66 Repositories
Swift background-fetch Libraries
Refresh your Live Activity with the "sound" background mode.
Live Activity Background Update Demo A demo about how to refresh Live Activity with the "sound" background mode. The Basics While in the background, L
**`withCheckedContinuation`'s body will run on background thread in case of starting from main-actor.**
ConcurrencyContinuationReproduce Differences of Concurrency behaviors between Xcode 14.0 and 14.1 Xcode 14.0 iOS 13+: Runs on main (inherited same con
Easy background refresh registration, scheduling, execution, and completion. BGTaskScheduler for the lazy.
EasyBackgroundRefresh Easy background refresh registration, scheduling, execution, and completion. BGTaskScheduler for the lazy. Usage For fast refres
A Swift library to fetch the schema from a SQLite3 database.
SQLite3Schema A small library to fetch the schema of a SQLite database. Contains a SQLite3 helper module for Linux. TBD. Uses just the raw SQLite API.
Receive keyboard input even when Unity.app is in the background with no focus on macOS.
UnityAppEventMonitor Unity Native Plugin for NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEvents. Receive keyboard input even when Unity.app is in the background with n
SwiftUI iOS app which applies CoreML Video Matting (background removal) model to the front camera stream
CoreML Camera Video Matting This is a simple iOS app which applies Video Matting (background removal) model to the front camera stream. Video Matting
CryptoWatch is an application to fetch the currency datas from an api and show their updated values to user. User is able to get the coin datas without an extra effort.
CryptoTracker In order to combine my work and studies, I made a small project that keeps the user's registration datas in memory, checks them when nee
A SwiftUI proof-of-concept, and some sleight-of-hand, which adds rain to a view's background
Atmos A SwiftUI proof-of-concept, and some sleight-of-hand, which adds rain to a view's background. "Ima use this in my app..." Introducing Metal to S
ITunesFeedGenerator - This library provides very simple and Swiftly way to fetch feeds from iTunes Store
ITunesFeedGenerator This library provides very simple and Swiftly way to fetch feeds from iTunes Store: Most Played Songs. Top Free or Paid Books. Top
Fetch a XML feed and parse it into objects
AlamofireXmlToObjects 🚨 This is now a subspec of EVReflection and the code is maintained there. 🚨 You can install it as a subspec like this: use_fra
A SwiftUI implementation of AppleCard's animated colorful blur background.
Colorful A SwiftUI implementation of AppleCard's animated colorful blur background. Preview Usage import Colorful var body: some View { ColorfulV
Background sounds feature from iOS 15 on iOS 11+
Tranquil Background sounds feature from iOS 15 on iOS 11+ Only physically tested on iOS 14.3 and iOS 12.1.2, but it should support iOS 11 - iOS 15.x (
A dead-simple abstraction over the iOS BackgroundTask API to make background tasks easy to isolate, maintain and schedule
A dead-simple abstraction over the iOS BackgroundTask API to make background tasks easy to isolate, maintain and schedule. Designed to be as lightweight and flexible as possible while tightly integrating with the system APIs. And It's built with Swift Concurrency in mind.
FoggyColors - Beautiful randomly generated colored shapes on the background with SwiftUI
FoggyColors Example To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod inst
CLI tool to fetch a webpage's contents after it has finished loading
webpage-dl Fetch a webpage's contents via CLI after it has finished loading. Scraping HTML from webpages can't always be done via curl as it is often
Generator of settings icon by SF Symbols. Customisable background color and ready-use in table cell.
SPSettingsIcons Generate settings icons by Apple's SF Symbols. For safe using SFSymbols see SPSafeSymbols library. Installation Swift Package Manager
ProductListSwiftUI - SwiftUI Project to fetch product list using the fakestoreapi and the MVVM architectural pattern
ProductListSwiftUI SwiftUI Project to fetch product list using the fakestoreapi
Weather - Use Open weather APIs to fetch live weather data
Weather 🌤️ Use Open weather APIs to fetch live weather data Use Core Location p
SimplePlayer - A simple application to fetch songs from iTunes Library by searching song's artist
SimplePlayer is a simple application to fetch songs from iTunes Library by searching song's artist.
