iOS custom view to display books on shelf


ShelfView (iOS)

iOS custom view to display books on shelf (Android version is available here)


  • iOS 10.0+
  • Swift 4.2


ShelfView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ShelfView'


Because of book covers whose URLs are http, update your info.plist as follows:

  • add App Transport Security Settings to the list
  • add Allow Arbitrary Loads to the security settings added above; set it to YES.

Plain Shelf

import ShelfView

class PlainShelfController: UIViewController, PlainShelfViewDelegate {
    var shelfView: PlainShelfView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        let books = [
            BookModel(bookCoverSource: "",
                      bookId: "0",
                      bookTitle: "Realm: Building Modern Swift Apps with Realm"),
            BookModel(bookCoverSource: "",
                      bookId: "1",
                      bookTitle: "iOS 10 by Tutorials: Learning the new iOS APIs with Swift 3")
        shelfView = PlainShelfView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 350, height: 500),
                                   bookModel: books, bookSource: PlainShelfView.BOOK_SOURCE_URL)

        shelfView.delegate = self

    func onBookClicked(_ shelfView: PlainShelfView, index: Int, bookId: String, bookTitle: String) {
        print("I just clicked \"\(bookTitle)\" with bookId \(bookId), at index \(index)")


Section Shelf

import ShelfView

class SectionShelfController: UIViewController, SectionShelfViewDelegate {
    var shelfView: SectionShelfView!

    override func viewDidLoad() {

        let books = [
            BookModel(bookCoverSource: "",
                      bookId: "0",
                      bookTitle: "Realm: Building Modern Swift Apps with Realm"),
            BookModel(bookCoverSource: "",
                      bookId: "1",
                      bookTitle: "iOS 10 by Tutorials: Learning the new iOS APIs with Swift 3")
        let bookModelSectionArray = [BookModelSection(sectionName: "RAYWENDERLICH",
                                                      sectionId: "0",
                                                      sectionBooks: books)]

        shelfView = SectionShelfView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 350, height: 500),
                                     bookModelSection: bookModelSectionArray,
                                     bookSource: SectionShelfView.BOOK_SOURCE_URL)

        shelfView.delegate = self

    func onBookClicked(_ shelfView: SectionShelfView, section: Int, index: Int,
                       sectionId: String, sectionTitle: String, bookId: String,
                       bookTitle: String) {
        print("I just clicked \"\(bookTitle)\" with bookId \(bookId), at index \(index). Section details --> section \(section), sectionId \(sectionId), sectionTitle \(sectionTitle)")


Add more books to ShelfView

  • Plain Shelf
addBooks(bookModel: [BookModel])
  • Section Shelf
addBooks(bookModelSection: [BookModelSection])

Reload books on ShelfView

  • Plain Shelf
reloadBooks(bookModel: [BookModel])
  • Section Shelf
reloadBooks(bookModelSection: [BookModelSection])

Loading book covers from other sources

  • iPhone/iPad document directory
let books = [
    BookModel(bookCoverSource: "bookcover0.png", bookId: "0", bookTitle: "Book Title 0"),
    BookModel(bookCoverSource: "bookcover1.png", bookId: "1", bookTitle: "Book Title 1")
shelfView = PlainShelfView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 350, height: 500),
                           bookModel: books, bookSource: PlainShelfView.BOOK_SOURCE_DEVICE_DOCUMENTS)
  • iPhone/iPad library directory
let books = [
    BookModel(bookCoverSource: "bookcover0.png", bookId: "0", bookTitle: "Book Title 0"),
    BookModel(bookCoverSource: "bookcover1.png", bookId: "1", bookTitle: "Book Title 1")
shelfView = PlainShelfView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 350, height: 500),
                           bookModel: books, bookSource: PlainShelfView.BOOK_SOURCE_DEVICE_LIBRARY)
  • iPhone/iPad cache directory
let books = [
    BookModel(bookCoverSource: "bookcover0.png", bookId: "0", bookTitle: "Book Title 0"),
    BookModel(bookCoverSource: "bookcover1.png", bookId: "1", bookTitle: "Book Title 1")
shelfView = PlainShelfView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 350, height: 500),
                           bookModel: books, bookSource: PlainShelfView.BOOK_SOURCE_DEVICE_CACHE)
  • Directly from your project's source code
let books = [
    BookModel(bookCoverSource: "bookcover0.png", bookId: "0", bookTitle: "Book Title 0"),
    BookModel(bookCoverSource: "bookcover1.png", bookId: "1", bookTitle: "Book Title 1")
shelfView = PlainShelfView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 350, height: 500),
                           bookModel: books, bookSource: PlainShelfView.BOOK_SOURCE_RAW)


ShelfView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Adeyinka Adediji (

Contributions & Bug Reporting


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