KeyPathKit is a library that provides the standard functions to manipulate data along with a call-syntax that relies on typed keypaths to make the call sites as short and clean as possible.

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Database swift data sql


Build Status platforms pod Carthage compatible Swift Package Manager compatible


Swift 4 has introduced a new type called KeyPath, with allows to access the properties of an object with a very nice syntax. For instance:

let string = "Foo"
let keyPathForCount = \String.count

let count = string[keyPath: keyPathForCount] // count == 3

The great part is that the syntax can be very concise, because it supports type inference and property chaining.

Purpose of KeyPathKit

Consequently, I thought it would be nice to leverage this new concept in order to build an API that allows to perform data manipulation in a very declarative fashion.

SQL is a great language for such manipulations, so I took inspiration from it and implemented most of its standard operators in Swift 4 using KeyPath.

But what really stands KeyPathKit appart from the competition is its clever syntax that allows to express queries in a very seamless fashion. For instance :

contacts.filter(where: \.lastName == "Webb" && \.age < 40)



Add the following to your Podfile:

pod "KeyPathKit"


Add the following to your Cartfile:

github "vincent-pradeilles/KeyPathKit"

Swift Package Manager

Create a file Package.swift:

// swift-tools-version:4.0

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
    name: "YourProject",
    dependencies: [
        .package(url: "", "1.0.0" ..< "2.0.0")
    targets: [
        .target(name: "YourProject", dependencies: ["KeyPathKit"])


Operator details

For the purpose of demonstrating the usage of the operators, the following mock data is defined:

struct Person {
    let firstName: String
    let lastName: String
    let age: Int
    let hasDriverLicense: Bool
    let isAmerican: Bool

let contacts = [
    Person(firstName: "Charlie", lastName: "Webb", age: 10, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true),
    Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Elexson", age: 22, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true),
    Person(firstName: "Charles", lastName: "Webb", age: 45, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true),
    Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Zunino", age: 34, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true),
    Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Alexson", age: 8, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true),
    Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Webb", age: 28, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true),
    Person(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "Elexson", age: 30, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)


Performs a boolean AND operation on a property of type Bool.



Calculates the average of a numerical property.

contacts.average(of: \.age).rounded()


Filters out elements whose value for the property is not within the range.

contacts.between(\.age, range: 20...30)
// or
contacts.filter(where: 20...30 ~= \.age)
[Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Elexson", age: 22, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true),
 Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Webb", age: 28, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "Elexson", age: 30, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)]


Returns whether the sequence contains one element for which the specified boolean property or predicate is true.

contacts.contains(where: \.hasDriverLicense)
contacts.contains(where: \.lastName.count > 10)


Returns all the distinct values for the property.

["Webb", "Elexson", "Zunino", "Alexson"]


Returns a subsequence by skipping elements while a property of type Bool or a predicate evaluates to true, and returning the remaining elements.

contacts.drop(while: \.age < 40)
[Person(firstName: "Charles", lastName: "Webb", age: 45, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Zunino", age: 34, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Alexson", age: 8, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Webb", age: 28, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "Elexson", age: 30, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)]


Filters out elements whose value is false for one (or several) boolean property.

contacts.filter(where: \.hasDriverLicense)
[Person(firstName: "Charles", lastName: "Webb", age: 45, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Zunino", age: 34, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Webb", age: 28, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "Elexson", age: 30, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)]

Filter also works with predicates:

contacts.filter(where: \.firstName == "Webb")
[Person(firstName: "Charlie", lastName: "Webb", age: 10, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true),
 Person(firstName: "Charles", lastName: "Webb", age: 45, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true),
 Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Webb", age: 28, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)]


Filters out elements whose value for an Equatable property is not in a given Sequence.

contacts.filter(where: \.firstName, in: ["Alex", "John"])
[Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Elexson", age: 22, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Zunino", age: 34, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Alexson", age: 8, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Webb", age: 28, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)]


Filters out elements whose value is greater than a constant for a Comparable property.

contacts.filter(where: \.age, lessThan: 30)
// or
contacts.filter(where: \.age < 30)
[Person(firstName: "Charlie", lastName: "Webb", age: 10, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Elexson", age: 22, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Alexson", age: 8, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Webb", age: 28, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)]
contacts.filter(where: \.age, lessOrEqual: 30)
// or
contacts.filter(where: \.age <= 30)
[Person(firstName: "Charlie", lastName: "Webb", age: 10, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Elexson", age: 22, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Alexson", age: 8, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Webb", age: 28, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "Elexson", age: 30, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)]


Filters out elements whose value for a string property does not match a regular expression.

contacts.filter(where: \.lastName, like: "^[A-Za-z]*son$")
[Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Elexson", age: 22, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Alexson", age: 8, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "Elexson", age: 30, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)]


Filters out elements whose value is lesser than a constant for a Comparable property.

contacts.filter(where: \.age, moreThan: 30)
// or
contacts.filter(where: \.age > 30)
[Person(firstName: "Charles", lastName: "Webb", age: 45, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Zunino", age: 34, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)]
contacts.filter(where: \.age, moreOrEqual: 30)
// or
contacts.filter(where: \.age >= 30)
[Person(firstName: "Charles", lastName: "Webb", age: 45, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Zunino", age: 34, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "Elexson", age: 30, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)]


Returns the first element matching a predicate.

contacts.first(where: \.lastName == "Webb")
Optional(Person(firstName: "Charlie", lastName: "Webb", age: 10, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true))


Groups values by equality on the property.

