A fully functional short video app project.Record a six secends video while playing prank sounds.

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Video prankPro


A fully functional short video app project

How to Install

1. use coconapod to init your xcode environment.
2. change the app-keys in `application.h` to yours.Maybe you can still get information from Parse.com
3. enjoy.


Well,This app is still waiting for appstore review. They gave me so unbeliveable reasons to hold till today,I've' gave up and hope my first ios app still can do some thing good to the world:)

the idea is simple.Do you Remember the Vine hot hashtag "shaver"?People use fake shaver app to make prank jokes.When I watch these videos,i was like 'hey,why not record their reaction of their face,like GoPro',so here it is.

What you can learn from the project

1.general functions like list,grid.
2.how to set the cell's height.
3.how to control your layout by Masonry.
4.how torecord video by SCRecorder.
5.how to display video by AvFoundation.
6.how to connect to parse(that wont work...).
7.how to write a custom view(a scrollbar,a preview view)

free template psd file

I know many have difficulty with making some better screenshot images.Mine is not the best one,but I hope I can help you find a easy way to create your beautiful app store screenshot images.You can find my template psd file in the repository.

about Parse

Parse will stop their service soon,If you interested in the project,after the app store approve my app,I will change to Bmob.com web service.


If you are from china,欢迎加入qq技术交流群533838427

Thanks to

I use the libaries or views blew,thanks to the authors.you are my reason to open my project.



prankPro is available under the MIT license.

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