Israel's tech jobs, startups, incubators and investors iOS App


Startups | Mapped In Israel

Startups is a beautiful way to discover new startups, locate co-working spaces and get funded.

Startups lets you:

  • Visualize represent the lively startup activity in Israel.
  • Discover startups who are hiring close to you.
  • Explore startups based in your city.
  • Locate near by social organisations supporting the startup eco-system.
  • Search companies by name, and contact them directly via email.

Startups was built by Sugar So Studio, in cooperation with, and is released under MIT open source license as a service for the community.

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    I'm new to xcode im learning for a 6 months objective-c and im learning a lot. I stumbled on your project and it is amazing... It's a great learning tool... the app works perfect hands down guy's... but I would be very greatfull if you'd put the file in to see the whole structure of the organisation.json file so some can take examples.

    Thank you!

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