Project 1 - WeSplit |
Built an application to calculate tips. Form, Section, NavigationView, @State property wrapper, TextField, Picker, ForEach
Challenge Day 1 - Unit Converter |
We were asked to build a unit converter of our ownliking using the concepts we learned from project 1. |
Project 2 - Guess the Flag |
Basic Guess the flag game. VStack, Image, Alert
Project 3 - Views and Modifers |
No particular application for this Project. We were asked to refactor other projects in the challenges. Views, modifiers, composition, containers.
Milestone 1-3 Scissors, Paper, Rock |
Built a brain training game that challenges users to either win or lose at scissors, paper, rock. Solifified our knowledge of arrays, state, views, images and text.
Project 4 - BetterRest |
App that calculates the time should go to bed. Machine Learning, Dates (DatePicker, DateComponents, DateFormatter) Stepper, navigationBarItems()
Project 5 - Word Scramble |
Word scramble game. The premise of the game is to find as many words as you can within an 8 letter word. List, onAppear, Bundle, fatalError(), UITextChecker
Project 6 - Animation |
No particular application for this Project. We were asked to refactor other projects in the challenges. Animations, transitions, basic gestures
Milestone 4-6 - Multiplication |
Built an app that helps chilren learn their multiplication tables. They choose which number they'd like to practice and how many reps they would like to do (It is can be embarrassing to look on past code and UI choices. I will leave it here for purposes of comparison - Although sometime in the future I'd like to have another go at this challenge). |
Project 7 - iExpense |
App that tracks your expenses. UserDefaults, Codable, sheet(), onDelete(), @ObservedObject
Project 8 - Moonshot |
App that displays information about astronauts and space missions GeometryReader, ScrollView, Navigation, Codable hierarchy, Generics
Project 9 - Drawing |
No particular application for this Project. We were asked to refactor other projects in the challenges. Paths, shapes, strokes, transforms, drawing groups, animating values, Core Animation, Metal
Milestone 7-9 - Habit Tracker |
Built an app that helps users track their habits. |
Project 10 - Cupcake Corner |
App that lets users place cupcake orders. Codable, URLSession, disabled()
Project 11 - Bookworm |
App that stores books that the user has read and allows them to rate the books. Core Data is also intergrated. Core Data, @Binding, Custom components
Project 12 - Core Data |
No particular application for this Project. We were asked to advanced filtering of List using NSPredicate and sortDescriptors. Core Data
No Screenshot |
Milestone 10-12 - FriendFace |
Social Media App. This milestone challenge mostly focuses on netowrking and data models. I decided to do some research on MVVM architecture and added it in this project.
Milestone 10-12(Core Data) - FriendFace |
FriendFace with Core Data. |
Project 13 - Instafilter |
Not completed |
Project 14 - Bucket List |
Not completed |
Project 15 - Accessibility |
Not completed |
Milestone 13-15 - Photo Contacts |
Not completed |
Project 16 - Hot Prospects |
Not completed |
Project 17 - Layout and Geometry |
Not completed |
Project 18 - BetterRest |
Not completed |
Milestone 16-18 - Roll the Dice |
Not completed |
Project 19 - SnowSeeker |
Not completed |