OMDburner is a free and Open Source Application developed using Swift.


OMDburner iOS


OMDburner is free and Open Source Application developed using Swift 4.

iOS App using OMDB API


The OMDb API is a RESTful web service to obtain movie information, all content and images on the site are contributed and maintained by our users.

iOS Swift XCode iOS

Steps to run 📲

  • Clone or download the app from this repository. 👨‍💻
  • Change the bundle identifier. ⚙️
  • Press Cmd + R to run the app. 📲
  • Do star this repo and/or contribute if you like it. 🙂



Author 👨‍💻

Ayush Singh

How to Contribute 🖋

  • Run the app - Steps are mentioned above.
  • If you face issues in any step open a new issue.
  • To fix issues: Fork this repository, make your changes and make a Pull Request.
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