🇨🇳 Learn how to make WeChat with SwiftUI. 微信 7.0 🟢



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  • I will continue to follow the development of technology, the goal is to bring SwiftUI-WeChat to an infinitely close WeChat experience. When you want to implement a function similar to WeChat, you can quickly find out how to implement this function in this project, so I believe this project will help someone.

  • The plan will be perfected until the popularity of SwiftUI, update occasionally. If you have questions about the implementation, or have better ideas, please feel free to communicate with me in issue

  • Your ★ Star is my biggest motivation


  • All based on SwiftUI2 (SwiftUI1 Version).
  • The navigation bar changes when the homepage switches. TabView is hidden in the details page.
  • Timeline: Picture layout. Play online video. The status bar navigation bar changes as you scroll through the list.
  • Full support for Dark Mode


Light Mode Dark Mode
HomeView HomeView
ChatView ChatView
ContactView ContactView
DiscoverView DiscoverView
MomentView MomentView
MeView MeView


  • Homepage: Support left slide to delete chat content
  • Chat: keyboard processing, multi-line text box height, send content, more media types, emoji, voice, etc.
  • Timeline: pull-down refresh, pull-up loading, full-screen preview of pictures and videos, comments, likes, etc.
  • Search interface


  • iOS 14+
  • Xcode 12+
  • Swift 5.3+


Create by 森仔

Banner Design by @aduqin


SwiftUI-WeChat is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.



codebeat badge


  • 我将持续关注 SwiftUI 技术的发展,目标是将 SwiftUI-WeChat 更新至无限接近微信的体验。每个人都熟悉微信,因此当您想实现类似于微信的功能时,可以通过此项目了解实现思路,因此我相信这个项目会对大家有帮助。

  • 此项目计划维护到 SwiftUI 真正流行为止。如果您对实现有疑问,或者有更好的想法,请随时在 issue 中与我交流,或者提交 PR。

  • 你的 ★ Star 是我最大的动力


  • 全部基于 SwiftUI2(SwiftUI1 版本传送门)。
  • 底部导航切换时顶部导航更新,进入二级界面时底部导航隐藏。
  • 朋友圈:多种宫格布局、可播放在线视频、状态栏导航栏随列表滚动变化。
  • 完全支持夜间模式。
  • 特殊处理、知识点中文注释


Light Mode Dark Mode
HomeView HomeView
ChatView ChatView
ContactView ContactView
DiscoverView DiscoverView
MomentView MomentView
MeView MeView


  • iOS 14+
  • Xcode 12+
  • Swift 5.3+


作者 森仔

Banner 设计 @aduqin


SwiftUI-WeChat is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

  • Moment: ForEach(), Index out of range

    Moment: ForEach(), Index out of range

    感谢分享, ForEach<Range<Int>, Int, ModifiedContent<ModifiedContent<ModifiedContent<Image, _AspectRatioLayout>, _FrameLayout>, _ClipEffect<Rectangle>>> count (2) != its initial count (3).ForEach(:content:)should only be used for *constant* data. Instead conform data toIdentifiableor useForEach(:id:content:)and provide an explicitid!

    我在真机上运行发现朋友圈View下拉会导致数组越界,在ForEach里面加上id参数可以解决这个问题。 e.g. ForEach(0 ..< rows, id: \.self)

    opened by Haibo-Zhou 8
  • How to build this project?

    How to build this project?

    Hey bro,

    After fresh checkout the code doesn't really build in Xcode, it can not find Refresh and VideoPlayer package, is there any specific command I need to run? I'm using Xcode version 13.2 (13C90), which is the latest one

    (I'm an android developer recently started learning iOS)

    opened by kwang7nyc 1
  • 如何在SwiftUI中实现navigationController.popToRootViewControoler的功能


    NavigationLink多个View之后,无法直接返回根视图。 我在您项目的基础上做了个人详情页,想在用户信息页面删除用户后快速返回跟视图,但是没有找到合适的方法。 在微信中ChatView始终只有一个,比如从群聊进入用户页面,再点击发送消息到聊天也,则NavigationController中的其他ChildViewController会被移除,再进入ChatView页面,现在也无法在SwiftUI上实现

    opened by damonZDM 1
  • 全局数据问题



    opened by maik-he 1
  • Xcode14编译的版本List的头部出现空白间距



    我用xcode14 beta5编译出来的版本,在list的section header部分出现了细微的差异。 具体表现在,iOS15的section header一切正常,iOS16的section header却出现了空白间距。


    iOS16版本的C, F, G, N...上面都会出现空白部分

    iOS15 | iOS16 ------ | ------ |


    // 避免 iOS15 增加的列表顶部空白 UITableView.appearance().sectionHeaderTopPadding = 0




    opened by guo-melon 1
  • 你好,编译运行报错了


    Showing Recent Messages Couldn’t get revision ‘3c5b9531ee20e34d3a86142ca2c076a5b99afdb2^{commit}’:

    Showing Recent Messages The operation couldn’t be completed. (SwiftPM.SPMRepositoryError error 5.)

    opened by 542604974 1
  • 请教一个问题,如何像js一样阻止事件向上冒泡


    Simulator Screen Shot - iPod touch (7th generation) - 2021-10-21 at 11 32 52 如上图,怎么让只点击红色背景时才关闭弹出菜单,现在是点击菜单边缘也会关闭 ` if commonData.isPopupMenuShow{ VStack(alignment:.trailing, spacing:0){ HStack{ Spacer() topArrow .offset(x: -16, y: 0)

                    VStack(alignment: .center, spacing: 10){
                        Button("按钮1"){ }
                        Button("按钮2"){ }
                        Button("按钮3"){ }
                    .frame(width: 100)
                .background(Color.init(.sRGB, red: 0.8, green: 0.1, blue: 0.1, opacity: 0.5))
                .offset(x:-5,y: 0)
                .onTapGesture {
                    commonData.isPopupMenuShow = false


    opened by qq124719010 1
  • presentationMode 问题

    presentationMode 问题

    你好,我也是在实际项目中使用swiftui,使用你的项目也发现Xcode连接程序时调试presentationMode可以dismissed,但是关闭xcode直接在模拟器允许app时候,presentationMode的dismissed就失效了,自定义导航栏的back就不能用了 请问大神怎么处理这种情况

    opened by wingCi 5
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