A collection of missing SwiftUI components



A collection of components that will simplify and accelerate your iOS development.


  1. CurrencyTextField
  2. AdaptToKeyboard (not needed for iOS 14 beta 6+)
  3. ContactPicker


There is an example app at SwiftUIKitExampleApp which can be built and run. Just clone this repo and run it.

1. CurrencyTextField



Real time formatting of users input into currency format.


import SwiftUIKit

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var value = 0.0

    var body: some View {
        //Minimal configuration
        CurrencyTextField("Amount", value: self.$value)
        //All configurations
        CurrencyTextField("Amount", value: self.$value, alwaysShowFractions: false, numberOfDecimalPlaces: 2, currencySymbol: "US$")

2. AdaptToKeyboard



Animate view's position when keyboard is shown / hidden


import SwiftUIKit

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        VStack {
            Button(action: {}) {

3. ContactPicker



SwiftUI doesn't work well with CNContactPickerViewController if you just put it inside a UIViewControllerRepresentable. See this stackoverflow post. With ContactPicker here its just a one liner.

To enable multiple selection use onSelectContacts instead.


import SwiftUIKit

struct ContentView: View {
    @State var showPicker = false

    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            // This is just a dummy view to present the contact picker,
            // it won't display anything, so place this anywhere.
            // Here I have created a ZStack and placed it beneath the main view.
                showPicker: $showPicker,
                onSelectContact: {c in
                    self.contact = c
            VStack {
                Button(action: {
                }) {
                    Text("Pick a contact")
  • CurrencyTextField does not allow for more than 2 positions after decimal point

    CurrencyTextField does not allow for more than 2 positions after decimal point

    This looked like it would work for the project I am working on where I need a currency field to be formatted/validated for a price per unit. however, i need values with at least 4 digits past the decimal. for example, $0.0475.

    opened by KevinOlive 6
  • Issue with regional settings different from US

    Issue with regional settings different from US

    I'm not sure if it's a known bug but when region is not US, for example in Brazil where currency is R$ 999.999,99 the decimal place divider (, colon) is not allowed to be typed, only accept . dot and when you change to other field it displays correctly but maximum amount is 9.999 without decimal places. Could you please let me know if is there any workaround into your pack documentation ? I could not locate into the code.

    Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 12 - 2020-11-21 at 23 36 11 Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 12 - 2020-11-21 at 23 31 37

    opened by alphadogbkbone 4
  • How do I initialise this textField with a pre-populated value?

    How do I initialise this textField with a pre-populated value?

    Looking at the demo app in CurrencyTextFieldDemoView if I change the value from 0.0 to 4.5

    @State private var value: Double? = 4.5

    I would expect the app to launch with a value of £4.50 in the text filed however, when run, the field still only shows the Placeholder of 'Amount'. If I type nothing but click the "Print" button with it still showing the Placeholder it then prints the value it was init'd with:


    So the value is there, its just not being displayed.

    The other behaviour I think is odd, is that if I set the field to say 2.1 when I dismiss the keyboard I would expect that to re-format as £2.10 however its still displays as £2.1 which is obviously an improper currency format.

    Thanks Plasma

    good first issue 
    opened by PlasmaSoftUK 4
  • CurrencyTextField not showing decimals onChange

    CurrencyTextField not showing decimals onChange

    I'm trying to update CurrencyTextField based on another textfield but it doesn't seems to work well. The problem I'm facing is when I updated hourlySalary to a decimal like 0.02 it always round to 0

    Also the button in this view show the decimals in hourlySalary just on the initial state, if I start inputting something in any textFields then it just jumps from 2.0 to 0.0 without showing decimals

    ` import SwiftUI

    struct ContentView: View {

    @State var hourlySalary: Double? = 1.0
    @State var montlhySalary: Double? = 0.0
    @State var yearlySalary: Double? = 0.0
    @State var test: Bool = false
    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
            VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 20) {
                CurrencyTextField(currencyString(amount: 0), value: $hourlySalary)
                CurrencyTextField(currencyString(amount: 0), value: $montlhySalary)
                CurrencyTextField(currencyString(amount: 0), value: $yearlySalary, tag: 10)
                Button(action: {
                    if test {
                        hourlySalary = 0.5
                    } else {
                        hourlySalary = 2
                }, label: {
            .onChange(of: hourlySalary ?? 0, perform: { value in
                let hourly = value
                let monthly = (hourly * 8) * 20
                let yearly = monthly * 12
                montlhySalary = monthly
                yearlySalary = yearly
            .onChange(of: montlhySalary ?? 0, perform: { value in
                let monthly = value
                let hourly = (monthly / 20) / 8
                let yearly = monthly * 12
                hourlySalary = hourly
                yearlySalary = yearly
            .onChange(of: yearlySalary ?? 0, perform: { value in
                let yearly = value
                let monthly = yearly / 12
                let hourly = (monthly / 20) / 8
                hourlySalary = hourly
                montlhySalary = monthly
            .navigationTitle("What's your salary?")


