Groom your Xcode environment.

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Groom your Xcode environment with xcenv.

Use xcenv to document and manage the Xcode version for your project and system. When working on multiple projects, it is often needed to support older versions of Xcode. Managing multiple Xcodes can be a problem when executing builds on the command line.

The current solutions require setting the values with xcode-select, using the path to the desired file. Additional solutions include setting DEVELOPER_DIR value to the desired path.

While these solutions work, it requires a team to use the same naming scheme, which can conflict from team to team. One team may desire to be version 6.4 and another may want it to be latest app store build. Alternatively one team may want and another may want For this reason xcenv uses the version number to synchronize this required toolset for a project.

This active documentation will help your team make sure they have the right tool to build the project. Additionaly this file can be tracked in the source code changes, and therefore will be tracked. So as your project changes Xcode versions, it can be tracked. Going back to a previous commit will warn you if it may not compile with the current tools installed.

Table Of Contents

How It Works


Shims are a script that is executed instead of the desired application to inject the desired Xcode version before the command is executed.

The shims supported will work with numerous third party tools. Some tools include Fastlane, Cocoapods, Shenzhen, and current build scripts that use xcodebuild, xcrun, or other Xcode binaries (which also includes git).

Choosing the Xcode Version

When you execute a shim, xcenv determines which Xcode version to use by reading it from the following sources, in this order:

  1. If DEVELOPER_DIR is defined, as environment or shell variable, that value will be respected and not overriden.

  2. If XCENV_VERSION is defined, as environemnt or shell variable, that value will be used to find the matching Xcode app bundle. This can be set using the xcenv shell command

  3. The first .xcode-version file found by searching the current working directory and each of its parent directories until reaching the root of your filesystem. You can modify the .xcode-version file in the current working directory with the xcenv local command.

  4. The global ~/.xcenv/.xcode-version file. You can modify this file using the xcenv global command. If the global version file is not present, xcenv assumes you want to use the "system" Xcode—i.e. whatever is returned by xcode-select -p.

Xcode Version

Xcenv supports multiple value types for the .xcode-version file.

You can set the value to the specific version desired, which will only match the specific version.


You can set the value with a regular expression. This example will match any 7.3 or 7.3.x app bundles.



Xcenv uses Spotlight with the command mdfind "kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier == ''" to search for any .app bundle with the identifier that matches Xcodes


Xcenv supports the ability to add commands via plugins. [More Details To Come.]


Basic Git Installation

To install xcenv:

$ git clone ~/.xcenv

Copy the following into your shell profile file:

export PATH="$HOME/.xcenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(xcenv init -)"


To install xcenv

$ brew install xcenv

Follow the instructions after installing, by copying the following to shell profile:

eval "$(xcenv init -)"

Command Reference

xcenv local

Sets a local project-specific Xcode version by writing the version to a .xcode-version file in the current directory. This version can be overriden by the DEVELOPER_DIR environment variable and the XCENV_VERSION variable set by the xcenv shell command.

$ xcenv local 7.3.1

When ran without a version number, xcenv local will output the current version if available.

$ xcenv local

To unset the local version use the --unset parameter.

$ xcenv local --unset

xcenv global

Sets a global Xcode version by writing the version to a .xcode-version file in the XCENV_ROOT folder. This version can be overriden by the DEVELOPER_DIR environment variable, the XCENV_VERSION variable set by the xcenv shell command, and the xcenv local command.

$ xcenv global 7.3.1

When ran without a version number, xcenv global will output the current version if available.

$ xcenv global

To unset the local version use the --unset parameter.

$ xcenv global --unset

xcenv shell

Sets a shell-specific Xcode version, by creating the environment variable XCENV_VERSION. This version can be overriden by the DEVELOPER_DIR.

$ xcenv shell 7.3.1

When ran without a version number, xcenv shell will output the current version if available.

$ xcenv shell

To unset the local version use the --unset parameter.

$ xcenv shell --unset

xcenv version

Displays the current active Xcode version.

$ xcenv version
7.3.1 set by /Users/xcenv/ProjectX/.xcode-version

xcenv rehash

Install shims for all Xcode binaries in the /usr/bin folder. The shim files will temporarily set DEVELOPER_DIR before calling the real /usr/bin/${command}

$ xcenv rehash

Environment Variables


If you want to change where all the shims and global settings are set for xcenv, you can use the XCENV_ROOT environment variable to do so. By default the value is set to XCENV_ROOT="${HOME}/.xcenv".

If you absolutely need to store everything under Homebrew's prefix, include this in your profile:

export XCENV_ROOT=#{var}/xcenv


Sometimes you don't want xcenv to shim a tool. One example is if you prefer to use the latest git from homebrew.

To exclude a file from being shimmed, set the XCENV_DO_NOT_SHIM_LIST to a list of space delimited filenames in your profile:

export XCENV_DO_NOT_SHIM_LIST="git c++"
  • [version-name] Try stripping .0 patch version to find a matching Xcode

    [version-name] Try stripping .0 patch version to find a matching Xcode

    The purpose of this PR is to add handling to xcenv-version-name to account for versions specified as X.X.0. Even though Xcode's CFBundleShortVersionString tends to drop the trailing patch number in the version specifier, it's conceivable that someone might want to include the patch version in their command for the sake of consistency (i.e.: 11.6.0, 11.6.1 etc).

