Metron is a comprehensive collection of geometric functions and types that extend the 2D geometric primitives


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Geometry, simplified.

Metron is a comprehensive collection of geometric functions and types that extend the 2D geometric primitives provided by CoreGraphics. Completely written in Swift, Metron allows you to express complex geometric calculations in very intuitive statements:

Example 1.

Circle(in: viewFrame).contains(touchPoint)

↳ creates a Circle that fits (centered) inside viewFrame, and checks if the touchPoint is inside that circle.

Example 2.

(Angle(.pi) + Angle(270, unit: .degrees)).normalized // Angle of 0.5pi (90°)

↳ adds two Angles, one expressed in radians (default) and one in degrees. The sum is normalized to within 0 and 2𝛑 radians (or 0 and 360 degrees).

Example 3.

LineSegment(a: startPoint, b: currentPoint).intersection(with: viewFrame.lineSegment(for: minYEdge))

↳ creates a LineSegment between a (touch) start point and current point, and returns the intersection with the minYEdge of a view's frame (if these line segments indeed intersect).

Example 4.

let rotatedPoints = { $0.applying(rotationTransform, anchorPoint: rotationPoint) }
let path: CGPath = Polygon(points: rotatedPoints).path

↳ maps each corner point of a view's frame (a CGRect) to a point to which a rotationTransform is applied, taking rotationPoint as the anchor point for the transform. With these points, a Polygon is initialized, representing the rotated rectangular frame of the view. From that polygon, we derive a CGPath that can then be drawn.

And there's much more...


For CGPoint

  • Distance to other CGPoint
  • Clipping to CGRect
  • Relative position in CGRect
  • Normalized position in CGRect
  • Convert to CGVector
  • Round to non-decimal components
  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication...
  • Convex hull for an array of CGPoints (returns a Polygon)

For CGVector

  • Magnitude
  • Angle
  • Convenience initializer with magnitude and angle
  • Convert to CGPoint
  • Inverse
  • Dominant edge
  • Dominant corner
  • Derive line through point
  • Derive line segment from point
  • CGAffineTransform extensions
  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication...

For CGSize

  • Area
  • Swap width and height
  • Clip to other CGSize
  • Scaling using multiplication and division

For CGRect

  • Many convenience initializers, including AspectFit / AspectFill for size
  • Scaling
  • Corner points
  • Edges as line segments
  • Area
  • Center
  • Perimeter
  • CGPath

For CGRectEdge

  • Axis (x or y)
  • Adjacent corners
  • Opposite edge

For CGAffineTransform

  • Create translation transform using CGVector
  • Apply transform with a specified anchor point

New Types


  • Slope
  • Y-intercept
  • X-intercept
  • Horizontal? / vertical? / parallel(to: ...)?
  • Get a perpendicular line
  • Determine intersection with other Line or LineSegment


  • Length
  • Derive a Line
  • Rotate
  • Determine intersection with other Line or LineSegment
  • CGPath


  • Radius
  • Diameter
  • Circumference
  • Area
  • Center
  • Width / Height
  • Bounding rect
  • Contains point?
  • CGPath
  • Points along the perimeter (divide the circle into steps, rotating in a specific direction...)


  • Vertices (as CGPoint)
  • Sides (as LineSegment)
  • Angles (as Angle, see further on)
  • Angle bisectors (as LineSegment)
  • Altitudes (as LineSegment)
  • Equilateral? / isosceles? / scalene? / right? / oblique? / acute? / obtuse?
  • Centroid
  • Circumcenter
  • Incenter
  • Orthocenter
  • Area
  • Bounding rect
  • Contains point?
  • CGPath


  • Edge length
  • Area
  • Perimeter
  • Center
  • CGPath
  • CGRect


  • Init with points or with line segments
  • Edge count
  • Self-intersecting?
  • Convex? / concave?
  • Area
  • Perimeter
  • Center
  • Bounding rect
  • Contains point?
  • CGPath


  • Adjacent edges (CGRectEdges)
  • Opposite corner


  • Init with radians or degrees
  • Convert unit
  • Normalize
  • Invert
  • Compare
  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication...
  • Basic trigonometric functions also accept Angle
  • Create rotation CGAffineTransform with Angle



Metron is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Metron"


Metron is also available through Carthage. To install it, simply add the following line to your Cartfile:

github "toineheuvelmans/Metron"

Swift Package Manager

Metron can also be used with the Swift Package Manager. Add Metron to the dependencies value of your Package.swift:

dependencies: [
    .Package(url: "", majorVersion: 1)

Suggestions or feedback?

