UIViewController extension to present view / view controller as bottom-half modal.

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CocoaPods SPM license

UIViewController extension to present view / view controller as bottom-half modal.



pod 'SemiModalViewController'

Swift Package Manager

dependencies: [
    .Package(url: "https://github.com/muyexi/SemiModalViewController.git", majorVersion: 0)


Present a view controller:

let options = [
    SemiModalOption.pushParentBack: true

let controller = UIViewController()

controller.view.height = 200
controller.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()

presentSemiViewController(controller, options: options, completion: {
}, dismissBlock: {

Or view:

let view = UIView(frame: UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds)
view.height = 300
view.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()

presentSemiView(view, options: options) {

Dismiss a presented view / view controller:


Default options:

SemiModalOption.traverseParentHierarchy : true,
SemiModalOption.pushParentBack          : false,
SemiModalOption.animationDuration       : 0.5,
SemiModalOption.parentAlpha             : 0.5,
SemiModalOption.parentScale             : 0.8,
SemiModalOption.shadowOpacity           : 0.5,
SemiModalOption.transitionStyle         : .slideUp,
SemiModalOption.disableCancel           : true


SemiModalViewController is based on KNSemiModalViewController.


SemiModalViewController is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

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  • Screen flash

    Screen flash


    First of all i want to thank you for this library ^_^

    I've been using it for one of my projects and i saw that the screen flashes when i rotate the device and the semiModalView is open (i locked the app to be used in portrait mode only).

    Any idea of how to avoid this flash?

    Thanks and best regards!

    opened by llKoull 8
  • fix some issue

    fix some issue

    1. let childViewController can use dismissSemiModalView function
    2. before get saved options, check option data type is match
    3. reduce use swift unconditional unwrapping(!), sometimes will crash
    4. objc_setAssociatedObject save in targetVC or rootVc , because when call dismissSemiModalView in the childViewController, it can not get semiModalViewController and semiModalDismissBlock
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  • Carthage Support

    Carthage Support

    I would love to see for this package Carthage support or SPM support. Is there any chance that this could be realized? I could help to build this support.

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  • Option do not screenshot

    Option do not screenshot

    Hey it would be nice to have an option to not screenshot the parent. In my case the parent is changing in the background on actions that are done in my child ModalViewController.


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