7 Repositories
Swift bot Libraries
TwitchIRC - A Swift package for parsing/serializing Twitch IRC messages
TwitchIRC A Swift package to take of parsing/serializing Twitch IRC messages for
Someone - Someone utilizes GPT-3 to deliver a unique chat bot app experience
Someone - An IOS App Someone utilizes GPT-3 to deliver a unique chat bot app exp
A WIP Swift wrapper for Discord's Bot API.
Quickcord Quickcord is a WIP Swift wrapper for Discord's Bot API. Features (As of right now) Connecting the the gateway and identifying. Literally eve
Swift Bot with Vapor for Telegram Bot Api
Telegram Vapor Bot Please support Swift Telegram Vapor Bot Lib development by giving a ⭐️ Telegram Bot based on Swift Vapor. Swift Server Side Communi
Swiftbot on slack. Inspired by kishikawakatsumi/swift-compiler-discord-bot
Swiftbot Swiftbot on slack. Inspired by kishikawakatsumi/swift-compiler-discord-bot Usage $ swiftbot --token xoxb-xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxx
Telegram Bot Framework written in Swift 5.1 with SwiftNIO network framework
Telegrammer is open-source framework for Telegram Bots developers. It was built on top of Apple/SwiftNIO
SDK for creating Telegram Bots in Swift.
Chat • Changelog • Prerequisites • Getting started • Creating a new bot • Generating Xcode project • API overview • Debugging notes • Examples • Docum