Feel free to create a pull request, open an issue or find me on Twitter.


Metron is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.

  • Podspec is on 1.0.3 while release is on 1.0.4

    Podspec is on 1.0.3 while release is on 1.0.4

    Hi, thanks for all your work!.

    I noticed the tagged release is on 1.0.4 but the spec file is on 1.0.3. I import this project via github and grabs that version. Another issue is that on cocoapods the version available is 1.0.2 which doesn't build on swift 5, maybe also update that?

    opened by RubenAstudillo 3
  • Latest release won't build in Carthage with Xcode 10.2

    Latest release won't build in Carthage with Xcode 10.2

    The latest release won't build in Carthage with Xcode 10.2 due to Swift 3.0 being deprecated.

    The master branch is compatible, but a new release hasn't been created yet. @toineheuvelmans would it be possible to create a new release including the new changes on master?

    opened by rzulkoski 2
  • Trouble getting Example playground to run.

    Trouble getting Example playground to run.

    Hi! Great library!

    I'm getting this error when attempting to run the example playground:

    error: /var/folders/y0/p7w_bnh91nv7vsl4kcymcxbh0000gq/T/playground6-adf4ec..swift:3:8: error: no such module 'Metron_Sources'
    import Metron_Sources

    Any ideas?

    BTW, suggest adding a note about running pod install. From the Playground:

    NOTE: Run pod install in the Example folder and then open the Xcode workspace. You will need to build the project first before Metron is available in these playgrounds. Ensure that you have a Simulator-type device selected when building.

    opened by davidbjames 2
  • Fix line contains point method

    Fix line contains point method

    Fixes #15. When a line is defined as vertical line, the contains method returned false, even though the given point is contained within the line. The fix for this issue considers both definition types and checks whether the x-position matches with the x-coordinate of the given point. If this is the case it is guranteed that the given point is contained in the line.

    opened by LinkAndreas 1
  • LineSegment intersection(with:) doesn't work

    LineSegment intersection(with:) doesn't work

    Hi, It seems like there is an issue with the calcul used in intersection(with:) function. If you try this small example, you won't find any intersect point whereas it actually exist

    let lineA = LineSegment(a: CGPoint(x:187.5, y:108.873626373626), b: CGPoint(x:352.335164835165, y:108.873626373626))
    let lineB = LineSegment(a: CGPoint(x:272.0, y:88.0), b: CGPoint(x:354.0, y:388.0))
    let point = lineA.intersection(with: lineB) //return nil


    opened by florentdouine 1
  • Build error

    Build error

    I get the following error when trying to build my project after adding Metron via Podfile.

    Error:(233, 34) contextual closure type '(CGPoint, CGPoint) -> Bool' expects 2 arguments, but 1 was used in closure body

    I'm using the following swift compiler: Apple Swift version 4.0.3 (swiftlang-900.0.74.1 clang-900.0.39.2) Target: x86_64-apple-macosx10.9

    opened by erf 1
  • Build error using XCode9 / Swift 4 in Polygon, sorted

    Build error using XCode9 / Swift 4 in Polygon, sorted

    Build error using XCode9 / Swift 4. Polygon, sorted requires two arguments.


    opened by erf 1
  • LineSegment.intersection(with:) not working properly

    LineSegment.intersection(with:) not working properly

    Confirming that LineSegment.intersection(with:) may return nil for valid intersection cases:

    let s1 = LineSegment(a: .init(x: 187.50440979003906, y: 543.5147094726562), b: .init(x: 333.1461486816406, y: -109.8446273803711))
    let s2 = LineSegment(a: .init(x: 0, y: 0), b: .init(x: 375, y: 0))
    let intersection = s1.intersection(with: s2) // nil

