A 2048 game writing with SwiftUI.


2048 Game (SwiftUI app)

This is a simple game to demonstrate the new SwiftUI framework.

Note that the game algorithm may have issues, and this is still WIP.


Supported Platforms

  • iOS 13.0+
  • macOS 10.15+
  • macOS 11+ (macCatalyst version)



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  • Migrate to SwiftUI 2.0

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    • Removed AppKit access in the macCatalyst target
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          var blankLocations = [BlockMatrixType.Index]()
          for rowIndex in 0..<4 {
              for colIndex in 0..<4 {
                  let index = (colIndex, rowIndex)
                  if _blockMatrix[index] == nil {
          guard blankLocations.count >= 1 else {
              return false
          // Don't forget to sync data.
          defer {
          _blockMatrix.place(IdentifiedBlock(id: newGlobalID, number: 2), to: blankLocations.randomElement()!)
          return true
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          guard num > 0 else {
              return false
          for _ in 0..<num {
              if !generateNewBlock() {
                  return false
          return true
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    } else { // add else here
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