Pitchy provides a simple way to get a music pitch from a frequency. Other than that it has a bunch of useful data structures, calculators and helper functions to work with notes, octaves and acoustic waves.
From Wikipedia:
Pitch is a perceptual property of sounds that allows their ordering on a frequency-related scale, or more commonly, pitch is the quality that makes it possible to judge sounds as "higher" and "lower" in the sense associated with musical melodies.
Table of Contents
Key features
- Get lower, higher and closest pitch offsets from a specified frequency.
- Get an acoustic wave with wavelength, period and harmonics.
- Create a note from a pitch index, frequency or a letter with octave number.
- Calculate a frequency, note letter and octave from a pitch index
- Find a pitch index from a specified frequency or a note letter with octave.
- Convert a frequency to wavelength and vice versa.
- Convert a wavelength to time period and vice versa.
Create Pitch
struct with a specified frequency to get lower, higher and closest pitch offsets:
do {
// Frequency = 445 Hz
let pitch = try Pitch(frequency: 445.0)
let pitchOffsets = pitch.offsets
print(pitchOffsets.lower.frequency) // 5 Hz
print(pitchOffsets.lower.percentage) // 19.1%
print(pitchOffsets.lower.note.index) // 0
print(pitchOffsets.lower.cents) // 19.56
print(pitchOffsets.higher.frequency) // -21.164 Hz
print(pitchOffsets.higher.percentage) // -80.9%
print(pitchOffsets.higher.note.index) // 1
print(pitchOffsets.higher.cents) // -80.4338
print(pitchOffsets.closest.note.string) // "A4"
// You could also use acoustic wave
print(pitch.wave.wavelength) // 0.7795 meters
} catch {
// Handle errors
Acoustic wave
Get an acoustic wave with wavelength, period and harmonics.
do {
// AcousticWave(wavelength: 0.7795)
// AcousticWave(period: 0.00227259)
let wave = try AcousticWave(frequency: 440.0)
print(wave.frequency) // 440 Hz
print(wave.wavelength) // 0.7795 meters
print(wave.period) // 0.00227259 s
print(wave.harmonics[0]) // 440 Hz
print(wave.harmonics[1]) // 880 Hz
} catch {
// Handle errors
Note could be created with a corresponding frequency, letter + octave number or a pitch index.
do {
// Note(frequency: 261.626)
// Note(letter: .C, octave: 4)
let note = try Note(index: -9)
print(note.index) // -9
print(note.letter) // .C
print(note.octave) // 4
print(note.frequency) // 261.626 Hz
print(note.string) // "C4"
print(try note.lower().string) // "B3"
print(try note.higher().string) // "C#4"
} catch {
// Handle errors
Calculators are used in the initialization of Pitch
, AcousticWave
and Note
, but also are included in the public API.
do {
// PitchCalculator
let pitchOffsets = try PitchCalculator.offsets(445.0)
let cents = try PitchCalculator.cents(
frequency1: 440.0,
frequency2: 440.0
) // 19.56
// NoteCalculator
let frequency1 = try NoteCalculator.frequency(forIndex: 0) // 440.0 Hz
let letter = try NoteCalculator.letter(forIndex: 0) // .A
let octave = try NoteCalculator.octave(forIndex: 0) // 4
let index1 = try NoteCalculator.index(forFrequency: 440.0) // 0
let index2 = try NoteCalculator.index(forLetter: .A, octave: 4) // 0
// WaveCalculator
let f = try WaveCalculator.frequency(forWavelength: 0.7795) // 440.0 Hz
let wl1 = try WaveCalculator.wavelength(forFrequency: 440.0) // 0.7795 meters
let wl2 = try WaveCalculator.wavelength(forPeriod: 0.00227259) // 0.7795 meters
let period = try WaveCalculator.period(forWavelength: 0.7795) // 0.00227259 s
} catch {
// Handle errors
With a help of FrequencyValidator
it's possible to adjust minimum and maximum frequencies that are used for validations in all calculations:
FrequencyValidator.minimumFrequency = 20.0
FrequencyValidator.maximumFrequency = 4190.0
Error handling
Almost everything is covered with tests, but it's important to pass valid values, such as frequencies and pitch indexes. That's why there a re a list of errors that should be handled properly.
enum Error: ErrorType {
case InvalidFrequency
case InvalidWavelength
case InvalidPeriod
case InvalidPitchIndex
case InvalidOctave
Pitchy is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'Pitchy'
Pitchy is also available through Carthage. To install just write into your Cartfile:
github "vadymmarkov/Pitchy"
Vadym Markov, markov.vadym@gmail.com
Check the CONTRIBUTING file for more info.
Pitchy is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.