105 Repositories
Swift html-dom-parser Libraries
CSVParser - A swift library for fast read and write CSV file
CSVParser A swift library for fast read and write CSV file. This library supports all Apple platform and Linux. List to do get column by string subscr
CodableCSV - Read and write CSV files row-by-row or through Swift's Codable interface.
CodableCSV provides: Imperative CSV reader/writer. Declarative CSV encoder/decoder. Support multiple inputs/outputs: Strings, Data blobs, URLs, and St
SwiftCLI - A powerful framework for developing CLIs in Swift
SwiftCLI A powerful framework for developing CLIs, from the simplest to the most complex, in Swift.
Straightforward, type-safe argument parsing for Swift
Swift Argument Parser Usage Begin by declaring a type that defines the information that you need to collect from the command line. Decorate each store
OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 Parser and Swift code generator
SwagGen SwagGen is a library and command line tool for parsing and generating code for OpenAPI/Swagger 3.0 specs, completely written in Swift. Swagger