCornerRaduis: CGFloat 
    public var slotPlaceHolder  
  //MARK:- Fonts
    public var slotFontType: UIFont 
    public var slotPlaceHolderFontType: UIFont  
  //MARK:- Coloring
    public var filledSlotTextColor: UIColor
    public var emptySlotTextColor: UIColor 
    public var emptySlotBackgroundColor
    public var filledSlotBackgroundColor
  //MARK:- Border
    public var isBorderEnabled: Bool 
    public var filledSlotBorderWidth: CGFloat 
    public var filledSlotBorderColor: CGColor 
    public var emptySlotBorderWidth: CGFloat 
    public var emptySlotBorderColor: CGColor 
  //MARK:- Vibration
    public var isVibrateEnabled: Bool 
  //MARK:- Animation
    public var isAnimationEnabledOnLastDigit: Bool 
    public var animationType: EliteOTPAnimationTypes = .none
  //MARK:- UnderlineViews
    public var enableUnderLineViews: Bool
    public var underlineViewWidthMultiplier:CGFloat 
    public var underlineViewHeight:CGFloat 
    public var underlineViewBottomSpace:CGFloat 
  //MARK:- Field Verified
    public var isFieldVerified:Bool 

Animations 🦋

You can change the animation like this

  field.animationType = .flipFromLeft

EliteOTPAnimationTypes enum got many animation types :-

 public enum EliteOTPAnimationTypes {
    case flipFromRight
    case flipFromLeft
    case flash
    case shake
    case rotate
    case expand
    case crossDissolve
    case curlDown
    case curlUp
    case none  

Below GIFS reflecting each type of EliteOTPAnimationTypes Enum :-

flipFromRight flipFromLeft flash shake
rotate expand crossDissolve curlDown
curlUp none

You can also enable animation on the last digit like this

field.isAnimationEnabledOnLastDigit = true
lastDigit Animation

References 🔙


Mahmoud3allam, ,


EliteOTPField is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

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