4 Repositories
Swift modularization Libraries
Base projects for Devpass' Dev Sprints
Modularization Challenge - iOS ⚙️ In this challenge, we will refactor an iOS application separating the functionality into independent, interchangeabl
The template for SwiftPM-based highly modularized (iOS) applications
basic-ios-template Getting started Fork the repo as a template. Create a local folder for your app and navigate to it mkdir YourAppName cd YourAppN
Finance App written in Swift and SwiftUI
Finance App written in Swift and SwiftUI. Modular MVVM architecture (SPM) with Composition Root.
decoupling between modules in your iOS Project. iOS模块化过程中模块间解耦方案
DecouplingKit 中文readme Podfile platform :ios, '7.0' pod 'DecouplingKit', '~ 0.0.2' DecouplingKit, decoupling between modules in your iOS Project. D