RxSwift bindings for Permissions API in iOS.



CocoaPods Swift 3.0.x License Platform

RxSwift bindings for Permission API that helps you with Permissions in iOS.


RxPermission is available through CocoaPods. I can't guarantee it is working correctly on Carthage, so if you want to help I'm happy to introduce it with your PR.

RxPermission should work with every Swift release >= 2.2, for detailed instructions check info below.

Swift 3.0

If you want to use RxPermission with Swift 3.0 you have to specify which Permission you want to install/use because of new Apple policy about permission. For example if you want to access the Camera and the Notifications you define the following:

pod 'RxPermission/Camera'
pod 'RxPermission/Notifications'

Available specs:

pod 'RxPermission/AddressBook'
pod 'RxPermission/Bluetooth'
pod 'RxPermission/Camera'
pod 'RxPermission/Contacts'
pod 'RxPermission/Events'
pod 'RxPermission/Location'
pod 'RxPermission/MediaLibrary'
pod 'RxPermission/Microphone'
pod 'RxPermission/Motion'
pod 'RxPermission/Notifications'
pod 'RxPermission/Photos'
pod 'RxPermission/Reminders'
pod 'RxPermission/Siri'
pod 'RxPermission/SpeechRecognizer'

Below Swift 3.0

To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "RxPermission", "~> 0.2"

You need to also take care of Info.plist messages because otherwise Apple won't accept the app in App Store.


RxPermission makes a rx.permission Observable that you can subscribe in order to receive signals.

Sample code

    .subscribe(onNext: { status in
        print("Status: \(status)")

Available permissions:

public enum PermissionType {
    case addressBook
    case bluetooth
    case camera    
    case contacts
    case events
    case locationAlways
    case locationWhenInUse
    case mediaLibrary
    case microphone
    case motion
    case notifications
    case photos
    case reminders
    case siri
    case speechRecognizer

Available statuses:

public enum PermissionStatus {
    case authorized
    case denied
    case disabled
    case notDetermined

For more info about permissions and statuses, please visit Permission's README.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Sunshinejr, [email protected], @thesunshinejr


RxPermission is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Small changes

    Small changes

    Hi Luke,

    I never would have dreamt that a lib would be created on top on Permission 😍😍 Thank you so much!!!

    I tried to give back a bit with this PR ;)

    opened by delba 5
  • Code style is not perfect

    Code style is not perfect

    I think this will be better.

        .subscribeNext { status in
            print("Status: \(status)")
    opened by roshanman 4
  • Observable create pattern for async calls

    Observable create pattern for async calls

    Your code seemed to be over engineered in regards to how observables work.

    I refactored it into a Observable.create pattern for async usage.

    I only noticed this because when subscribing to the event, it would only trigger once per permission instance, making flatMap usage quite limited.

    e.g. usage:

          .flatMap {
            return Permission.LocationAlways.rx_permission
          }.subscribeNext { status in
    opened by ivanbruel 3
  • 疑似框架内报错:java.util.List.iterator()' on a null object reference

    疑似框架内报错:java.util.List.iterator()' on a null object reference

    这是我在友盟看到的报错: Caused by: e.b.f: Attempt to invoke interface method 'java.util.Iterator java.util.List.iterator()' on a null object reference at e.d.d.c$a.a(InternalObservableUtils.java:386) at e.d.d.c$a.a(InternalObservableUtils.java:383) at e.d.d.a.a(ActionSubscriber.java:44) at e.e.b.b(SafeSubscriber.java:157) at e.e.b.a(SafeSubscriber.java:120) at e.b.b.a(Exceptions.java:204) at e.e.b.a(SafeSubscriber.java:144) at e.d.a.r$e.a(OperatorMerge.java:505) at e.d.a.r$e.b(OperatorMerge.java:463) at e.d.a.r$e.a(OperatorMerge.java:246) at e.d.a.r$e.a(OperatorMerge.java:147) at e.d.a.q$a.a(OperatorMap.java:74) at e.d.a.n$a.a(OperatorBufferWithSize.java:114) at e.d.a.r$e.a(OperatorMerge.java:393) at e.d.a.r$e.a(OperatorMerge.java:355) at e.d.a.r$c.a(OperatorMerge.java:840) at e.e.c.a(SerializedObserver.java:95) at e.e.d.a(SerializedSubscriber.java:95) at e.d.a.d$c.b(OnSubscribeConcatMap.java:182) at e.d.a.d$b.a(OnSubscribeConcatMap.java:335) at e.h.d$b.a(SubjectSubscriptionManager.java:225) at e.h.b.a(PublishSubject.java:114) at com.tbruyelle.rxpermissions.RxPermissionsFragment.a(RxPermissionsFragment.java:66) at com.tbruyelle.rxpermissions.RxPermissionsFragment.onRequestPermissionsResult(RxPermissionsFragment.java:51) at android.app.Activity.dispatchRequestPermissionsResultToFragment(Activity.java:6733) at android.app.Activity.dispatchActivityResult(Activity.java:6605) at android.app.ActivityThread.deliverResults(ActivityThread.java:3733) ... 9 more

    说是:RxPermissionsFragment第66行。具体是这一行: subject.onNext(new Permission(permissions[i], granted, shouldShowRequestPermissionRationale[i]));

    版本是最新的0.9.4。 这是我的猜测,希望作者可以看看,毕竟是crash级别的bug! Thanks!

    opened by techwnn 2
  • 1.0.0-beta.2 not found

    1.0.0-beta.2 not found

    Hi, I tried to install 1.0.0-beta.2 via Cocoapods but after I update repo source it still told me 1.0.0-beta.2 not exists.

    The latest version shows 1.0.0-beta.1 in cocoapods.org.

    If you forget to upload to cocoapods, I just writing to remind you of that, but if that is my pod's problem, please tell me and I will try to fix it.

    opened by Calvin-Huang 2
  • Will never execute twice

    Will never execute twice

    The subscribeNext closure will not execute twice at application's life cycle. If this code is written in a UIViewController when second time appeared the label.text will be empty.

                .subscribeNext { status in
                    self.label.text = "Status: \(status)"
    opened by xspyhack 2
  • fix a scoping issue caused by RxSwift 3.0

    fix a scoping issue caused by RxSwift 3.0

    Sorry about this @sunshinejr! Updating to 3.0.0 moved Reactive from RxCocoa to RxSwift, so it broke this.

    I should have checked to make sure RxPermission compiled with the new RxSwift before submitting a PR 😅

    opened by AndrewSB 1
  • Swift 3.0 Support

    Swift 3.0 Support

    Added Swift 3.0 Support.

    As dependencies have not been released yet, to use the Swift 3.0 version you need to set this in your Podfiles:

    pod 'RxPermission', :git => 'https://github.com/ivanbruel/RxPermission'
    pod 'Permission', :git => 'https://github.com/delba/Permission', :branch => 'swift-3.0'
    pod 'RxSwift', :git => 'https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwift'
    opened by ivanbruel 1
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