Flix is a film rating application for iOS.

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Example Apps Flix

Homework 1 - Flix Part 1

Flix is a film rating application for iOS.

Submitted by: Yijie Guo

Time spent: 5 hours spent in total

User Stories

The following required functionality is complete:

  • [ x ] User sees an app icon on the home screen and a styled launch screen.
  • [ x ] User can view and scroll through a list of movies now playing in theaters.
  • [ x ] User can view the movie posters in each row.

The following optional features are implemented:

  • User can view the app on various device sizes and orientations.
  • Run your app on a real device.


I had trouble implementing the movie cell class. I kept getting the "this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key" error, which I thinnk is caused by incorrectly linking the IBbuttons.


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  • Project Feedback!

    Project Feedback!

    Looks like you are missing the README for this assignment. The README helps us to make sure we don't miss any required or optional stories you have completed.

    Make sure you have completed the following steps to completing your README:

    1. Make sure you have the correct README for this assignment, go to the "Setup" section in Assignment Tab for the corresponding week in the course portal.
    2. Please mark all implemented stories with an [x]
    3. Add a link to your animated gif walkthrough to your README and make sure it renders (animates) when viewing the README.

    Once completed, please push your updates, mark off all completed stories in your README, add your project walkthrough gif and submit your assignment again so we can regrade it.

    Still confused about how to properly submit your assignment? Check out the Submitting Coursework for detailed instructions.

    Whenever you make updates to your project that require re-grading, you need to re-submit your project using the submit button on the associated assignment page in the course portal. This will flag your project as “updated” on our end and we know to re-grade.

    You should re-submit your assignment anytime you:

    • Update a previously incomplete assignment
    • Add optional and additional features to an already completed assignment
    opened by codepathreview 0
  • Project Feedback!

    Project Feedback!

    We have a detailed Project 2 Feedback Guide which covers the best practices for implementing this assignment. Read through the feedback guide point-by-point to determine ways you might be able to improve your submission. While we won't be reviewing further revisions to this unit's submission anymore, you should consider going back and implementing these improvements as well. Keep in mind that one of the most important parts of iOS development is learning the correct patterns and conventions.

    Check out the assignment grading page for a breakdown of how submissions are scored.

    If you have any technical questions about the project or concepts covered this week, post a question on our Discussions Forum and mark the question as type, "Curiosity". For general questions email us at, support@codepath.org.

    opened by codepathreview 0
  • Project Feedback!

    Project Feedback!

    It looks like the following feature was not reflected on your GIF walkthrough:

    • Partially Shown: User sees an app icon on the home screen and a styled launch screen.
      • The app icon on the home screen was not shown. Partial point was given for this user story.

    In order for us to count these towards your submission, please record another GIF that captures these features. Once you do, please push your updates and submit your assignment again through the course portal within 48 hours from the posted deadline so that we can regrade it.

    opened by codepathreview 0
  • Project Feedback!

    Project Feedback!

    👍 Nice work! The point of this homework was to get a chance to implement a TableView (one of the most common views in iOS) and to work with real data over the network (in this case from the Movies Database API).

    A key part of these projects is that you add additional features and tweak the UI / UX because that will provide the most learning opportunities. We encourage you to complete the projects early each week with the required stories and then spend time adding your own UI elements and experimenting with optional extensions that will improve the user experience.

    We have a detailed Assignment 1 Feedback Guide which covers the best practices for implementing this assignment. Read through the feedback guide point-by-point to determine ways you might be able to improve your submission. You should consider going back and implementing these improvements as well. Keep in mind that one of the most important parts of iOS development is learning the correct patterns and conventions.

    Check out the assignment grading page for a breakdown of how submissions are scored.

    If you have any technical questions about the project or concepts covered this week, post a question on our Discussions Forum and mark the question as type, "Curiosity". For general questions email us at, support@codepath.org.

    opened by codepathreview 0
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