["Alexson": [Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Alexson", age: 8, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true)], 
 "Webb": [Person(firstName: "Charlie", lastName: "Webb", age: 10, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), Person(firstName: "Charles", lastName: "Webb", age: 45, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Webb", age: 28, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)], 
 "Elexson": [Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Elexson", age: 22, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), Person(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "Elexson", age: 30, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)], 
 "Zunino": [Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Zunino", age: 34, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)]]


Joins values of two sequences in tuples by the equality on their respective property.

contacts.join(\.firstName, with: contacts, on: \.lastName)
// or
contacts.join(with: contacts, where: \.firstName == \.lastName)
[(Person(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "Elexson", age: 30, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), Person(firstName: "Charlie", lastName: "Webb", age: 10, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true)), 
 (Person(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "Elexson", age: 30, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), Person(firstName: "Charles", lastName: "Webb", age: 45, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)), 
 (Person(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "Elexson", age: 30, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Webb", age: 28, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true))]

Joining on more than one attribute is also supported:

contacts.join(with: contacts, .where(\.firstName, equals: \.lastName), .where(\.hasDriverLicense, equals: \.isAmerican))
// or
contacts.join(with: contacts, where: \.firstName == \.lastName, \.hasDriverLicense == \.isAmerican)


Maps elements to their values of the property.\.lastName)
["Webb", "Elexson", "Webb", "Zunino", "Alexson", "Webb", "Elexson"]


Maps a sequence of properties to a function. This is, for instance, useful to extract a subset of properties into a structured type.

struct ContactCellModel {
    let firstName: String
    let lastName: String
}\.lastName, \.firstName, to: ContactCellModel.init)
[ContactCellModel(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "Charlie"), 
 ContactCellModel(firstName: "Elexson", lastName: "Alex"), 
 ContactCellModel(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "Charles"), 
 ContactCellModel(firstName: "Zunino", lastName: "Alex"), 
 ContactCellModel(firstName: "Alexson", lastName: "Alex"), 
 ContactCellModel(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "John"), 
 ContactCellModel(firstName: "Elexson", lastName: "Webb")]


Returns the element with the greatest value for a Comparable property.

contacts.max(by: \.age)
Optional(Person(firstName: "Charles", lastName: "Webb", age: 45, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true))


Returns the element with the minimum value for a Comparable property.

contacts.min(by: \.age)
Optional(Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Alexson", age: 8, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true))


Performs a boolean OR operation on an property of type Bool.



Allows the use of predicates inside a switch statement:

switch person {
case \.firstName == "Charlie":
    print("I'm Charlie!")
case \.age < 18:
    print("I'm not an adult...")


Returns a subsequence containing the initial, consecutive elements for whose a property of type Bool or a predicate evaluates to true.

contacts.prefix(while: \.age < 40)
[Person(firstName: "Charlie", lastName: "Webb", age: 10, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true),
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Elexson", age: 22, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true)]


Calculates the sum of the values for a numerical property.

contacts.sum(of: \.age)


Sorts the elements with respect to a Comparable property.

contacts.sorted(by: \.age)
[Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Alexson", age: 8, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Charlie", lastName: "Webb", age: 10, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Elexson", age: 22, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Webb", age: 28, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "Elexson", age: 30, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Zunino", age: 34, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Charles", lastName: "Webb", age: 45, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)]

It's also possible to specify the sorting order, to sort on multiple criteria, or to do both.

contacts.sorted(by: .ascending(\.lastName), .descending(\.age))
[Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Alexson", age: 8, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Webb", lastName: "Elexson", age: 30, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Elexson", age: 22, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Charles", lastName: "Webb", age: 45, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "John", lastName: "Webb", age: 28, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Charlie", lastName: "Webb", age: 10, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true), 
 Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Zunino", age: 34, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true)]



A big thank you to Jérôme Alves ( for coming up with the right modelization to allow sorting on multiple properties with heterogenous type.

  • andTests.swift needs updating

    andTests.swift needs updating

    Hi, Your final test case in andTests is:

     func test_infinite_sequence() {
           var i = 0
           let data = AnyIterator { () -> TestData in
               defer { i += 1 }
               return TestData(bool: i % 3 != 0)

    and should be:

    func test_infinite_sequence() {
          var i = 0
          let data = AnyIterator { () -> TestData in
              defer { i += 1 }
              return TestData(bool: i % 3 != 0)

    Love this project!

    opened by Mozahler 4
  • Various enhancements and improvements

    Various enhancements and improvements

    Hello !

