CSVParser - A swift library for fast read and write CSV file

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CSV swift csv-parser


A swift library for fast read and write CSV file. This library supports all Apple platform and Linux.

Carthage compatible Plafrom

List to do

  • get column by string subscript
  • error
  • initialization from string
  • Convert JSON To CSV
  • Convert CSV To JSON
  • Concurrent parse


  • Swift 4.0+


Swift Package Manager(Support Ubuntu)

If you want to use this package on Ubuntu, you shounld install with Swift Package Manager

In Package.swift file

import PackageDescription

let package = Package(
  name: "YourProject",
  dependencies: [
    .Package(url: "https://github.com/Nero5023/CSVParser",
        majorVersion: 1),

Run command

$ swift build


To integrate CSVParser into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

2.0.0 ">
github "Nero5023/CSVParser" ~> 2.0.0

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built CSVParser.framework into your Xcode project.



let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile")

//catch error
do {
	let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile")
}catch {
	// Error handing

// Custom delimiter
do {
	let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile", delimiter: ";")
}catch {
	// Error handing

// init from elements
let csv = try CSVParser(elements: [["a", "b", "c"], ["1", "2", "3"]])

Read data

do {
	let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile")
	// get every row in csv
	for row in csv {
        print(row) // ["first column", "sceond column", "third column"]
    // get row by int subscript 
    csv[10] // the No.10 row
    // get column by string subscript
    csv["id"] // column with header key "id" 
}catch {
	// Error handing

Write data

do {
	let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile")
	// get every row in csv
	csv[0] = ["test0", "test1", "test2"]
	csv.wirite(toFilePath: "path/to/destination/file")
}catch {
	// Error handing


// get row by int subscript 
csv[10] // the No.10 row
// get column by string subscript
csv["id"] // column with header key "id" 

Get dictionary elements

for dic in csv.enumeratedWithDic() {
	print(dic) // dic is [String: String]	


The result json type is [{"header0": "a","header1": "b"},{"header0": "a", "header1": "b"}]

do {
	let jsonStr = try csv.toJSON()
}catch {
	// Error handing

JSON to CSV string

Now only support this json type [{"header0": "a","header1": "b"},{"header0": "a", "header1": "b"}]

do {
	let csvString = try CSVParser.jsonToCSVString(jsonData: jsonData) // jsonData is the Data type ot json
}catch {
	// Error handing
  • ";" delimiter... crash ?

    Hi !

    So, excel being excel, it exports utf-8 csv using semi-columns (;) characters as delimiters, and \r as line separators.

    So I specified those as such... and running crashes the program in Xcode, hitting a breakpoint in the CFHash thread, before stopping with

    Message from debugger: Terminated due to signal 9

    I don't have any breakpoint in my code, and CSVParser is the only framework I'm using. Any idea ?

    Just in case, here's my function

        func importCSV(filePath: String) {
    	do {
    		let delimeter: Character = ";"
    		let lineSeparator: Character = "\r"
    		let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: filePath, delimiter: delimeter, lineSeparator: lineSeparator)
    		var i = 0
    		for row in csv {
    			print("Row \(i): \(row)\n") // ["first column", "sceond column", "third column"]
    			i += 1
    		do {
    			let jsonStr = try csv.toJSON()
    			consoleIO.writeMessage("json: \(jsonStr)")
    		} catch let csvToJsonError {
    			consoleIO.writeMessage(csvToJsonError.localizedDescription, to: .error)
    	} catch let error {
    		consoleIO.writeMessage(error.localizedDescription, to: .error)

    Using a random character as delimiter (such as "j") makes it work just fine... almost.

    csv.toJSON() fails on the enumeratedWithDic() function, but I guess it's because there aren't any headers (since "j" isn't really a delimiter in the csv file ^^")

    opened by El-Fitz 3
  • Can't form a Character from an empty String

    Can't form a Character from an empty String

    Hi there!

    I'm trying to initialize a CSVParser from a String and I'm getting a fatal error.

    Line 29 of parser.swift is if inputContents[cursor] == quotes {

    This line is throwing fatal error: Can't form a Character from an empty String

    inputContents[cursor] and quotes are both equal to a single " and I've tried several things trying to debug this but got nowhere.

    This is the string I'm passing to the initializer with let csvParser = try CSVParser(content: csvString) is:

    "Subject 1 #hashtagone","http://example.com/one"
    "Subject 2 #hashtagtwo","http://example.com/two"
    "Subject 3 #hashtagthree","http://example.com/three"

    Any ideas?

    opened by codesman 2
  • Headers property?

    Headers property?

    It would be nice to be able to have headers parsed separately from rows(if the file has headers) so you could do something like let csv = CSVParser(content: string, hasHeaders: true) and then be able to let headers = csv.headers and let rows = csv.rows

    opened by codesman 1
  • Restrict APIs to those allowed in app extensions

    Restrict APIs to those allowed in app extensions

    This turns on the build option to restrict API usage to only APIs allow in app extensions. This setting is on the "General" tab of the build settings for each of the CSVParser and CSVParseriOS targets in the project.

    Turning this on allows the framework to be included in app extensions on both macOS and iOS.


    opened by bradsokol 0
  • Cannot assign through subscript: subscript is get-only after swift 4.1

    Cannot assign through subscript: subscript is get-only after swift 4.1

    When i try to Write data

    let csv = try CSVParser(filePath: "path/to/csvfile")
    // get every row in csv
        below line throws an error after updating to 4.1
    csv[0] = ["test0", "test1", "test2"]  //  **Cannot assign through subscript: subscript is get-only**
    csv.wirite(toFilePath: "path/to/destination/file")
    opened by iNarendra 0
  • Unable to install onto actual iPhone

    Unable to install onto actual iPhone

    Whenever one of my project is run with CSVParser as one of its frameworks (and even when it is the only framework used in the entire project), and run on an actual iPhone, the error "This Application's bundle identifier does not match its code signing identifier". Are there any solutions to this problem by anyone?

    opened by peironggg 0
  • Not able to build on last xcode, swift 4.1

    Not able to build on last xcode, swift 4.1

    extension CSVParser: RangeReplaceableCollection {
      public func replaceSubrange<C>(_ subrange: Range<Int>, with newElements: C) where C : Collection, C.Iterator.Element == Array<String> {
        self._rows.replaceSubrange(subrange, with: newElements)
      public func reserveCapacity(_ n: Int) {

    Here i have got error.

    opened by KanybekMomukeyev 5
  • Crash on Linux

    Crash on Linux

    I got an error when running an app on Ubuntu.

    Fatal error: init(contentsOfFile:usedEncoding:) is not yet implemented: file Foundation/NSString.swift, line 1308

    It's caused by this line

    public convenience init(filePath: String, delimiter: Character = ",", lineSeparator: Character = "\n") throws {
        let fileContent = try String(contentsOfFile: filePath) // <-- this line
        try self.init(content: fileContent, delimiter: delimiter, lineSeparator: lineSeparator)

    You should consider to use the same method with explicit encoding. Following code works well on Ubuntu:

    let fileContent = try String(contentsOfFile: filePath, encoding: .utf8)
    opened by honghaoz 0
  • Russian Excel problem in encoding

    Russian Excel problem in encoding

    Hi, thanks for great library! Have some issues:

    (1) I have some problems in text encoding in Russian excel file, what can cause this issue? (2) Also, it would be best to write some performance test, because in large files it's working slowly.

    img_2017-03-13 12 23 10

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