Collection of Swift/iOS-related conference videos. A demo project for SuperArc framework - building modular iOS apps with a µComponent architecture.

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Video SwiftCommunity


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Beta version is available at TestFlight

Collection of Swift/iOS-related conference videos.

This project serves as a showcase for the SuperArc project (TSP).

TSP aims to standardize many common building blocks which can help developers to kickstart new iOS projects quickly.

The goal is to have a set of modules (µComponent) to create a component-based MVVM-C (Model-View-ViewModel-Coordinator) architecture for iOS apps. The modules are intended to use together but each module should be able to be integrated into any other iOS projects. This setup is incredibly useful when you create multiple apps which share some same features/functionalities. For more information about the SuperArc project, please take a look at this presentation.


All content are curated from external sources such as Vimeo, Youtube or WWDC live streams. This is inspired heavily from SwiftTube and talk & coffee app

App Features

  • Data is stored in raw json files for easy integration with other tools.
  • View a list of iOS/Swift related conferences.
  • View a list of videos of conferences.
  • View a list of speakers of conferences.
  • Use git to manage the json database (Content is hosted at SwiftCommunityContent).



  • Swift 5.1
  • Xcode 11+
  • 3rd Party Dependencies:
    • SuperArc: PromiseKit, RxSwift, Action, RxCocoa, NotificationBanner, Kingfisher.
    • SwiftCommunity: RxDataSources, XCoordinator, objective-git, YoutubeKit, LXVimeoKit, MarkdownView.


  • Unit Tests
  • UI Tests
  • Snapshot Tests

Package manager

  • Carthage
  • Swift Package Manager
  • Pods



When building an iOS app, developers normally starts with a single workspace/project which contains all source codes of the app. This setup is useful for smaller apps, but when the app grows, there are some problem comming with this setup:

  • Implicit dependencies between classes: because all classes living in the same module, they can access each other easily.
  • Slow compilation time since all source codes will be complied everytime.
  • Hard to reuse code because strong coupling between classes.
  • Hard to scale and maintain because of complex dependencies between classes.

TSP proposes a different approach to modularise the app architecture into foundation and feature modules

  • foundation µComponent: used by other feature µComponent, providing tools and utilities to develop feature µComponent.
  • feature µComponent: built using foundation µComponent, responsible for user-facing features.
  • Clean architecture (at µComponent level): separation of UI, domain logics and platform logics.




  • Responsible for calling services classes to do business logics and prepare data model for presentations.


  • Responsible for interaction with users, displaying results from its corresponding ViewModel.


  • Responsible for managing dependencies required by its ViewController & ViewModel.
  • Instantiate ViewController, ViewModel.
  • Containing ComponentRouter used for navigating to outside components.
  • Manage Interface to control interactions from outside.

Coordinator (optional)

  • Responsible for navigation.
  • Instantiate Component.


Please take 5 minutes to read the presentation to understand the motivation behind the SuperArc framework.


Example App

The example app demonstrates how you can use SuperArc to modularize an simple app by features and layers.

The sample app has the following specs:

  • consists of FeatureA, FeatureB, FeatureC and FeatureD.
  • FeatureA can navigate to FeatureB, FeatureC and FeatureD
  • FeatureB can navigate to FeatureA, FeatureC and FeatureD

Building and Running

After cloning the repository. Run the following command from the root folder of the cloned project to install all carthage dependencies in all subprojects:

swift run --package-path Tools/Bootstrap/ Bootstrap .

After this, you can open SwiftCommunity.xcworkspace and run the SwiftCommunity target to start the app.




For convenience, all subprojects are kept in the same workspace & this reporistory so that we can iterate quickly without messing with versioning & package manager issues.

The goal for a stable version in the future is to have separated repositories for all components so that they can live independently from each others.

Getting started

  • Please make sure that you have Carthage installed.
  • Fork the repository.
  • From the root workspace folder, run carthage update --no-use-binaries --platform iOS --cache-builds to install all dependencies.
  • Open the workspace in Xcode and you are good to go.
  • Change code in any components you think it should be implemented differently.
  • Commit the code changes to a separated branch in your cloned repository.
  • Make a pull request to the upstream repository.

Open an issue if you want to discuss about the architecture, need help or request a new feature.

Open a PR if you want to make changes to any part of the frameworks.


This project is very opinionated and probably not suitable for all kinds of iOS apps projects. I encourage you to take a look at other projects where you might find better architectures, approaches that are more suitable for your ideas:


MIT License. However, please do not ship this app under your own account, paid or free. See LICENSE Swift and the Swift logo are trademarks of Apple Inc.

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