    Here's a set of various enhancements and improvements I'd like to see in this library. I recognise that some changes are a little bit opinionated so feel free to discuss/reject some of them if needed.

    Also, some changes are source breaking and I don't know what's your politic about it? Do you prefer we keep both API with a deprecated annotation? Or we can just keep the new version but we will eventually release this version under a new major version?

    • Modernize API by using by: label instead of of: to match more closely with Swift stdlib
    • Use reduce(into:) for better performances Enhance or and and to immediatly return on the first element that doesn't match the expression requirement – it has the benefits to make it work with infinite sequence
    • Add a specialized version of distinct() that works with Hashable elements in order to use a Set – it should make the contains lookup faster
    • Enhance filter to immediatly return on the first element that doesn't match the expression requirement
    • Pull NSPredicate init out of filter closure in order to init it only once
    • Leverage Swift 4.0 new "subscript with default value" Dictionary API (SE-0165)
    • Use stdlib min(by:) and max(by:) methods instead of a custom reduce()
    opened by jegnux 4
  • Errors with Swift 5.0 -- Extraneous argument label 'where:' in call

    Errors with Swift 5.0 -- Extraneous argument label 'where:' in call

    What an awesome library!! Hats off to you 🎩 Some of the tests fail under Swift 5.0 (10 lines in filterLessTests.swift have errors) I'll see if I can figure it out, but meantime here's what I know...

    I'm getting this message: Extraneous argument label 'where:' in call for these lines from class FilterLessTests: XCTestCase

        XCTAssertTrue(data.filter(where: \.int < 2).isEmpty)
        XCTAssertTrue(data.filter(where: \.double < 2.0).isEmpty)
        XCTAssertEqual(data.filter(where: \.int < 200), data)
        XCTAssertEqual(data.filter(where: \.int <= 100), data)
        XCTAssertEqual(data.filter(where: \.double < 6e4), data)
        XCTAssertEqual(data.filter(where: \.double <= 5e4), data)
        XCTAssertEqual(data.filter(where: \.int < 100), [TestData(int: 3, double: 4.5), TestData(int: -2, double: 5e4)])
        XCTAssertEqual(data.filter(where: \.double < 100.0), [TestData(int: 3, double: 4.5), TestData(int: 100, double: -2300)])
        XCTAssertEqual(data.filter(where: \.int < -5), [])
        XCTAssertEqual(data.filter(where: \.double <= -2301), [])

    These lines all test ok under Swift 4.2

    opened by Mozahler 3
  • Add `min(_:)` and `max(_:)`

    Add `min(_:)` and `max(_:)`

    Following my previous PR (#10) here are 2 new methods:

    public func min<T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> T?
    public func max<T: Comparable>(_ attribute: KeyPath<Element, T>) -> T?

    They find the min / max value and immediately extract it. Here's an example:

    contacts.max(by: \.age)
    Optional(Person(firstName: "Charles", lastName: "Webb", age: 45, hasDriverLicense: true, isAmerican: true))
    contacts.min(by: \.age)
    Optional(Person(firstName: "Alex", lastName: "Alexson", age: 8, hasDriverLicense: false, isAmerican: true))
    opened by jegnux 3
  • Update for Xcode 10.2 and Swift 5

    Update for Xcode 10.2 and Swift 5

    In swift 5 SubSequence have been removed and replaced by DropWhileSequence or Array of Sequence.Element.

    Unit testing have been also updated for DropWhileSequence compliance. GroupTest have been updated: Sorting doesn't matter in dictionaries.

    • DS_Store has been added to .gitignore file.

    Merci ;)

    opened by PierrePerrin 1
  • The great restructure

    The great restructure

    • project restructure for SwiftPM - Sources folder
    • targets for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS
    • SwiftPM support
    • podspec for cocoapods

    @vincent-pradeilles Will you set up Travis build for this? I could also but I think I need access for this repo then. Also will you release to cocoapods?

    opened by fassko 1
  • 1.6.0(Apr 7, 2019)

  • 1.5.0(Jan 6, 2019)

  • 1.4.0(Nov 18, 2018)

    • Modernize API by using by: label instead of of: to match more closely with Swift stdlib
    • Use reduce(into:) for better performances Enhance or and and to immediatly return on the first element that doesn't match the expression requirement – it has the benefits to make it work with infinite sequence
    • Add a specialized version of distinct() that works with Hashable elements in order to use a Set – it should make the contains lookup faster
    • Enhance filter to immediatly return on the first element that doesn't match the expression requirement
    • Pull NSPredicate init out of filter closure in order to init it only once
    • Leverage Swift 4.0 new "subscript with default value" Dictionary API (SE-0165)
    • Use stdlib min(by:) and max(by:) methods instead of a custom reduce()
    Source code(tar.gz)
    Source code(zip)
Vincent Pradeilles
French iOS software engineer, working in Lyon, France 🇫🇷
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