Snitch - A handy library to access useful information about your application from the Home Screen
Snitch Access your app's useful information from Home Screen Table of Contents I
SharePlay-TextEditor - An iOS & iPadOS application, by which people can write/edit texts and change font-styles/background color over FaceTime call
SharePlay-TextEditor An iOS & iPadOS application, by which people can write/edit
VideoBackgroundSwiftUI - Video Background loop made with SwiftUI
VideoBackgroundSwiftUI (Updated) Video Background loop made with SwiftUI Video N
A script to fetch packages via Github search and diff them against SPI
spi-package-importer importer is a command line utility with three subcommands: fetch package lists from Github via search and save them to JSON files
Patchman - A macOS application to test APIs with HTTP methods (Decluttered Postman)
Patchman A macOS application to test APIs with HTTP methods (Decluttered Postman
A basic iOS app that takes input from the user, displays it, allows changing both text color and background color.
Hello-iOSApp App Description A basic iOS app that takes input from the user, displays it, allows changing both text color and background color. App Wa
VideoSplashKit - UIViewController library for creating easy intro pages with background videos
VideoSplashKit - Video based UIViewController Introduction Requires iOS 8 or later and Xcode 6.1+ Swift support uses dynamic frameworks and is therefo
Lightweight Core Data fetch framework
FetchKit Lightweight Core Data fetch framework. With FetchKit you can easily fetch data from store without creating NSFetchRequest. Usage Example Core
To practice URLSession to fetch json data from open weather API
⛅️ weatherApp-iOS-practice 📌 기능 상세 도시 이름을 입력하면 현재 날씨 정보를 가져와 화면에 표시되게 만들어야 합니다
UIImageView subclass that allows you to display a looped video and dynamically switch it.
AKVideoImageView Motivation AKVideoImageView was created because I wasn't satisfied with the standard AVPlayer when I was implementing a video backgro
The app that cuts out the person and synthesizes the background
PersonSegmentationSampler The app that cuts out the person and synthesizes the background. How to build 1, Download or Clone this project and open in
📹 Framework to Play a Video in the Background of any UIView
SwiftVideoBackground is an easy to use Swift framework that provides the ability to play a video on any UIView. This provides a beautiful UI for login
A swift and objective-C object that lets you add a background video to iOS views
BackgroundVideoiOS This is an Object/Class which lets you add a background video to iOS app views. This is seen at login views of some famous apps lik
Dynamic blur background view with tint color (UIVisualEffectView subclass) 📱
VisualEffectView VisualEffectView is a blur effect library with tint color support. This library uses the UIVisualEffectView to generate the blur. Dem
This app is a sample app that recognizes specific voice commands such as "make it red", "make it blue", "make it green", and "make it black" and change the background color of the view in the frame.
VoiceOperationSample This app is a sample app that recognizes specific voice commands such as "make it red", "make it blue", "make it green", and "mak
Lightweight library to set an Image as text background. Written in swift.
 Simple and light weight UIView that animate text with an image. Demo
Simple application for creating QR code with a background
BeautifyQR Импортирует исходный QR-код из галереи Накладывает его на выбранную картинку с фоном Полученную картинку можно вынести виджетом на домашний
Fetch the update available status for iOS or macOS apps based on the bundle identifier.
AppUpdately Fetch the update status for a given app bundle identifier, without the need of any remote configuration. Simply provide your app's bundle
NYT Fetch Feeds Aviroc Test
NewYorkTimesNewsFeed iOS Project to load Build & Run Project Clone project github url provided Open project in Xcode by double clicking on AvriocTest.
Fetch the star wars api from all the planets and list and show details using Swift UI and Combine
Star Wars Planets Fetch the star wars planet data by using stat war api, list and show details using SwiftUI and Combine frameworks 🔖 Swift UI Framew
Replicates detecting and broadcasting iBeacons in the background
Vicinity Vicinity replicates iBeacons and supports broadcasting and detecting low-energy bluetooth devices in the background. It is built with CoreBlu
Random image and background color with swift
Random-image-and-background-color Hello, this is my first project. Frankly, I got this idea from the "IOS Academy" page, but: color scale for the back
Use Yelp API to fetch restuarants around a location and show them in a table view
Yelp Use Yelp API to fetch restuarants around a location and show them in a table view - Infinite scrolling, Prefetching, Image Caching. Design Patter
Simple Background Fetch Tasks
Simple Background Fetch Tasks
Bluetooth mesh messaging SDK for apps
Berkanan SDK Berkanan SDK enables Bluetooth mesh messaging between nearby apps. It's the framework used by Berkanan Messenger (Product Hunt, TechCrunc
A very simple library to discover and retrieve data from nearby devices (even if the peer app works at background).
