This iOS/SwiftUI app collects blog postings by SwiftLee on Swift and related topics.


Contributors Forks Stargazers Issues MIT License

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Usage
  4. Roadmap
  5. Contributing
  6. License
  7. Contact
  8. Acknowledgments

About The Project

Product Name Screen Shot

This app aggregates blog posts by SwiftLee (Antoine van der Lee), who runs a blog on iOS software development.

Note that this app is only a SwiftLee aggregator and not an app developed by SwiftLee. Like any RSS aggregator, the author of the aggregator has no influence on SwiftLee’s blog posts. And SwiftLee has no responsibility for the aggregator. In case you are wondering, both parties did align ;-)

The aggregator asynchronously fetches data from an existing SwiftLee RSS feed. The RSS data is converted to JSON on the fly using an online RSS-to-JSON convertor. And the JSON is then decoded and rendered within the app. Clicking on a item in the aggregator opens the associated SwiftLee post in a browser tab.

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Built With

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The app is only available via GitHub. It isn’t and won’t be distributed via the Apple App Store to prevent confusion. And, frankly, the app doesn’t provide add enough functionality compared to the existing SwiftLee website: the app is partly used as a lightweight testbed to try out some programming techniques (like concurrency and core data).

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Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running, use GitHub’s Open with Xcode feature. Those who prefer the git command line commands usually manage perfectly fine on their own.

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  1. Get a free API key at This involves signing up for a free account with rss2json. The rss2json free plan should be enough to view a single feed as often as you like. Please carefully save the API key code. It allows you to generate a fair amount of traffic through without having to worry about the amount of traffic generated by others.
  2. Clone the repository to your development environment: Code , Code , Open with Xcode, Allow GitHub to launch Xcode, select a location for the directory, and press Clone.
  3. Enter your personal API key in the file Utilities/ApiKey.swift Don’t forget to uncomment the line. By default it reads:
// insert your API key and uncomment
// let apiKey = "thisisthespotwhereyouinsertyourownapikey" 

The line is commented out because I have a second file containing my own key. That second file obviously doesn't get mirrored on GitHub. 4. You can now compile the project to install it on an actual device (you may need to deploy it again after half a year) or run the code on a device simulator in the usual way.

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There is little to say about usage. Just launch the app, and it will launch all currently available posts on SwiftLee's site.

The Search field allows you to filter the shown postings. It only uses the title fields for this - so not the actual body text or tags/keywords attached to the posts.

If you click on an post in the scrollable List, it will load the actual post into a browser tab. The app currently does not store any data on your device, so you will need to be online (otherwise you will see an empty List).

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  • Complete the readme
  • Automatically fetch older posts via extra fetch requests (at 10 posts per request)
    • Add a search bar to filter the list (needed if there are hundreds of posts)
  • Minor bug fixing and cleanup
  • Store the posts on-device
  • Keep track of which posts have been clicked on, and visualize this using the mail icon to the left of the title

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).

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Any contributions are greatly appreciated. If you have a suggestion that would make this better, you can fork the repo and create a pull request. The command line git commands to do this (but the Xcode IDE has equivalent commands under Source Control):

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request

You can alternatively submit an issue with a tag like ”enhancement" or “bug” without having to provide the code solution yourself. Don't forget to give the project a star in GitHub!

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.


Peter van den Hamer -

Project Link:

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  • Add Search filter

    Add Search filter

    For 10 posts, you don't need filtering. But you do for 50 or more posts. SwiftUI has a pretty straightforward approach to allowing the user to Search (filter) on strings or other conditions.

    enhancement good first issue 
    opened by vdhamer 1
  • Swipe to mark with a Star

    Swipe to mark with a Star

    The database contains a flag isRead. Adding a separate hasStar or making this a 3-value state (unread, read, star) allows a user to bookmark important posts, or to mark posts for future reading.

    Idea is that the meaning of Star is left undefined by the app: user figures out a way to use it. Only assumption is that it is intended to be "positive".

    3 states or 2x2 states or "2x2 states in the model and 3 states in the UI"?

    3-states: show single state icon to the user.

    2x2 states: requires 2 on/off icons. There is space for this. Distinguishes Read/Star from UnRead/Star. Might be clearest.

    Hybrid: to a user, this looks like 3 states. And requires a simple UI rule like "Read status is hidden if there is a Star". But this approach suggests that inputs are based on 2x2 mental model and UI shows 3-state mental model. Or that input should be more complicated.

    opened by vdhamer 0
  • Swipe to mark as Read

    Swipe to mark as Read

    If you open a post in the browser, it is immediately marked as "read".

    An alternative explicit command is nice for use cases like "I already read that, but not via this SwiftLeeAggregator".

    opened by vdhamer 0
  • Swipe to mark as UnRead

    Swipe to mark as UnRead

    If you open a post in the browser, it is immediately marked as "read". You may not always want this because you may want to read the post later. So you should be able to correct this manually.

    E-mail clients (etc) have the same problem, but may wait a few seconds before deciding that you read something. But they provide an UnRead option just in case.

    opened by vdhamer 0
  • Change identifying attribute of Post (title -> shortURL?)

    Change identifying attribute of Post (title -> shortURL?)

    The current logic determines if a post from the SwiftLee website is new based on its title. This is pretty safe because SwiftLee doesn't seem to edit the titles after publishing. But it would be better to use something more stable.

    opened by vdhamer 0
  • has-been-read badge is not persisted

    has-been-read badge is not persisted

    Apparently not being saved in the database (it used to work!).

    How it shows up:

    • open an article. Badge disappears. Close app. Reopen app. Or
    • open article. Badge disappears. Swipe down to refresh.
    opened by vdhamer 0
  • Provide native support for MacOS

    Provide native support for MacOS

    Am still waiting for an Apple Silicon Mac. Maybe it can be done on older version of MacOS and XCode, but more convenient when my environment is up to date again. I believe I don't want to use Catalyst for this (a kind of iPadOS emulation on MacOS?).

    opened by vdhamer 1
Peter van den Hamer
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Peter van den Hamer
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