    opened by LualdiD 4
  • Error when building with Xcode Version 14.0 beta 3 (14A5270f)

    Error when building with Xcode Version 14.0 beta 3 (14A5270f)

    Receiving the following build errors:

    1. /Users/dev/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AppName-hbeklfnuvwbepyaujkierepomydw/SourcePackages/checkouts/SwiftUIKit/Sources/SwiftUIKit/views/ContactPicker.swift:73:24: error build: Inheritance from non-protocol, non-class type 'ContactPicker.Coordinator' (aka 'any Coordinator')

    2. /Users/dev/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AppName-hbeklfnuvwbepyaujkierepomydw/SourcePackages/checkouts/SwiftUIKit/Sources/SwiftUIKit/views/ContactPicker.swift:91:24: error build: Inheritance from non-protocol, non-class type 'ContactPicker.Coordinator' (aka 'any Coordinator')

    opened by TheApApp 3
  • ContactPicker dismisses my sheet

    ContactPicker dismisses my sheet

    I'm displaying the ContactPicker inside a sheet and it all worked when it was contained in a form. However, I struggled with the form, so I removed it.

    Now when you chose a contact, my sheet gets dismissed.

    Any ideas?

    This code shows the issue that I am facing.

    struct ContactPickerDemoView: View {
        @State var contact: CNContact?
        @State var showPicker = false
        @State var showingSheet = false
        var body: some View {
            Button(action: {
            }) {
                Text("Show Sheet")
            .sheet(isPresented: $showingSheet) {
                ZStack {
                        showPicker: $showPicker,
                        onSelectContact: {c in
                            self.contact = c})
                        Button(action: {
                        }) {
                            Text("Pick a contact")
                        Text("\(self.contact?.givenName ?? "")")
    opened by hackzilla 2
  • Fixing Xcode 14 Coordinator warnings

    Fixing Xcode 14 Coordinator warnings

    Replaced Coordinator with ContactPickerCoordinator to silence errors with Xcode 14. Can confirm the original warnings and that this fixes it.

    (So sorry if this isn't the right way to do things...still new to GitHub...)

    Co-Authored-By: youjinp 15708500+youjinp@users.noreply.github.com

    opened by kudit 1
  • ContactPicker disables TexFields in SwiftUI view.

    ContactPicker disables TexFields in SwiftUI view.

    When using the ContactPicker, my code does not allow me to access the TextFields.. Here's my code using your Picker. `struct AddNewRecipientView: View { @Environment(.managedObjectContext) var moc @Environment(.presentationMode) var presentationMode

    private let borderWidth: CGFloat = 1.0
    @State private var lastName: String = ""
    @State private var firstName: String = ""
    @State private var addressLine1: String = ""
    @State private var addressLine2: String = ""
    @State private var city: String = ""
    @State private var state: String = ""
    @State private var zip: String = ""
    @State private var country: String = ""
    @State var showPicker = false
    init() {
        let navBarApperance = UINavigationBarAppearance()
        navBarApperance.largeTitleTextAttributes = [
            .foregroundColor: UIColor.systemGreen,
            .font: UIFont(name: "ArialRoundedMTBold", size: 35)!]
        navBarApperance.titleTextAttributes = [
            .foregroundColor: UIColor.systemGreen,
            .font: UIFont(name: "ArialRoundedMTBold", size: 20)!]
        UINavigationBar.appearance().standardAppearance = navBarApperance
        UINavigationBar.appearance().scrollEdgeAppearance = navBarApperance
        UINavigationBar.appearance().compactAppearance = navBarApperance
    var body: some View {
        NavigationView {
            GeometryReader { geomtry in
                VStack {
                    HStack {
                        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                            TextField("First Name", text: $firstName)
                        VStack(alignment: .leading) {
                            TextField("Last Name", text: $lastName)
                    TextField("Address Line 1", text: $addressLine1)
                    TextField("Address Line 2", text: $addressLine2)
                    HStack {
                        TextField("City", text: $city)
                            .frame(width: geomtry.size.width * 0.48)
                        TextField("ST", text: $state)
                            .frame(width: geomtry.size.width * 0.18)
                        TextField("Zip", text: $zip)
                            .frame(width: geomtry.size.width * 0.28)
                    TextField("Country", text: $country)
                ContactPicker(showPicker: $showPicker, onSelectContact: {contact in
                    firstName = contact.givenName
                    lastName = contact.familyName
                    if contact.postalAddresses.count > 0 {
                        if let addressString = (
                            ((contact.postalAddresses[0] as AnyObject).value(forKey: "labelValuePair")
                                as AnyObject).value(forKey: "value"))
                            as? CNPostalAddress {
                            // swiftlint:disable:next line_length
                            let mailAddress = CNPostalAddressFormatter.string(from: addressString, style: .mailingAddress)
                            addressLine1 = "\(addressString.street)"
                            addressLine2 = ""
                            city = "\(addressString.city)"
                            state = "\(addressString.state)"
                            zip = "\(addressString.postalCode)"
                            country = "\(addressString.country)"
                    } else {
                        addressLine1 = "No Address Provided"
                        addressLine2 = ""
                        city = ""
                        state = ""
                        zip = ""
                        country = ""
                        print("No Address Provided")
                }, onCancel: nil)
            .padding([.leading, .trailing], 10 )
                                    HStack {
                                        Button(action: {
                                            let contactsPermsissions = checkContactsPermissions()
                                            if contactsPermsissions == true {
                                        }, label: {
                                            Image(systemName: "magnifyingglass")
                                        Button(action: {
                                        }, label: {
                                            Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.down")
                                        Button(action: {
                                        }, label: {
                                            Image(systemName: "chevron.down.circle.fill")
    func saveRecipient() {
        if firstName != "" {
            let recipient = Recipient(context: self.moc)
            recipient.firstName = firstName
            recipient.lastName = lastName
            recipient.addressLine1 = addressLine1.capitalized(with: NSLocale.current)
            recipient.addressLine2 = addressLine2.capitalized(with: NSLocale.current)
            recipient.state = state.uppercased()
            recipient.city = city.capitalized(with: NSLocale.current)
            recipient.zip = zip
            recipient.country = country.capitalized(with: NSLocale.current)
        do {
            try moc.save()
        } catch let error as NSError {
            print("Save error: \(error), \(error.userInfo)")
    func checkContactsPermissions() -> Bool {
        let authStatus = CNContactStore.authorizationStatus(for: .contacts)
        switch authStatus {
        case .restricted:
            print("User cannot grant premission, e.g. perental controls are in force.")
            return false
        case .denied:
            print("User has denided permissions")
            // add a popup to say you have denied permissions
            return false
        case .notDetermined:
            print("you need to request authorization via the API now")
        case .authorized:
            print("already authorized")
        @unknown default:
            print("unknown error")
            return false
        let store = CNContactStore()
        if authStatus == .notDetermined {
            store.requestAccess(for: .contacts) {success, error in
                if !success {
                    print("Not authorized to access contacts. Error = \(String(describing: error))")
        return true