Discovery: A simple library to discover and retrieve data from nearby devices. Discovery is a very simple but useful library for discovering nearby de
Domain Specific Language to safely build predicates and requests to fetch a CoreData store
SafeFetching This library offers a DSL (Domain Specific Language) to safely build predicates and requests to fetch a CoreData store. Also a wrapper ar
A SwiftUI app that fetch images from The Dog API and The Cat API
Cat-Or-Dog-App A SwiftUI app that fetch images from The Dog API and The Cat API, then classify the species of dogs or cats with confidence level. The
Effortlessly synchronize UserDefaults over iCloud.
Zephyr 🌬️ Effortlessly sync UserDefaults over iCloud About Zephyr synchronizes specific keys and/or all of your UserDefaults over iCloud using NSUbiq
The best way to watch Put.io on iPhone and iPad
The best way to watch Put.io on iPhone and iPad
PrettyBorder is a SwiftUI package for managing an customized border and background at any kind of view.
PrettyBorder Description PrettyBorder is a SwiftUI package for managing an customized border and background at any kind of view. Preview of end result
macOS status bar app to automatically fetch Git repositories.
Fetcher About macOS status bar app to automatically fetch Git repositories. License Project is released under the terms of the MIT License. Repository
MIBlurPopup lets you create popups with a blurred background
MIBlurPopup MIBlurPopup lets you create amazing popups with a blurred background Setup Add pod 'MIBlurPopup' to your Podfile or copy the "MIBlurPopup.
Creating a blurred window background in Mac Catalyst
TransparentChrome In response to a developer question, I looked for the easiest way to provide a translucent full-window chrome with a blurred backgro
A flexible container view featuring a solid background with rounded corners.
A flexible container view featuring a solid background with rounded corners.
Colorful - A SwiftUI implementation of AppleCard's animated colorful blur background.
Colorful - A SwiftUI implementation of AppleCard's animated colorful blur background.
iOS WKWebView webview App Template with fully working persistent cookies functionality (httpcookie, web cookie, browser cookie), custom status bar background color, option for white/black status bar text color, option to disable pinch to zoom and double tap to zoom in webview
iOSWKWebViewAppTemplatePersistentCookiesWorkLikeACharm iOS WKWebView webview App Template with fully working persistent cookies functionality (httpcoo
SwiftUI Animation Library. Useful SwiftUI animations including Loading/progress, Looping, On-off, Enter, Exit, Fade, Spin and Background animations that you can directly implement in your next iOS application or project. The library also contains huge examples of spring animations such as Inertial Bounce, Shake, Twirl, Jelly, Jiggle, Rubber Band, Kitchen Sink and Wobble effects. Browse, find and download the animation that fits your needs.
swiftui-animations SwiftUI Animations Library. Useful SwiftUI animations for your next project. YouTube Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/nimbbble An
Fetch Multiple Rest API using Swift 5.5 Async Await with Task, TaskGroup, Continuation API
Source code for Tutorial on experimenting with Swift Async Await to fetch multiple REST API endpoints and eliminate Pyramid of Doom callback hell to improve code readability and maintanability
AsyncTimer is a precision asynchronous timer. You can also use it as a countdown timer
AsyncTimer 🌟 Features Can work as a countdown timer Can work as a periodic Timer Can work as a scheduled timer Working with user events (like: scroll
Lightweight library to set an Image as text background. Written in swift.
Simple and light weight UIView that animate text with an image.
VGPlayer - 📺 A simple iOS video player by Vein.
Swift developed based on AVPlayer iOS player,support horizontal gestures Fast forward, pause, vertical gestures Support brightness and volume adjustment, support full screen, adaptive screen rotation direction.
📹 Framework to Play a Video in the Background of any UIView
SwiftVideoBackground is an easy to use Swift framework that provides the ability to play a video on any UIView. This provides a beautiful UI for login
UIView+CameraBackground - Show camera layer as a background to any UIView.
UIView+CameraBackground Show camera layer as a background to any UIView. Features Both front and back camera supported. Flash modes: auto, on, off. Co
StorageManager - FileManager framework that handels Store, fetch, delete and update files in local storage
StorageManager - FileManager framework that handels Store, fetch, delete and update files in local storage. Requirements iOS 8.0+ / macOS 10.10+ / tvOS
Zephyr synchronizes specific keys and/or all of your UserDefaults over iCloud using NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore.
Zephyr 🌬️ Effortlessly sync UserDefaults over iCloud About Zephyr synchronizes specific keys and/or all of your UserDefaults over iCloud using NSUbiq