6 Repositories
Swift minimalist Libraries
Simple and minimalist weather app that displays the current conditions.
Minimalistic Weather App Project Description In this project, I have developed a simple and minimalist weather app, where I use the Current Weather Da
Minimalist HTTP request library via async / await
Making HTTP API requests in Swift using Foundation can be verbose and use a mix of types like URL, URLComponents and URLRequest to form a request and then handling all the encoding and decoding steps later
'Minimalistic Push' is a minimalistic push-up application now built with Flutter.
Minimalistic Push Minimalistic Push is one of the simplest push-up trackers out there. You can track your push-ups in the training mode and see an ove
A Simple And Minimalist iOS AlertController
HYAlertController HYAlertController is a minimalist alert control, that contains a variety of usage scenarios. It has the same syntax as Apple's UIAle
Minimalist library to manage one-off operations.
Once(简体中文) Once allows you to manage the number of executions of a task using an intuitive API. Highlight Safe Efficient Persistent Usage Token Token
Dead-simple queue-oriented client for Spotify
Spotiqueue A terribly simple macOS app for keyboard-based, queue-oriented Spotify use. Many years ago i built a version which relied on a now-deprecat