    Should not be nil, as the two segments are intersecting at a point:

    Screen Shot 2020-10-06 at 10 22 03 PM
    opened by nazariyg 1
  • Polygon contains point, returning incorrect result

    Polygon contains point, returning incorrect result

    My polygon CGPoints:

    (0.0, 0.0), (0, 4.6849846839904785), (-3.7979183197021484, 8.482921600341797), (-8.482903480529785, 8.482928276062012), (-13.167887687683105, 8.48293399810791), (-16.965824127197266, 4.685009002685547), (-16.965829849243164, 0), (-16.965837478637695, -4.684959888458252), (-13.167911529541016, -8.48289680480957), (-8.482927322387695, -8.482903480529785), (-3.7979419231414795, -8.482909202575684), (0, -4.6849846839904785), (0.0, 0.0)

    My point:

    (-14.683422088623047, 1.410199522972107)


    polygon.contains(point) // false

    It does contain the point

    opened by ProjectDent 0
  • LineSegment intersection returning nil incorrectly

    LineSegment intersection returning nil incorrectly

    let lineSegment1 = Metron.LineSegment(a: CGPoint(x: 5.203594207763672, y: 3.6903457641601562), b: CGPoint(x: -9.671459197998047, y: 9.507403373718262))
    let lineSegment2 = Metron.LineSegment(a: CGPoint(x: (3.9301047325134277), y: 3.930098295211792), b: CGPoint(x: 3.930110216140747, y: 8.778124809265137))
    let intersection = lineSegment1.intersection(with: lineSegment2)

    Intersection returns nil, when it should return as CGPoint(x: 3.9301050246323883, y: 4.18835808998847)

    You can see these numbers on Desmos:

    I have another function in my project which does the same job, which may be able to give a hint as to why the Metron function isn't working properly:

    extension CGPoint {
        static func intersectionOfLines(line1: (a: CGPoint, b: CGPoint), line2: (a: CGPoint, b: CGPoint)) -> CGPoint? {
            let distance = (line1.b.x - line1.a.x) * (line2.b.y - line2.a.y) - (line1.b.y - line1.a.y) * (line2.b.x - line2.a.x)
            if distance == 0 {
                print("intersection issue, parallel lines")
                    return nil
    	let u = ((line2.a.x - line1.a.x) * (line2.b.y - line2.a.y) - (line2.a.y - line1.a.y) * (line2.b.x - line2.a.x)) / distance
    	let v = ((line2.a.x - line1.a.x) * (line1.b.y - line1.a.y) - (line2.a.y - line1.a.y) * (line1.b.x - line1.a.x)) / distance
    	if (u < 0.0 || u > 1.0) {
    		print("intersection issue, intersection not inside line1")
    		return nil
    	if (v < 0.0 || v > 1.0) {
    		print("intersection issue, intersection not inside line2")
    		return nil
    	return CGPoint(
    		x: line1.a.x + u * (line1.b.x - line1.a.x),
    		y: line1.a.y + u * (line1.b.y - line1.a.y))
    opened by ProjectDent 0
  • Request for adding (bezier) curves

    Request for adding (bezier) curves

    If you should choose to pursue implementing a Bezier cubic curve, my repository CeranPaul/SketchCurves has class "Cubic" that could be helpful to you.

    I haven't spent any time on a quadratic curve, but can see the usefulness of that for importing and exporting SVG's.

    My repository needs to have its Ellipse class fleshed out. I'll be in touch when I have something useful.

    feature request 
    opened by CeranPaul 1
  • Support for ellipses

    Support for ellipses

    Metron is a lovely little library and has saved me a ton of time! Circle works for some cases, but not for ellipses. Seeing this officially supported would be great.

    feature request 
    opened by matt-curtis 3
Toine Heuvelmans
Lead Mobile Engineer @ Touchwonders. Also experience with digital signal processing, beer brewing and parenting.
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