    opened by TheApApp 1
  • Add option to specify currency symbol.  Updated documentation

    Add option to specify currency symbol. Updated documentation

    This option si backwards compatible and sticks to default currency system symbol. If set, the currency is forced to the currency symbol specified in the initializer.

    opened by jgalindosl 1
  • The color of the text field does not automatically change

    The color of the text field does not automatically change

    This section of code is wrong https://github.com/youjinp/SwiftUIKit/blob/3f3dc095ead21c90355e4b18ad6fc5ecb2bc97e7/Sources/SwiftUIKit/views/CurrencyTextField.swift#L151

    Rather that checking the color at runtime, it should just set the color to UIColor.label so that the system automatically adapts it when the user changes it. Will submit a PR later when I’m front of a computer

    opened by ghost 0
  • Update currencyTextField and readme

    Update currencyTextField and readme

    • update CurrencyTextField to be focusable
    • removed keyboard accessory "done" button
    • use view extensions dismissKeyboardOnTap and dismissKeyboardOnSwipe instead to dismiss the keyboard
    • update readme
    opened by youjinp 0
  • Given option to pass locale in Currency TextFields

    Given option to pass locale in Currency TextFields

    Currency TextField was taking phone locale for Number Formatter. there was no option to provide fixed Locale added that.

    The TextField was taking only 9 chracters. Increased that to 20 characters.

    opened by veereshKS 0
  • CurrencyTextField should use decimal rather than double

    CurrencyTextField should use decimal rather than double

    given this is dealing with financial data should really use Decimal to ensure no loss of precision for large values or for currencies that commonly use large values eg. yen, Indonesian rupiah etc.

    opened by bcyng 0
  • ContactPicker: closes parent sheet when ContactPicker is closed

    ContactPicker: closes parent sheet when ContactPicker is closed

    removing line 58 fixes it,

    viewModel.dummy.dismiss(animated: true)

    but I believe it was there for some reason. I'm new to Swift so I need some help in making a PR for that.

    opened by dderg 1
  • CurrencyTextField textAlignment property is not used

    CurrencyTextField textAlignment property is not used

    Setting textAlignment in the CurrencyTextField constructor does not do anything. Alignment is set by the SwiftUI multilineTextAlignment context, and the textAlignment property is never accessed in the source code.

    opened by AustinBrrtt 1
  • CurrencyTextField ignores RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle

    CurrencyTextField ignores RoundedBorderTextFieldStyle

    Sorry, me again, it seems that its not possible to apply this setting to the Currency Text Field:


    When I add this option nothing about the text field appearance changes, it is in a view with other normal TextFields and so I would like it to be styled the same. I can get close to the effect I am wanting using this:


    This gives a white background with black text and rounded corners, but just like a normal TextField when viewing in Dark Mode it's all black as it ignores the white background. So the above styling option would fix that but doesn't work.

    Kind Regards


    opened by PlasmaSoftUK 1
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