Stable Diffusion inference on iOS / macOS using MPSGraph


🍁 Maple Diffusion

Maple Diffusion runs Stable Diffusion models locally on macOS / iOS devices, in Swift, using the MPSGraph framework (not Python).

Maple Diffusion should be capable of generating a reasonable image in a minute or two on a recent iPhone (I get around ~2.3s / step on an iPhone 13 Pro).

To attain usable performance without tripping over iOS's 4GB memory limit, Maple Diffusion relies internally on FP16 (NHWC) tensors, operator fusion from MPSGraph, and a truly pitiable degree of swapping models to device storage.

On macOS, Maple Diffusion uses slightly more memory (~6GB), to reach <1s / step.

Projects using Maple Diffusion

Device Requirements

Maple Diffusion should run on any Apple Silicon Mac (M1, M2, etc.). Intel macs seem to not support Float16 or something.

Maple Diffusion should run on any iOS device with sufficient RAM (β‰₯6144MB RAM definitely works; 4096MB might but I wouldn't bet on it; anything lower than that won't work). Recent iPads should work out of the box; recent iPhones should work if you can get the Increase Memory Limit capability working (to unlock 4GB of RAM).

iOS 16.1 (beta) is reportedly broken and always generating a gray image :(


To build and run Maple Diffusion:

  1. Download a Stable Diffusion PyTorch model checkpoint (sd-v1-4.ckpt, or some derivation thereof)

  2. Download this repo

    git clone && cd maple-diffusion
  3. Setup & install Python with PyTorch, if you haven't already.

    # may need to install conda first
    conda deactivate
    conda remove -n maple-diffusion --all
    conda create -n maple-diffusion python=3.10
    conda activate maple-diffusion
    pip install torch typing_extensions numpy Pillow requests pytorch_lightning
  4. Convert the PyTorch model checkpoint into a bunch of fp16 binary blobs.

    ./ ~/Downloads/sd-v1-4.ckpt
  5. Open the maple-diffusion Xcode project. Select the device you want to run on from the Product > Destination menu.

  6. Manually add the Increased Memory Limit capability to the maple-diffusion target (this step might not be needed on iPads, but it's definitely needed on iPhones - the default limit is 3GB).

  7. Build & run the project on your device with the Product > Run menu.

  • Getting started with image input - can't figure it out

    Getting started with image input - can't figure it out

    This is what I'm doing:

    • cloned the repo
    • went with Option 1 and downloaded the zip, unzipped the "bins" folder
    • opened the SimpleDiffusion app and changed the URL in the task modifier to point to the local path:
                let path = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/xyz/Downloads/bins")
                do {
                    try await sd.prepModels(localUrl: path)
    • additionally set the inputImage to my input image:
                inputImage = NSImage(contentsOf: URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/xyz/IMG_1076.JPG"))?
                    .cgImage(forProposedRect: nil, context: nil, hints: nil)

    When I run the app, I set the prompt to "cat" and start the conversion. The process begins and then crashes with:

    The file β€œfirst_stage_model.encoder.conv_in.weight.bin” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.
    opened by icanzilb 4
  • Added an icon for maple diffusion,

    Added an icon for maple diffusion,

    Thought you'd get a kick out the fact I used the app to auto generate it's own icon. I tried many times but the first one was the best by far so it feels like fate.

    opened by Halopend 0
  • Error: failed assertion `length(16640) must be <= 16384.'

    Error: failed assertion `length(16640) must be <= 16384.'

    I'm getting the following error: failed assertion 'length(16640) must be <= 16384.'

    Steps to reproduce :

    • Create a new projet
    • Add native-diffusion as a dependency (branch: master)
    • Download pre-converted bins from here
    • Run python web server that serves from localhost:8080
    • Use SimpleDiffusion example here

    I launch the app, I type "astronaut cat" in the TextField. And after a few seconds I got this error :

    -[MTLDebugComputeCommandEncoder setThreadgroupMemoryLength:atIndex:]:543: failed assertion `length(16640) must be <= 16384.'


    Tested on Mac details here

    Exported to

    • iPhone 14 Pro Max
    • iPad Pro 6th gen


    Screen Shot 2022-12-30 at 1 27 42 pm


    ipad-log.log iphone-log.log

    opened by hdsenevi 0
  • Error: Buffer must not exceed 256MB

    Error: Buffer must not exceed 256MB

    Steps to reproduce :

    Created a new projet Added native-diffusion as a dependency (branch: master)

    Download pre-converted bins here :

    Copy/Pasted code from, and chanded it to localUrl :

    let path = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/Users/xyz/Downloads/bins")
    do {
      try await sd.prepModels(localUrl: path)

    I launch the app, I type "astronaut cat" in the TextField. And after a few seconds I got this error :

    -[MTLDebugHeap newBufferWithLength:options:]:123: failed assertion `Buffer Validation
    newBufferWith*:length 0x20000000 must not exceed 256 MB.
    opened by charvoa 4
  • Warn or fail when using an incompatible input image size

    Warn or fail when using an incompatible input image size

    When you pass an input image to the generator, it currently doesn't check if the image fits the model (currently we only support SD1.5, so it's always 512x512)

    This warning is for all users using img2img via an inputImage

    The warning could be an assertion failure, but open to ideas.

    Next: Resize off-size images, using a center crop. Feel free to go for this directly. Later: Support for SD2.0

    help wanted 
    opened by mortenjust 0
  • Support for Stable Diffusion 2.0

    Support for Stable Diffusion 2.0

    2.0 just came out today. Blog post, repo


    • Generate 768x768 images (weights)
    • New Upscaler model that can scale up to 4x in one go (weights)
    • Depth to image for shape-preserving img2img
    • Improved inpainting (weights)

    We probably want to support both 2.0 and 1.5

    help wanted 
    opened by mortenjust 0
Morten Just
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