4 Repositories
Swift checkmark Libraries
Action Sheet with check mark like PodCasts app.
JCActionSheet Action Sheet with check mark like PodCasts app. Usage in Swift: let actionSheet = JCActionSheet.init(title: nil, delegate: self, cancelB
Nicely animated flat design switch alternative to UISwitch
AIFlatSwitch A smooth, nice looking and IBDesignable flat design switch for iOS. Can be used instead of UISwitch. Inspired by Creativedash's Dribbble
Tasteful Checkbox for iOS. (Check box)
BEMCheckBox BEMCheckBox is an open source library making it easy to create beautiful, highly customizable, animated checkboxes for iOS. Table of Conte
UICollectionViewCell with checkbox when it isSelected and empty circle when not - like Photos.app "Select" mode.
CheckmarkCollectionViewCell UICollectionViewCell with checkbox when it isSelected and empty circle when not - like Photos.app "Select" mode. Usage cla