    This functionality has been written such that it doesn't assume that Apple will continue the pattern of dropping the patch version in Xcode's CFBundleShortVersionString, however, this means that in all cases of a failed version match, the find_xcode_app_from_version function will be run twice. Instead, if we accept the aforementioned assumption, we can simply check whether the version passed into the command meets the X.X.0 format and simply drop the patch version immediately. Happy to take feedback on this!

    opened by robertbressi 3
  • xcenv: no such command `shell'

    xcenv: no such command `shell'


    Hi, The command xcenv shell does not seem to work in the version 1.0.4

    [Description of the bug or feature]


    OSX El Capitan

    Steps to Reproduce

    brew install xcenv
    xcenv shell 7.3.1

    Expected behavior: [What you expected to happen]

    Actual behavior: [What actually happened]

    xcenv: no such command `shell'
    opened by JanC 3
  • Use lastest `git` from brew

    Use lastest `git` from brew

    Apple Git is from Xcode, it is older. I want to use newer version, so I exec brew install git.

    But now the git in the brew will not work. The PATH of xcenv is front of /usr/local/bin:

    $ echo $PATH
    opened by Whirlwind 2
  • Xcode 9.1 not detected

    Xcode 9.1 not detected


    xcenv is not detecting XCode 9.1


    Xcode 7.3.1 Xcode 8.3.3 Xcode 9.1

    Steps to Reproduce

    I downloaded Xcode 9.1 from the dev portal and installed it in /Applcations. xcenv is detecting other XCode versions except the 9.1:

    xcenv rehash
    xcenv versions
    xcenv xcodes
    ls -al /Applications/
     xcode-select -p
     xcenv version
    /Applications/ (set by system)
    opened by JanC 2
  • xcenv not setting the correct Xcode

    xcenv not setting the correct Xcode


    Hi, I have 3 Xcode version installed (6.4, 7.3.1 and 8.0) as follows

     mdfind "kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier == ''"

    When I select the version using xcenv shell 8.0 it selects all the time the It works correctly when using xcenv local 8.0


    OSX El Capitan

    Steps to Reproduce

    xcenv  version
    /Applications/ (set by system)
    xcenv shell 8.0
    xcenv version
    /Applications/ (set by XCENV_VERSION environment variable)
    xcenv local 8.0
    xcenv version
    /Applications/ (set by /Users/admin/jenkins/workspace/sdk/sdk-compile/.xcode-version)

    Any idea what could be wrong with my setup?


    opened by JanC 2
  • Homebrew repository is not accessible

    Homebrew repository is not accessible

    The Homebrew repository ( is a private one.

    It is not possible to access it using Homebrew, git or in the browser, making the installation instructions broken.

    opened by bojan 2
  • `xcenv` does not affect the result of `xcode-select -p`

    `xcenv` does not affect the result of `xcode-select -p`


    xcenv does not affect the result of xcode-select -p.

    I'm afraid this may break some tools like fastlane, which use xcode-select -p to get the path of Xcode.


    xcenv 1.1.0 It reproduces at least on Mac OS X, Xcode [6.1|7.3.1|8.1]

    Steps to Reproduce

    1. sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
    2. xcenv local 8.1 or xcenv shell 8.1
    3. xcode-select -p

    Expected behavior: [What you expected to happen]

    Step 3 shows /Applications/

    Actual behavior: [What actually happened]

    Step 3 shows /Applications/

    xcode-select always ignores xcenv.

    opened by manicmaniac 1
  • [Feature Request] Allow version ranges (e.g. 12.2-12.3+)

    [Feature Request] Allow version ranges (e.g. 12.2-12.3+)


    Allow repos to require a range of versions. For example our dev team currently prefers 12.2 for the repo, but we are also ok with people using 12.3 locally if they choose. However we are not ok with 12.1 so we cannot use "12+". Would be great to be able to list 12.2-12.3+, or >12.2 <=12.3+


    macos 10.15.7, Xcode 12.2-12.3

    opened by tinder-owenthomas 0
  • [Feature Request] Add a shell execution command with `DEVELOPER_DIR` temporarily set to xcenv version

    [Feature Request] Add a shell execution command with `DEVELOPER_DIR` temporarily set to xcenv version


    [Description of the bug or feature]

    For example, when bootstrapping carthage frameworks, carthage doesn't use xcenv's Xcode version; Instead, it will use DEVELOPER_DIR or xcode-select's Xcode version. This will cause the project failing to build with carthage frameworks.

    Specifically, I have both Xcode 12 and Xcode 11 installed in my computer. the default xcode-select version is 12, but one of my projects is using 11, so I use xcenv local 11.7 to set the project's Xcode version to 11. But unfortunately carthage is still using 12 because that's what xcode-select sets, and DEVELOPER_DIR is empty.

    So if there's some command like xcenv exec which temporarily sets DEVELOPER_DIR it would be very convenient to collaborate with carthage. The command may be used like this:

    xcenv exec carthage bootstrap

    And that command should run:

    DEVELOPER_DIR=</Path_To_Xcode_Set_By_XCENV/Contents/Developer> carthage bootstrap


    [e.g. Mac OS X, Xcode 7.3.1]

    macOS 10.15.7(19H2) Xcode 11.7.1 Xcode 12.0.1

    opened by el-hoshino 1
  • Handle multiple Xcodes with the same version number

    Handle multiple Xcodes with the same version number

    It would be great to be able to handle multiple Xcodes with the same version number, i.e. Xcode 9.0 beta 2 and Xcode 9.0 beta 3. I suppose these could be identified by their build version, i.e. 9M174d.

    opened by chrisellsworth 1
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